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The Library of Low-Fidelity Vehicle Models is a collection of vehicle models of three varying fidelities each with Nvidia GPU and CPU versions:

  1. 11 Degree Of Freedom (DOF) Model - CPU, Nvidia GPU
  2. 18 Degree Of Freedom (DOF) Model - CPU, Nvidia GPU
  3. 24 Degree Of Freedom (DOF) Model - CPU, Nvidia GPU

Details about the model can be found in the respective READMEs or in the paper here. Here we discuss the build instructions as well as instructions to run the models.


  1. CMake Version 3.10 or higher For linux users, you can install CMake using the following command
sudo apt-get install cmake
  1. C++ Compiler (GCC/Clang) with C++17 support For linux users, you can install GCC using the following command
sudo apt-get install g++
  1. Python3 (for the Python Wrapper)
  2. SWIG (for the Python Wrapper) For linux users, you can install SWIG using the following command
sudo apt-get install swig
  1. Sundials (Optional - for the Sundials integrator) - See build instructions here
  2. Nvidia GPU along with NVCC and CUDA Version 8.0 or higher (for the GPU versions of models). We recommend installing the CUDA Toolkit to meet these dependencies

Build instructions

A CMake configuration is used for both the C++ model and the Python Wrapper. First, in the CWD (PATH_TO_REPO/wheeled_vehicle_models/11dof/) create a folder build and move into it

mkdir build
cd build

Assuming you have CMake installed, run

ccmake ../

It's important to highlight that there are several methods to set the CMake options. The command provided earlier launches a curses-based GUI for CMake, which allows you to configure options interactively. Alternatively, you could use the cmake-gui for a graphical interface, or you can set the CMake options directly from the command line. The method you choose for setting the options is not as crucial as ensuring the correct options are set. Below is a detailed explanation of the available CMake options to help you configure them according to your environment for building the models.

Setting CMake options

Once you launch the curses-based GUI for CMake, you will see an Empty Cache, hit c on your keyboard to see the CMake options. Here is the description of the CMake options

  • BUILD_11DOF - Bool to switch on the building of the CPU version of 11 DOF model. Default: OFF
  • BUILD_18DOF - Bool to switch on the building of the CPU version of 18 DOF model. Default: OFF
  • BUILD_24DOF - Bool to switch on the building of the CPU version of 24 DOF model. Default: OFF
  • BUILD_11DOF_GPU - Bool to switch on the building of the Nvidia GPU version of 11 DOF model. Default: OFF
  • BUILD_18DOF_GPU - Bool to switch on the building of the Nvidia GPU version of 18 DOF model. Default: OFF
  • BUILD_24DOF_GPU - Bool to switch on the building of the Nvidia GPU version of 24 DOF model. Default: OFF
  • BUILD_PYTHON_MODULE - Bool to switch on the building of the Python wrapper. Default: OFF
  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE - Set the Build type (Release or Debug). Press t on your keyboard to toggle to advanced mode and see what Flags these build types use. Default: Debug
  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX - Defines the root directory for installation when using the install target. Default (on Linux): /usr/local
  • USE_OPENMP - Option to switch ON OpenMP for calculation of system RHS Jacobians. Leads to about 2X speed up. Default: OFF
  • USE_SUNDIALS - Option to link against Sundials and use the CVODES integrator to solve the system ODE's - Default: OFF

Once these options are set, hit c to configure. When USE_SUNDIALS is set to ON, you will be required to provide responses to additional CMake options.

Optional - GPU models

If you set the ON for the GPU models, you also have the choice to set the following CMake options - we however recommend leaving these in their default state

  • CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES - Set this to the CUDA Architecture in your machine for highly optimized code. See here for more details. Default: 52
  • CUDA_HOST_COMPILER - Path to CUDA compiler. This can be left empty for now. Default: blank
  • CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR - Path to CUDA SDK. Leave as is. Default: blank
  • CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR - Path to the CUDA Toolkit. Should be automatically filled in. Default: path_to_toolkit_on_your_machine
  • CUDA_USE_STATIC_CUDA_RUNTIME - Boolean for whether CUDA runtime is statically linked. Leave as is. Default: ON
  • CUDA_rt_LIBRARY - Path to CUDA runtime library. Should be automatically filled in. Default: path_to_runtime_library_on_your_machine

Optional - Sundials

To use the Sundials integrator, you must have the Sundials library built and set USE_SUNDIALS to ON.

Building Sundials

For linux users we provide a build script here which can be used to build Sundials. Just run


This will create a sundials build directory in the PATH_TO_REPO/wheeled_vehicle_models/ called sundials-build. When configuring the CMake options, you will need to set the SUNDIALS_DIR to the absolute path of this directory.

For Windows users, please refer to the official Sundials' installation instructions. Ensure that you set options BUILD_CVODE and BUILD_CVODES to ON.

Setting Sundials directory

Once Sundials is built successfully, USE_SUNDIALS is set to ON and c is hit to configure, the following option will appear

  • SUNDIALS_DIR - Here, set the absolute path to the sundials build directory. This is the directory in which the SUNDIALSConfig.cmake file is found. If you used the build script provided above, this path will be PATH_TO_REPO/wheeled_vehicle_models/sundials-build. Once this path is correctly set, hit c to configure.


Once all the required options are set hit c to configure and g to generate. This will then populate your build directory with the necessary makefile with which you can build the 11 DOF model along with its demos by running

make -j4

We recommend to not run make install to ensure path consistencies for the demos (as they call upon certain data files relative to the build directory).
Once this is run, the build folder will be populated with the executables of the demos and the Python library (if BUILD_PYTHON_MODULE is set to ON).

Python Wrapper

Since the Python module is built using SWIG, the path to the Python wrapper library needs to be appended to PYTHON_PATH. This library can be found in the build directory mentioned above and its path can be set (on Linux) permanently using the following instructions

  1. First, open your bashrc or zshrc file in a text-editor.
  2. To this file add the following line
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:PATH_TO_REPO/wheeled_vehicle_models/build/"
  1. Source the bashrc or zshrc file
source ~/.zshrc

To check if you have correctly built the Python module, run (taking the 11 DOF model as an example)

import pydof11 as dof11

How do I use the models?

The above process will populate the build folder with executables of the demos from each of the models. Each models executables are placed in their respective folders. For example, the 11 DOF model demos are placed in ./build/11dof/. Many of these demos require command line arguments specifying the input controls for the vehicles. For a description of how to create these control input files, or how to use the default control input files provided, see, for instance for the 11 DOF model, here.

Example of running a demo

To run any of the executables of the demos, you can run the following command from the build directory providing the necessary command line arguments. To showcase an example of the entire workflow, we provide an example here.

Suppose you would like to run the 18 dof HMMWV vehicle demo with the half-implicit integrator. The source code for this demo can be found here. At the top of the source code, you will find the instructions for running the demo. In this case, we see that we need to provide an input file with the driver inputs. You can either create this input file from scratch, or use an already existing one. For the 18 DOF model, you can see all the available input files here. For this example, we will use the acc3.txt file which provides a ramp throttle input for a 10 second simulation. To run this demo, first move to the folder which contains the executable for the demo

cd build/18dof/

Then run the executable with the input file as an argument

./demo_hmmwv_hi_18 acc3

Notice that the input file name is provided without the .txt extension. This will run the demo with the provided input file. The demo also outputs a csv file with the vehicle states and some additional information at a user specified frequency in a user specified output directory. For this demo, the frequency is set to 100 Hz and the output file is set to 18dof/data/output/{INPUT_FILE_NAME}.csv. You can then go to this folder and view the output csv file.

The overall structure of the demos in each of the models is similar. The source code for the demos can be found in the demos folder of each model. The input files can be found in the data/input folder of each model. The output files are saved in the data/output folder of each model.