The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
0.9.5 - 2025-03-17
- merging of contacts with disabled custom fields
0.9.4 - 2025-03-13
- occurances of internal server errors when merging duplicate contacts
- always exclude globally assigned assistants and experimenter
- allow queue job to be mapped to multiple entities
0.9.3 - 2025-02-27
- search bar for "find duplicates" overview
- password reset for admins
0.9.2 - 2025-02-27
- store all invitation resets
- possibility to assign assistants per session
- refactor statistics
- csrf middleware on error pages
- missing default permissions
- update changelog when merging contacts
- fix session links in calendar view
0.9.1 - 2025-02-10
- allow contact deactivation service to be disabled
- some anonymous exception
- text message dlr error codes
0.9.0 - 2025-02-06
- service to detect possibly duplicated contacts, and merge them
- utility functions, authorization and logging for API
- settings to add JavaScript snippets to head or body
- allow contacts to be signed of from a session on the contact page
- automatically warn and disable inactive users
- add changelog history for entities (e.g. experiments, sessions, contacts)
- run tenant migrations in parallel
- improve information of filter statistics
- improve worker reconnection with databases
- reduce unneeded empty bulk sent events
- update filter statistics after every change
- paused condition for filters
- shown error message typos
- text message DLR
0.8.3 - 2024-10-24
- handling of lost database connection in schedule
- filtering of locations on location index page
0.8.2 - 2024-10-24
- creation of announcement banners on tenants for admins and/or contacts
- keep track of sign up codes of newly registered contacts
- enable verification of contacts
- creation of release note pages
- sort participation history on contact profile by session start
- fix tenant middleware to retry database connection after a connection issue occurred
0.8.1 - 2024-10-09
- validation of uuids in guardian middleware
- warnings to mailings form if no invitations will be sent
- standradized page width for all pages
- matcher sends invitations to online experiment with upcoming time windows
text template typo- resending of queue jobs
- experiment detail view middleware
0.8.0 - 2024-09-11
- mark a contact as deleted
- marked as deleted column to waiting list, incl. handling of it
- register DLR for text messages
- persistent multitenant job queue, incl. history as mapping
- additional hints (e.g. custom fields)
- survey url for text templates
- allow customization of dashboard subtitles
- change migration handling, only preset to "dirty" for open migrations
- some error messages
- naming for registration, login and sign up
- start worker for active tenants only
- explicit mark jobs when they should run on root database as well
- separate job counts per tenant in status route
- database connection handling: increase stability for connection issues
- link backend of guardian to pool database
- split upcoming and history of jobs
- rework startup process of root an tenant, decrease downtime on startup
- list cancelled sessions separately
- schedule table layout
- experiment statistics using temporary table
- statistict without previous data
- duplicate url parameter encoding
- t&c routes
- optimize regex for finding tenant
- fix email logo on gmail web client
- package read token (as publicly accessible now)
0.7.6 - 2024-06-10
- tenant database column for sms sender name
- display 'terms last accepted at' on contact details page
- clear tenant cache after tenant details update
0.7.5 - 2024-06-03
- additional hints for text placeholders and its example values
for online experiments is now optional
- login with previously failed login attempt
0.7.4 - 2024-05-16
- matcher does not consider online experiments to be fully booked
0.7.3 - 2024-05-15
- validate email address process
0.7.2 - 2024-05-15
- sessionless experiments with callback for participation (used for online experiments)
- location link to location overview text element
- allow tenant databases to be unreachable and show info page
- increase minimum of interval for service status
- UI navigation elements for invitations
- continously check filter service registration
- login process with unanswered custom fields
0.7.1 - 2024-04-30
- optional custom fields are now optional on registration as well
- assignment list print view fixed on Firefox and Safari
- only open a single buffer to write logs
0.7.0 - 2024-04-11
- allow custom fields to be shown in the assignment list
- consistently check if assigned contacts still meet the criteria of the experiment
- notify admins when matcher does not find any more contacts
- UI to change role permissions
- restructured experiment page
- remove utility functions from guardian
- add a hint to filter template form
- change experiment contact person from admin to email address
- unique constraints for tenant database label
- only return distinct experiments on the dashboard
- allow assignment of contact by admin when registration is disabled
- create, update, and delete permissions for the experiment filter
0.6.3 - 2024-03-19
- buttons to toggle all assignments on the session close screen
- functionality to directly contact one or more participants of a session
- include upcoming sessions in the participation list on the contact detail page
- include statistics about sent intiviations in experiment statistics
- experiment statistics shows correct session count. participation count and no-show count
0.6.2 - 2024-03-07
- participation history to contact detail pages
- validation functionality for smtp settings
- vowel encoding issues in email subjects
- exception notifier separately adding labels
- ignore disabled contacts in statistics
- testing: user seed
- do not allow enrollment to waiting list when registration is disabled
- allow assignment of contact from waiting list when registration is disabled by an admin
- retain language when opening experiment detail page from contact dashboard
- 'not found' error when contact accesses experiment without correct permissions
- removed upcomming sessions list on dashboard for recruiters and operators
- experiment search also includes tag titles
0.6.1 - 2024-02-27
- admin dashboard: add incomplete and upcoming sessions
- switch session: refresh template when switching language for contact notification
- session duplication: create multiple at once (incl. one level of follow ups)
- experiment: statistics on detail page
- waiting list: button dropdown with profile link
- waiting list: allow sortable for signed up at
- report sql errors with canary
- invitation/migration emails: add opt out link (information to pause the account)
- calendar week view
- experiment detail view on mobile
- some of the translations
- Guardian access permissions for specific permissions
0.6.0 - 2024-02-19
- Message History to experiment/contact
- Message History allow resend
- Exception notifier adds
labels - Experimenter gets set if not general Experiment permission exist
- UI: define personal experiment create permission
- inform contact about cancellation
- session duration for follow ups within session confirmation email
- Staging email logo path
- Don't show sessions without parent session
- spelling
- show main session as long as the follow up isn't closed
- use
) target models to specify who can assign/unassign roles
0.5.5 - 2024-02-12
- changable reminder interval for imported contacts/admins
- sortable job queue UI
- make GTX key optional, show message if not set
0.5.4 - 2024-01-24
- filter for assignments, sessions, experiments and mailings
- contact id as message temmplate text element
- define minutes as default time unit
- prefill session data when duplicating or when creating followup session
- link participants to their profile page on assignment list
- move hardcoded role descriptions to translations
- Smtp auth cache differs between tenants
- order follow up sessions by start date
0.5.3 - 2024-01-18
- modal to display current default message template for experiments and sessions
- moved terms and conditions from settings page to texts page
- integrate search bar in sortable table
- allow time unit to be specified for all timespan inputs
- remove home title translation
- allow direct enrollment by admins to experiments with disabled registration
- split experiment and session description in public and internal
- waiting list displays enrolled contacts if assignment is marked as deleted
0.5.2 - 2023-12-21
- option to enable min/max number of selected options for a multi_select custom field
- option to define an experiment language in which all messages are sent
- dev: reproducible package manager for OCaml (esy)
- support deleting smtp servers
- new filter fields for invitation and assignment
- sortable table for experiments overview page
- show custom field data on contact detail page
- mark unverified contact email addresses
- additional phone number validation
- status page to root api
- skip api key verification in non productive environments
- externalize form action for root gtx key update
- UI: info icon only on note message boxes
- show contact again in waiting list, when assignment is deleted
- email verification for admins
- searchbar: remove sort and adjust UI
- filter: show contact count and already invited contacts separately
- don't show assigned contacts on waiting list
- move signup call to action to settings translations
- calendar view: show all sessions with link if user has permission
- allow to mark a multi select field as required (ability to define min/max amount of selections)
- use live search component for multi select fields
- contact overview page allow search for fullname
- allow manual session assignment for past events
- upgrade packages
0.5.1 - 2023-11-08
- modals e.g. terms and conditions, resend reminder
- mailing overlaps view
- mailing create form
- clear cache when adding an admin
- permission to update waiting list element
0.5.0 - 2023-11-06
- many hints (e.g. default lead time, contact filter, message templates, experiment roles)
- reschedule session confirmable
- mailings: display the amount of invitations handeld within the mailing
- setup: add short commit SHA to non-production builds
- logging: add IP address
- settings: show role permissions to recruiters and operators
- upcoming session overview for contacts
- do not notify uncanceled assignemtns when rescheduling
- custom fields: group button naming
- root middleware for login
- mobile session UI
- standardize the creation of search components
- custom fields: use multi select in filter form for select custom fields
- custom fields: do not allow publication of select / multi-select custom fields without options
- mailing: uses now a limit (N emails during the mailing period) instead of rate (hourly rate)
- mailing: check random order by default
- mailing: hide subform when random is checked
- settings: restructure email suffix form
- settings: change disable_profile_after from weeks to days
- settings: rename rules to role permission
0.4.8 - 2023-10-24
- notification when a contact changes their email address to an existing one
- layout for session print view
- session enrollment through contact detail page
- autofill experiment public title
- ability to reset the invitations per experiment
- optional mapping between mailings and invitations
- updating contact email address will not update email if the address is already in use
- order of delete requests
- use mrmime package to validate email address
- only the specified tag in search gets handled (not all search results)
- required default data is seeded in the migrations
- consider user language in password reset email
- queue reports issues only when it finally fails
- logging of newly registered users
- resend invitation UI adjustments
0.4.7 - 2023-09-27
- display session and assignment reminder sent timestamps in resend single reminder modal
- waiting list signup confirmation email
- page to list all external data ids of a contact
- performance update for guardian, rework roles
- functionality to change the session of an assignment
0.4.6 - 2023-09-18
- icons for paused / verified status of contacts
- send reminders via text message
- location description per language
- resend a single reminder
- Layout of navigation in footer on mobile devices
- Retain filter when using pagination
- checking if contact matches filter
- location address format
- filter for including tags
- session registration sessions with cancelled assignments
- searchable created at field for waiting list
- text message intercepter
- improve performance of 'contains none' and 'contains some' filters
- refactored session close view layout
- placed buttons of session list in a dropdown
- improve location create form
- sort locations alphabetically
- hide fully booked sessions for contact registration
- always show hint about empty session list for contact registration
- reformat displayed session start/end/duration
- add message template element for session start/end/duration
0.4.5 - 2023-08-22
- added edit form assignments of closed sessions
- form to resend reminders manually
- session close screen updates assignments on change
- filtering by multiple experiment participations
- input naming conflict in search form
- location path in message templates
0.4.4 - 2023-08-10
- option to delete experiment and session specific message templates
- rename allow all contacts to register for an experiment
- extended available text elements in email templates
- sort assignments alphabetically
- sort locations alphabetically
- show zurich timestamp in logs
- linebreaks in html emails
0.4.3 - 2023-08-09
- reminder runs every minute
- matcher runs every five minutes
- update naming for number of assignments
- persist checkboxes of session close view
- validation of mailing rate in matcher
0.4.2 - 2023-08-08
- keep filter when updating experiment
0.4.1 - 2023-08-08
- external_data_required to experiments
- external_data_id to assignments (required latest on session close)
- include contacts whose import is pending in filter
- allow password reset when import is pending
- hide contact information when not allowed to read it
- split first-/lastname of contact information list in session assignments
0.4.0 - 2023-08-03
- readonly admin comment on contacts
- credits and privacy policy pages
- basic admin statistics
- ability to promote a contact to an admin
- log failed login attempt as warning
- blocking of email addresses after too many failed login attempts
0.3.3 - 2023-08-02
- canary notifier for job worker
0.3.2 - 2023-07-31
- option to prompt custom fields when signing up
- ignore boolean custom fields when checking profile completeness
0.3.1 - 2023-07-28
- link to session and experiment details in calender popup
- remove paused from partial update and create separate handlers
- allow sending invitations to contacts without terms and conditions accepted
- many small UI/UX adjustments
0.3.0 - 2023-07-26
- text message service
- option to send session cancellation messages as text messages
- validation of gtx api keys when adding or updating tenants
- notification and confirmation service for user imports
- allow smtp account and reply-to address to be specified for each experiment
- calendar that shows all sessions of a location and all sessions of the current admin user
- tags for experiments and contacts (admin sites)
- colorize calendar
- email plain text hint
- tag predicate for filters, allows to filter contact tags
- option to define experiment and session specific tags that are assigned to all participants
- development environment
- CLI commands
- remove session list from location detail
- time span picker using minutes
- only validate experiment when loading sessions for calendar
- added failed_login_attempts seed to root DB
- only show future events on contact dashboard to sign up
- allow contacts to access experiment when assignment exists
- initialize flatpickr correctly after htmx swap
0.2.1 - 2023-06-01
- detailed view of tenants
- users in the root overview
- common root routes which are targeting denied/not-found via redirects
- missing delete functionality for rules
- profile pages for admins in root and tenants
0.2.0 - 2023-05-26
- reply-to address to emails, using tenant contact email address (system settings)
- block email addresses after multiple failed login attempts
- buttons to reset forms
- validation for tenant database urls, when creating or updating a tenant
- role based navigation bar
- cached version of guardian validation
- admin roles to the detail page and grant/revoke role to edit page
- added session expiration
- rules page in settings
- filter by no-show count
- filter by empty / non-empty fields
- WYSIWYG editor for location description
- allow mailing to start now with checkbox
- added stronger password policy
- tenant description, icon and styles are optional
- refactor and update guardian integration and middleware
- using uuids instead of ids as foreign keys in invitations and mailings tables
- using uuids instead of ids as foreign keys in assignment table
- when signing up for a session with follow-ups, the contact receives one confirmation message containing all sessions
- allow contacts to resignup after session cancellation
- updated session close view and assignments to store no-shows instead of show-ups
- switch dependency between assignment and session
- allow assignments to be marked as deleted
- migrate search endpoints (experiment/location)
- improved cookie settings
- improve experiment waiting list for already assigned contacts
- contact specific counters for number of invitations, show-ups, no-shows and participated experiments
- allow reminders to be sent more than 24h in advance
- improve error log and exceptions
- filter by boolean fields
- custom fields with the option 'admin_view_only' will automatically have 'admin_input_only' set to true
- partial update of 'admin_view_only' fields
- when cancelling an assignment, assignments of the same contact to follow-up sessions will be canceled as well
- canceled assignments are not included in assignment count anymore
- canceled assignments are no longer shown on the contact dashboard
- do not include canceled assignments in session assignment_count
- when cancelling a session, follow-up sessions to the session are canceled as well
- use specific tenant settings command effects
- access middleware for mailing search info and system settings
- wrong location on session duplication
- several small UI adjustments
0.1.3 - 2023-03-01
- pagination, search and sort functionality for lists
- queue worker service context parsing
0.1.2 - 2023-02-27
- add description to user profile completion page
- allow sessions to be closed before they end
- make pool_assignments
nullable - detect unsaved changes in forms
- send notification to contacts when there is an registration attempt with in-use email address
- allow contacts to be filtered by experiment participation
- UI displaying schedules (label, interval, status, last_run)
- UI displaying jobs in queue
- split server command and queue worker command
- move smtp configurations from root to tenants
- integrate email service in tenant
- show add configuration when not configured already
- extract worker scheduler
- improve lwt ignore handling
- removed default value from pool_sessions.start
- add language parameter to email links
- improve consistency (schedule, queue worker, matcher)
- message_template does not fall back to global template, if a language of entity specific templates is missing.
0.1.1 - 2023-02-02
- add wysiwyg editor
- add plain text email
- hide overriden admin values from contacts
- only show user value when admin_override is disabled
- display a hint or answers of the contact when overridden
- allow non required fields to be cleared
0.1.0 - 2023-01-23
- handling of entity based email templates (e.g. Experiment Invitation, Experiment - Session Reminder, Session - Session Reminder)
- detailed email template form description, show available text elements
- version to assets
- participant dashboard
- redirect to intended page when login is needed
- keep email address on failed login page
- encrypting root database information
- development seed - don't generate duplicate persons
- empty filter
- deleting an experiment removes it's filter as well
0.0.4 - 2023-01-13
- pause sending invitations when no spots in sessions are available and add note on create mailing page
- Recruitment channel from contact module (add as custom field)
- don't logout contacts when answering required fields
- experiments with active uninvited registration handle the experiment filter
- effects for waiting list session registration (admin)
- signup for follow up sessions is handled within the main session signup
- consistent email naming
- mailing schema handle correct default value
0.0.3 - 2022-12-23
- unused person table
- display version in footer
- verification note typo
- deployment process
0.0.2 - 2022-12-22
- option to make the matcher select the contacts in random order
- display version in footer
- CLI: create admin, grant roles and list roles
- create admin via tenant UI
- contact count for invitations
0.0.1 - 2022-12-16
💥 The start of using the changelog. Preparations for our pilot version 0.1.0.
- create operator via root UI
- use versions without
prefix as we do in all our other projects