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59 lines (49 loc) · 2.56 KB

File metadata and controls

59 lines (49 loc) · 2.56 KB

This template was created for a master thesis at the faculty of computer science (FIN), but should work as well for other faculties.

File structure

├── assets                          // Images, CSV-Files, etc. 
│   └── figure                      // Image files
│       └── optimal-ovgu-thesis    
├── chapter                         // Content
│   ├── 01-Einleitung.typ
│   ├── ...
│   └── 99-Appendix.typ
├── expose.typ                      // Exposé template
├── metadata.typ                    // Metadata and template config
├── thesis.bib                      // Bibliography (e.g. generated by Zotero + Better BibTex)
└── thesis.typ                      // Thesis template

Logos on the title page

The header- and organisation-logo can be set in the metadata.typ file (see example below). There are two example logo files in assets/figure/optimal-ovgu-thesis. Please refer to for more information regarding the OvGU corporate design and for the signet and logo of your faculty.

Header logos are set in metadata.typ:

// Example 1: Use UCC logo as organisation-logo and the FIN faculty header as header-logo
#let organisation-logo = image("assets/figure/optimal-ovgu-thesis/ucc.svg", width: 2cm)
#let header-logo = image("assets/figure/optimal-ovgu-thesis/fin-de.svg", width: 100%)

// Example 2: Do not use logos at all
#let organisation-logo = none
#let header-logo = none


This template requires these two fonts to be installed on your system:

  • New Computer Modern
  • New Computer Modern Sans


In your configuration.nix:

  fonts.packages = with pkgs; [
    liberation_ttf # here are your other fonts (liberation is just an example)
  ] ++ texlive.newcomputermodern.pkgs; # ← New Computer Modern font


In case you want to contribute, check out the repo into a typst package directory

Example for Linux:

Local package path: ~/.local/share/typst/packages/local/optimal-ovgu-thesis/0.1.1

mkdir -p ~/.local/share/typst/packages/local/optimal-ovgu-thesis
cd ~/.local/share/typst/packages/local/optimal-ovgu-thesis
git clone
mv optimal-ovgu-thesis 0.1.1

This will make the package available locally, so you can use typst init "@local/optimal-ovgu-thesis:0.1.1" to create a test-project from the template.