This tool automatically injects the NativeED data files to the original (or 3rd party mod) XML files.
│ protoy.xml
│ techtreey.xml
│ abilities.xml
│ powers.xml
│ stringtabley.xml
.Net > 5.0
Step 1: Place Native ED Source files under workbench/src
folder and place the extracted and converted original XML files under workbench/in
folder. Please keep the folder structure.
(Tip: You can use AOE3 Resource Manager to extract and convert original XML files from Game/Data/
of game folder)
Step 2: Run the following command:
dotnet XMLInject.dll
Step 3: Check out the workbench/out
folder. The processed files should all be there.
I use .Net 5 as a dev environment, but I guess it should get backward-compatibilities as early as .Net Framework 2.0 . If you need to run on legacy systems, you can try reset the target and rebuild the binaries yourself.