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File metadata and controls

322 lines (259 loc) · 9.58 KB

This project helps you create and operate oracle services on Vechain.

It includes smart contracts for storing data on-chain and a backend that updates this on-chain data. The oracle service can be customized to support various data sources and multiple feeds. It also offers a public API to get the most recent data from sources, even if it hasn't been stored on-chain yet.


  • contracts/ contains contracts to manage the on-chain-storage.
    • It provides access to the latest known value
    • And allows verified users to update the data
  • reporter/ is a Cloudflare Worker that collects & reports new values to the on-chain-contracts
    • Is configurable with a JSON-Object, to support different sources and multiple feeds
    • Extracts a final value and stores it in a contract
    • Provides a public API to access the latest value fetched from data sources, that has not been stored on-chain yet
      • as pure information for processing
      • and signed for verification in contracts
  • example-consumers/ contains sample snippets accessing the feed data
  • statuspage/ contains html statuspage with a visualized health status
  • Publicly available feeds are listed on

Processing Sequences

    participant Admin
    participant Oracle-Reporter
    participant Oracle-Contracts
    participant Data-Sources

    Admin->>Oracle-Reporter: Config Data Feed
    Oracle-Reporter->>Oracle-Reporter: create feed object
    loop every interval-seconds

      loop for each data source
        Oracle-Reporter->>Data-Sources: request data
        Data-Sources-->>Oracle-Reporter: reply or fail

       Oracle-Reporter-->>Oracle-Reporter: extract value

       Oracle-Reporter->>Oracle-Reporter: extract median value

       loop for each configured contract
         Oracle-Reporter->>Oracle-Contracts: request last value
         Oracle-Contracts-->>Oracle-Reporter: last value + timestamp

          alt value deviated more than deviation threshold
            Oracle-Reporter->>Oracle-Contracts: update data
          else opt value is older then max age threshold
            Oracle-Reporter->>Oracle-Contracts: update data

Setting Up

Storing Data

First, deploy an Oracle-Contract from the contracts directory.

Collecting Data

  • Register on Cloudflare, it will host the backend using Cloudflare Workers.
  • Deploy the Reporter.
  • Set up the Reporter with:
    • Access to your Oracle-Contract.
    • A secret API-Key for admin access.
  • Identify your Data Sources and set up the Reporter with them.

Accessing Data

  • Use the Reporter-API to access data.
  • Check out Example Consumers to learn different ways to use your data.

Quick Start

Check for a shell script that executes the process outlined below:

# generate a new private key
PRIVATE_KEY="0x`openssl rand -hex 32`"

# generate an api key protecting your backend
API_KEY=`openssl rand -hex 32`

# deploy gas optimized contract
cd contracts
yarn install
yarn build
Compiled 22 Solidity files successfully (evm target: paris).

# deployer & reporter is the PRIVATE_KEY
PRIVATE_KEY="$PRIVATE_KEY" NETWORK=vechain yarn deploy OracleGasOptimized

Deploying to **TEST** network

ℹ [OracleGasOptimized] Artifact written to outputs/test/OracleGasOptimized.json
ℹ [OracleGasOptimized] Transaction Id: 0x18d4c4b0b4fc5a5dffd664a98c1ccbd03271badab84e157862e25ea61d95cd9e
✔ [OracleGasOptimized] Contract is now available at 0xf50d68918b8A63d113c6c329A893F6e9d3a4Bb30

# store oracle address in an environment variable
ORACLE_ADDRESS=`cat outputs/test/OracleGasOptimized.json | jq -r .address`
cd ..

# run a local development instance of the reporter
cd reporter

# configure secret vars for local environment
echo "PRIVATE_KEY=$PRIVATE_KEY" > .dev.vars
echo "API_KEY=$API_KEY" >> .dev.vars

# install dependencies
yarn install
cd ..

# store environment variables for later
echo "API_KEY=$API_KEY" >> .env

# the following command can restore the environment from .env file in the future:
set -o allexport; source .env; set +o allexport

Open second terminal to run the backend:

cd reporter

# run dev environment
wrangler dev
 ⛅️ wrangler 3.19.0
Using vars defined in .dev.vars
Your worker has access to the following bindings:
- Durable Objects:
  - ValueReporter: ValueReporter
- Vars:
  - PRIVATE_KEY: "(hidden)"
  - API_KEY: "(hidden)"
⎔ Starting local server...
[wrangler:inf] Ready on http://localhost:8787

Continue in first terminal with environment variables:

# setup data feed, gas is paid by the delegationUrl
curl -XPOST http://localhost:8787/vet-usd \
-H "X-API-Key: ${API_KEY}" \
-d '
    "sources": [
            "url": "",
            "path": ".data.priceUsd"
    "heartbeat": 3600,
    "deviationPoints": 100,
    "interval": 60,
    "contracts": [{
        "nodeUrl": "",
        "address": "'"$ORACLE_ADDRESS"'",
        "delegationUrl": ""
{ "success": true, "id": "vet-usd" }

Checking the backend terminal, you'll see the first update been broadcast:

POST /vet-usd
vet-usd new configuration {
  id: 'vet-usd',
  heartbeat: 3600,
  deviationPoints: 100,
  interval: 60,
  contracts: [{
    nodeUrl: '',
    address: '0xf50d68918b8A63d113c6c329A893F6e9d3a4Bb30'
  sources: [
      url: '',
      path: '.data.priceUsd'
vet-usd updating values
__fetched 0.0306102443635921 @ .data.priceUsd
__fetched 0.0306102443635921 as median value
vet-usd last value: 30610244364n updatedAt 1702558104
age 1702558105 heartbeat 3600
vet-usd **updating**
vet-usd {"id":"0x87d077b7d7ca2921c56385fe725f01f721f05a83f2975627763caf46ba3e8ec9"}
vet-usd sleeping till 2023-12-14T12:49:26.224Z

and every 60 seconds it will update the data:

[wrangler:inf] POST /vet-usd 200 OK (1579ms)
no config found in memory, loading from storage
vet-usd updating values
__fetched 0.030664445719926 @ .data.priceUsd
__fetched 0.030664445719926 as median value
vet-usd last value: 30664445720n updatedAt 1702558166
age 63 heartbeat 3600
deviation 17 / 100
vet-usd not updating
vet-usd sleeping till 2023-12-14T12:50:27.491Z

Check the contract on the Blockchain

curl -s -XPOST "" \
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-d '
  "clauses": [
      "to": "'"$ORACLE_ADDRESS"'",
      "signature": "getLatestValue(bytes32 vet-usd) returns (uint128 value, uint128 timestamp)"
  "encodeBytes": true
' | jq
  "0": "30610244364",
  "1": "1702558104",
  "__length__": 2,
  "value": "30610244364",
  "timestamp": "1702558104"

Check the Reporter status

curl -s http://localhost:8787/vet-usd | jq
  "id": "vet-usd",
  "interval": 60,
  "heartbeat": 3600,
  "deviationPoints": 100,
  "nextUpdate": null,
  "latestValue": {
    "id": "vet-usd",
    "value": "30610244364",
    "updatedAt": 1702558104,
    "formattedValue": "0.030610244364"

Notes about Decentralization

Multiple-Reporters for one Oracle

You can set up multiple reporters from different entities to achieve decentralized data feeding.

Here are the steps to set up:

  1. Deploy the OracleUpgradable
  2. Give each reporter's wallet address the REPORTER_ROLE
    • Use grantRole(REPORTER_ROLE, address)
  3. Set up each reporter deployment with the same oracle address
flowchart LR
    Reporter1[Reporter by Entity 1]--> |Publish Data| Contract
    Reporter2[Reporter by Entity 2]--> |Publish Data| Contract
    Reporter3[Reporter by Entity 3]--> |Publish Data| Contract
  • If a reporter can fetch data but can't publish it due to an empty wallet or technical issues, anyone can use the latest signed value and publish it to the feed.
  • The random selection of a preferred reporter is not linked to single feedIds. Reporters must therefor supported all configured feeds.

Multiple Data Sources for an Aggregated Oracle

For a more decentralized approach to data feeding, each participant can deploy their own contract and supply it with data from their own reporter. An aggregator contract can then pull data from each of these contracts and calculate the median value.

Here are the steps to set up:

  1. Each participant deploys OracleUpgradable or OracleGasOptimized
  2. Each participant sets up a reporter deployment to feed data into their contracts
  3. Deploy OracleAggregatorUpgradeable and addSource() for each participant
flowchart LR
    Contract1[Contract 1]
    Contract2[Contract 2]
    Contract3[Contract 3]
    Client --> |Request Data| Aggregator
    Aggregator -.-> |median| Client

    Aggregator -.- |getLatestValue| Contract1
    Aggregator -.- |getLatestValue| Contract2
    Aggregator -.- |getLatestValue| Contract3