Bagshui started life as a rewrite of EngBags and therefore would not exist without the EngInventory/EngBags developers and maintainers, including (but probably not limited to) Engival, Requital, Hador, UniRing, Lars Kiesow, AHHH_REPTAR, LaYt, and Baroque.
The lack of Arkayenro's ArkInventory on Vanilla catalyzed Bagshui's development (and heavily influenced its look & feel and rules system).
balakethelock's SuperWoW inspired Bagshui's native item charges support (and is used if installed instead of parsing tooltips).
My long-suffering alpha tester, who put up with me spending more time developing Bagshui than actually playing the game. 🩷
Everyone who has reported bugs or provided feedback to make Bagshui better. 💞
- PeriodicTable by Tekkub
- Active quest item detection based on QuestItem by Shagoth.
- Item borders use code from ShaguTweaks
by Shagu and ShaguTweaks-ModsAddTexture()
by Grylls. - Unusable item dyeing based on logic from pfUI by shagu.
- Icon button cooldown completion shine based on code from OmniCC by Tuller & kebabstorm (which in turn adapted it from ABInfo by Ombres)
- Import/export based on code from pfUI (modules/share.lua) by Shagu.
- Money string formatting from pfUI (
in api/api.lua). - Guidance for hooking some tooltips taken from aux (core/tooltip.lua) by shirsig and pfUI (libs/libtooltip.lua).
- Object comparison based on
by sapphyrus. - RGB conversion to hex uses
. - ScrollFrame implementation based on code from Aanson.
- String splitting based on code from thisisrandy.
- Table clearing uses a tip from siffiejoe.
- Table printing based on
- BLPNG Converter
- Vanilla and Turtle WoW FrameXML source.
- Everyone who has ever contributed to the Warcraft Wiki (and to this page about tables and garbage collection in particular).
- Basically everything shagu has written, which at times served as de facto documentation.
- Archive - See Icons - Flaticon
- backpack-f - jam
- Category - Icons8
- Clean - LAFS - Noun Project
- Customer - Tanah Basah - Flaticon
- edit - shashank singh - Noun Project
- flash - Stockio - Flaticon
- Floppy Disk - Pixel perfect - Flaticon
- Hammer - Mehwish - Flaticon
- Magnifying Glass - Icon home - Flaticon
- Priest - Freepik - Flaticon
- question mark - The Icon Z - Noun Project
- Setting - Tanah Basah - Flaticon
- Various from Fork Awesome