Golang database access using generics and implementation with gorm.
Interface exposed:
type Repository[T Entity] interface {
Find(id string) (*T, error)
FindWithRelations(id string) (*T, error)
FindBy(fs ...Field) ([]*T, error)
FindPaginated(pageSize, page int) (*Pagination, error)
FindByWithRelations(fs ...Field) ([]*T, error)
FindFirstBy(fs ...Field) (*T, error)
CreateBulk(ts []T) error
Create(t *T) error
Update(t *T, fs ...Field) error
Delete(t *T) error
go get github.com/vicent-dev/generic-repository
Call of repository for an MyEntity
entity using Gorm:
import (
repository "github.com/vicent-dev/generic-repository"
r := repository.GetGormRepository[MyEntity](db)
This function will return a repository of the struct type. Prepared for having only one instance in memory by struct type.