I am leaving a note down here for myself or whom interested in managing pages on their website with ease by creating template using the newly powerful technology that I recently discover, Jekyll.
Reason why I almost stop coding a complicated with raw html & css:
- Jekyll creates a secure framework
- Automatic generate pages with the template
- Work well with static server (Github Page: I mean it's free so why not make it work better than PHP?)
This project I worked mainly on Windows so please consider my process before doing it on yourown.
- Set up a folder for the project or create a github repo on your computer, then open it with VSCode. Make sure that VSCode is configured to type in terminal or git bash. [ctrl] + [`] to open the terminal.
- Install Ruby
ruby -v
to check version of ruby - Check for Gem
gem -v
- Install Jekyll
gem intall jekyll
if you check on the Jekyll website I specifically not using thegem install bundler
because I want to customize everything for myself and not fighting against the automatic template that jekyll will add for you new project. - create these files and folder in your project folder
. ├── _config.yml (the hyphen infront is important for jekyll to run and serve) ├── _include │ └── footer.html │ └── header.html │ └── nav.html ├── _layouts │ └── default.html ├── _post │ └── [year]-[mo]-[da]-[title].md ├── assets │ └── css___main.css └── index.md```
- Following this article to get a clear view on why we are doing these
- Learn Liquid notice on the if else statement and for loop
Navigate to _config.yml and add:
name: [yourname]
title: [yoursitetitle]
permalink: /:categories/:title/
baseurl: /
the permalink will help to reduce the link file for example if in your _post folder you create markdown file with the name 2021-02-01-title.md
the file will serve in the _site as /2021/02/01/title.html rather than /title.html/
Navigate to _layouts default.html file. We will using Liquid to piece header, content, and footer.
- Add liquid tag
{% include header.html %}
to the top of the file, this will let jekyll get the file from _include folder and add to your template. - I personally put a date tag
<tag style="font-size: 0.9em"><i>{{ page.date | date: "%Y-%m-%d" }}</i></tag>
(put what if you want don't want the date to appear in the front page aka. index.html? Don't worry it will not because the index.md does not have the date name like _post). {{ content }}
will get the content after the front matter both in index.md and the posts.- Finally footer {% include footer.html %}
Remember to add
# front matter as to store the data for your page/site
title: home
layout: default
layout default will get the default.html in your _layouts folder and generate a page out of that for you. bellow front matter is the start of content for your page as in {{ content }} in your template.
jekyll serve
in your terminal to run.
type localhost:4000 on your desire browser
type jekyll serve --trace
to read the problem
after that try to type
bundle install
jekyll serve
If not please check the config.yml or any liquid that cause the problem.
Happy troubleshooting, and Google is still your best friend for this problem.
Check out the github repo for seo tag
- Go to installation read and since we don't have gemfile, we create one by just type "Gemfile" as the name for our new file in the projetc folder.
Make sure you have this in the file:
In your config.yml add to the bottom
gem 'jekyll-seo-tag' gem "webrick"
Addplugins: - jekyll-seo-tag
{% seo %}
in your in header.html. Because I customized my <title> tag so I used{% seo title=false %}
for my header.html, for more customization for the seo tag check out. - Serve and run your project again
example for my coding page.
in my posts md front matter I added categories: [coding]
to list all post in the categories array.
{% for post in site.categories.coding reversed %}
<div class="gallery">
<a target="_blank" href="{{ post.image }}">
<img src="{{ post.image }}" alt="{{ post.img-alt }}" />
<div class="desc">
<h2 style="margin-top: 0; line-height: 1em;">{{ post.full-title | upcase }}</h2>
<p>{{ post.description }}</p>
<span class="bottomrow">
<span class="tags">
<a class="button link" href="{{ post.url }}">
read more →</a>
<span class="tags">
{% for tag in post.tags %}
<a class="tag link">#{{ tag }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% if page.url == "/" %}
{% include svg.html %}
{% else %}
<h1>{{ page.categories[0] | upcase }}</h1>
{% endif %}
Change or make sure your repo name is [yourgithubaccount].github.io
git add .
git commit -m"Created project"
git push
Go to Setting and scroll down to Github page. Launch the page by choosing the main branch. Check the project!