This project was developed with the aim of learning more about the Ruby programming language and its concepts by applying them to the construction of an algorithm that performs text conversion using the Caesar cipher.
- Rspec
- TDD(Test Driven Development)
- Conventional commits
- How to apply TDD to projects.
- How to use Docker to create application containers.
- Writing better commit messages with conventional commit standards.
- Loops in Ruby.
- Conditionals in Ruby.
- Use of regex to identify patterns in strings.
- Input and output of information in Ruby.
- Creating regex for string validations.
After the repository is on your machine, navigate to the newly cloned directory.
To run this project on your own machine, you can choose between the following options:
- Run the project using Docker.
- Run the project by installing the dependencies.
- Have Docker installed and configured on your machine.
docker build -t ruby-caesar-cipher .
The created image will have the same name as the project.
docker run -it --name ruby-caesar-cipher ruby-caesar-cipher
The above command will use the previously created image to create a container with the project name.
After running the above command, the container's terminal should automatically open, already executing the project code.
To run the project again without creating a new container, simply run the following command:
docker start -i ruby-caesar-cipher
- Have Ruby installed on your machine.
- I recommend using tools like RVM or rbenv to allow the installation of Gems without administrator permission.
bundle install
ruby caesar-cipher.rb