Domain |
Response Model |
Sample |
Response JSON |
document.invoice |
Invoice |
❌ |
document.receipt |
Receipt |
{ "receipt_id": null, "transaction_date": "2021-01-26T22:36:22", "merchant_name": "Walmart", "merchant_address": { "street": "8060 W TROPICAL PKWY", "city": "LAS VEGAS", "state": "NV", "postal_code": "89149", "country": null }, "merchant_phone": null, "cashier_name": "SARAH", "register_number": "35", "customer_name": null, "customer_id": null, "items": [ { "description": "BOYS CREW", "quantity": 1.0, "unit_price": 9.48, "total_price": 9.48 }, { "description": "BOYS SOCKS", "quantity": 1.0, "unit_price": 6.97, "total_price": 6.97 }, { "description": "BOXER BRIEF", "quantity": 1.0, "unit_price": 10.98, "total_price": 10.98 } ], "subtotal": 27.43, "tax": 2.3, "total": 29.73, "currency": "USD", "payment_method": { "type": "Debit", "card_last_4": "****", "card_type": null }, "discount_amount": null, "discount_description": null, "tip_amount": null, "return_policy": null, "barcode": null, "additional_charges": null, "notes": null, "others": null } |
document.resume |
Resume |
❌ | |
USDriversLicense |
{ "issuing_state": "MT", "license_number": "0812319684104", "full_name": "Brenda Lynn Sample", "first_name": "Brenda", "middle_name": "Lynn", "last_name": "Sample", "address": { "street": "123 MAIN STREET", "city": "HELENA", "state": "MT", "zip_code": "59601" }, "date_of_birth": "1968-08-04", "gender": "F", "height": "5'06\"", "weight": 150.0, "eye_color": "BRO", "hair_color": null, "issue_date": "2015-02-15", "expiration_date": "2023-08-04", "license_class": "D", "donor": null, "veteran": null } |
document.utility-bill |
UtilityBill |
{ "account_number": "1234567890-1", "date_mailed": "2019-09-07", "service_for": "SPARKY JOULE", "service_address": { "street": "12345 ENERGY CT", "city": null, "state": null, "zip_code": null }, "billing_period_start": null, "billing_period_end": null, "date_due": "2019-09-28", "amount_due": 88.14, "previous_balance": 0.0, "payment_received": 91.57, "current_charges": 88.14, "breakdown_of_charges": [ { "description": "Current PG&E Electric Delivery Charges", "amount": 55.66, "usage": null, "rate": null }, { "description": "Silicon Valley Clean Energy Electric Generation Charges", "amount": 32.48, "usage": null, "rate": null } ], "payment_options": [ "" ], "contact_information": { "phone": "1-800-743-5000", "website": "" } } |
document.w2-form |
W2Form |
{ "control_number": "GNI851", "ein": "63-0065650", "ssn": "554-03-0876", "employee_name": "Anastasia Hodges", "employee_address": { "street": "200 2nd Street NE", "city": "Waseca", "state": "MN", "zip_code": "56093" }, "employer_name": "NORTH 312", "employer_address": { "street": "151 N Market Street", "city": "Wooster", "state": "OH", "zip_code": "44691" }, "wages_tips_other_compensation": 23677.7, "federal_income_tax_withheld": 2841.32, "social_security_wages": 24410.0, "social_security_tax_withheld": 1513.42, "medicare_wages_and_tips": 24410.0, "medicare_tax_withheld": 353.95, "tax_year": 2020 } |
aerospace.remote-sensing |
RemoteSensing |
{ "description": "The satellite image captures a coastal urban area adjacent to a busy port. The scene includes residential neighborhoods, a marina, and extensive shipping facilities with numerous cargo containers visible. The waterway is active with vessels, indicating significant maritime activity.", "objects": [ "residential buildings", "marina", "cargo containers", "shipping docks", "waterway", "roads", "beach" ], "categories": [ "commercial-area", "port", "residential-area", "water-treatment", "beach" ], "is_visible": true } |
healthcare.medical-insurance-card |
MedicalInsuranceCard |
{ "provider_service": { "provider_service_number": null, "precertification_number": null }, "member_information": { "member_name": "Member Name", "member_id": "XY2 123456789", "group_number": "023457" }, "pharmacy_plan": { "rx_bin": "987654", "rx_pcn": null, "rx_grp": "HIOPT", "pharmacy_help_desk": null }, "insurance_provider": { "provider_name": "BlueCross BlueShield", "network": "PPO" }, "coverage": { "office_visit": "$15", "specialist_visit": null, "urgent_care": null, "emergency_room": "$75", "inpatient_hospital": null } } |
retail.ecommerce-product-caption |
RetailEcommerceProductCaption |
{ "description": "The Kindle Paperwhite features a 6.8\" display and adjustable warm light for a comfortable reading experience. It is designed for easy portability and offers a sleek black finish.", "rating": 85, "name": "Kindle Paperwhite", "brand": "Amazon", "category": "Electronics / E-readers", "price": "$139.99", "color": "Black" } | |
TVNews |
{ "description": "A news anchor presenting a segment about President Biden criticizing Netanyahu in an interview.", "chyron": "Biden criticises Netanyahu in an interview", "network": "BBC News", "reporters": null } | |
NFLGameState |
{ "description": null, "teams": [ { "name": "GB", "score": 0 }, { "name": "AZ", "score": 7 } ], "status": "in_progress", "quarter": 2, "clock_time": "12:12", "possession_team": "GB", "down": "2nd", "distance": 10, "yard_line": -10, "network": "NBC", "is_shown": true } | |
NBAGameState |
{ "description": null, "teams": [ { "name": "MIA", "score": 7 }, { "name": "SA", "score": 6 } ], "status": "in_progress", "quarter": 1, "clock_time": "9:09", "shot_clock": 11, "network": "ESPN", "is_shown": true } |