List of the Open Source libraries used in Edge/On-Premise deployment is listed here
Jar Name | Version | Use |
ch.hsr.geohash.jar | 1.3.0 | compile |
co.elastic.logging.ecs-logging-core.jar | 0.1.3 | compile |
co.elastic.logging.log4j-ecs-layout.jar | 0.1.3 | compile | | 1.11.762 | compile | | 1.12.3 | compile |
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-databind.jar | 2.11.4 | compile |
com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.jackson-dataformat-xml.jar | 2.11.4 | compile |
com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.jackson-dataformat-yaml.jar | 2.11.4 | compile |
com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.jackson-datatype-jsr310.jar | 2.11.4 | compile |
com.fasterxml.jackson.module.jackson-module-jaxb-annotations.jar | 2.11.4 | compile |
com.fasterxml.woodstox.woodstox-core.jar | 5.0.3 | compile | | 1.35.2 | compile | | 1.100.1 | compile | | 1.79.0 | compile | | 1.1.0 | compile | | 3.0.2 | compile | | 2.8.5 | compile | | 31.0-jre | compile |
com.googlecode.json-simple.json-simple.jar | 1.1.1 | compile |
com.googlecode.soundlibs.mp3spi.jar | 1.9.5-1 | compile |
com.googlecode.soundlibs.tritonus-share.jar | 0.3.7-2 | compile |
com.googlecode.soundlibs.vorbisspi.jar | 1.0.3-1 | compile | | 61.1 | compile |
com.maxmind.geoip2.geoip2.jar | 2.12.0 | compile |
com.opencsv.opencsv.jar | 3.8 | compile |
com.squareup.okhttp3.logging-interceptor.jar | 3.14.2 | compile |
com.squareup.okhttp3.okhttp.jar | 4.1.0 | compile |
com.sun.mail.javax.mail.jar | 1.6.2 | compile | | | compile |
commons-cli.commons-cli.jar | 1.4 | compile |
commons-codec.commons-codec.jar | 1.11 | compile |
commons-collections.commons-collections.jar | 3.2.2 | compile |
commons-dbcp.commons-dbcp.jar | 1.4 | compile |
commons-fileupload.commons-fileupload.jar | 1.3.3 | compile |
commons-io.commons-io.jar | 2.6 | compile |
commons-lang.commons-lang.jar | 2.6 | compile |
commons-logging.commons-logging.jar | 1.2 | compile |
io.github.lognet.grpc-spring-boot-starter.jar | 3.5.6 | compile |
io.grpc.grpc-netty.jar | 1.30.2 | compile |
io.grpc.grpc-protobuf.jar | 1.30.2 | compile |
io.grpc.grpc-services.jar | 1.30.2 | compile |
io.grpc.grpc-stub.jar | 1.30.2 | compile |
io.gsonfire.gson-fire.jar | 1.8.3 | compile |
io.jsonwebtoken.jjwt-api.jar | 0.11.2 | compile |
io.jsonwebtoken.jjwt-impl.jar | 0.11.2 | compile |
io.jsonwebtoken.jjwt-jackson.jar | 0.11.2 | compile |
io.kubernetes.client-java.jar | 12.0.1 | compile |
io.lettuce.lettuce-core.jar | 5.2.2.RELEASE | compile |
io.micrometer.micrometer-core.jar | 1.5.14 | compile |
io.micrometer.micrometer-registry-influx.jar | 1.5.14 | compile |
io.micrometer.micrometer-registry-prometheus.jar | 1.5.14 | compile |
io.minio.minio.jar | 8.0.3 | compile |
io.nats.jnats.jar | 2.8.0 | compile |
io.netty.netty-all.jar | 4.1.51.Final | compile |
io.swagger.swagger-annotations.jar | 1.5.22 | compile |
javax.activation.activation.jar | 1.1.1 | compile |
javax.annotation.javax.annotation-api.jar | 1.3.2 | compile |
javax.annotation.jsr250-api.jar | 1.0 | compile |
javax.mail.javax.mail-api.jar | 1.6.2 | compile |
javax.servlet.javax.servlet-api.jar | 4.0.1 | provided |
javax.speech.jsapi.jar | 1.0 | compile |
joda-time.joda-time.jar | 2.9.9 | compile |
mysql.mysql-connector-java.jar | 8.0.21 | compile |
net.jodah.expiringmap.jar | 0.5.10 | compile |
net.minidev.json-smart.jar | 2.4.7 | compile |
net.sf.okapi.lib.okapi-lib-segmentation.jar | 1.40.0 | compile | | 0.3.7 | compile |
org.apache.commons.commons-collections4.jar | 4.1 | compile |
org.apache.commons.commons-compress.jar | 1.19 | compile |
org.apache.commons.commons-lang3.jar | 3.7 | compile |
org.apache.commons.commons-math3.jar | 3.6.1 | compile |
org.apache.commons.commons-text.jar | 1.9 | compile |
org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient.jar | 4.5.9 | compile |
org.apache.httpcomponents.httpmime.jar | 4.5.6 | compile |
org.apache.jcs.jcs.jar | 1.3 | compile |
org.apache.lucene.lucene-analyzers-common.jar | 7.7.2 | compile |
org.apache.lucene.lucene-backward-codecs.jar | 7.7.2 | compile |
org.apache.lucene.lucene-core.jar | 7.7.2 | compile |
org.apache.lucene.lucene-grouping.jar | 7.7.2 | compile |
org.apache.lucene.lucene-queries.jar | 7.7.2 | compile |
org.apache.lucene.lucene-queryparser.jar | 7.7.2 | compile |
org.apache.tika.tika-core.jar | 1.18 | compile |
org.apache.velocity.velocity-engine-core.jar | 2.3 | compile |
org.apache.xbean.xbean-spring.jar | 4.8 | compile |
org.apache.xmlbeans.xmlbeans.jar | 3.0.2 | compile |
org.bouncycastle.bcprov-jdk15on.jar | 1.69 | compile |
org.codehaus.woodstox.stax2-api.jar | 3.1.4 | compile |
org.commonmark.commonmark.jar | 0.18.0 | compile | | | compile |
org.elasticsearch.client.elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client.jar | 6.8.6 | compile |
org.elasticsearch.elasticsearch.jar | 6.8.6 | compile |
org.freemarker.freemarker.jar | 2.3.30 | compile | | 0.9.2 | compile |
org.influxdb.influxdb-java.jar | 2.15 | compile |
org.jboss.netty.netty.jar | 3.2.2.Final | compile |
org.jcodec.jcodec.jar | 0.2.2 | compile |
org.jflac.jflac-codec.jar | 1.5.2 | compile |
org.mariadb.jdbc.mariadb-java-client.jar | 2.2.4 | compile |
org.mongodb.mongo-java-driver.jar | 3.11.3 | compile |
org.mozilla.rhino.jar | 1.7.10 | compile |
org.mybatis.mybatis-spring.jar | 2.0.3 | compile |
org.mybatis.mybatis.jar | 3.5.7 | compile |
org.redisson.redisson-spring-boot-starter.jar | 3.13.3 | compile |
org.redisson.redisson.jar | 3.13.1 | compile |
org.slf4j.jcl-over-slf4j.jar | 1.7.25 | compile |
org.slf4j.slf4j-api.jar | 1.7.25 | compile |
org.slf4j.slf4j-log4j12.jar | 1.7.25 | compile |
org.slf4j.slf4j-log4j12.jar | 1.7.25 | runtime |
org.snmp4j.snmp4j.jar | 1.10.1 | compile |
org.springframework.boot.spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb.jar | 2.2.9.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework.boot.spring-boot-starter-data-redis.jar | 2.3.12.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework.boot.spring-boot-starter-freemarker.jar | 2.3.12.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework.boot.spring-boot-starter-log4j2.jar | 2.2.9.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework.boot.spring-boot-starter-tomcat.jar | 2.2.9.RELEASE | provided |
org.springframework.boot.spring-boot-starter-web.jar | 2.3.12.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework.boot.spring-boot-starter-websocket.jar | 2.3.12.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework.boot.spring-boot-starter.jar | 2.2.9.RELEASE | compile | | 2.2.9.RELEASE | compile | | 2.2.9.RELEASE | compile | | 2.2.9.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework.spring-beans.jar | 5.2.8.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework.spring-context.jar | 5.2.8.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework.spring-core.jar | 5.2.8.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework.spring-jdbc.jar | 5.2.8.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework.spring-messaging.jar | 5.2.8.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework.spring-orm.jar | 5.2.8.RELEASE | compile |
org.springframework.spring-websocket.jar | 5.2.8.RELEASE | compile |
org.tensorflow.libtensorflow.jar | 1.8.0 | compile |
org.tensorflow.tensorflow.jar | 1.15.0 | compile |
org.threeten.threetenbp.jar | 1.4.0 | compile |
org.w3.grammar.jar | 1.0 | compile |
redis.clients.jedis.jar | 3.1.0 | compile |
redis.clients.jedis.jar | 3.3.0 | compile | | 2.11.12 | compile |
teamdev.comfyj.jar | 2.8 | compile |
teamdev.jniwrap.jar | 3.8.2 | compile |
teamdev.winpack.jar | 3.8.2 | compile |
xerces.xercesImpl.jar | 2.12.1 | compile |
xml-apis.xml-apis.jar | 1.4.01 | compile |