- Christian Rakow (RaNaN) Mast3rRaNaN@hotmail.de
- Jonas Engelhardt (Jonn3y)
- Marius Kittelmann (mkaay) mkaay@mkaay.de
- Martin Hronek (Velociraptor85) hrspam@gmail.com
- Nitzo (GammaC0de) nitzo2001@yahoo.com
- Stefano Codari (stickell) l.stickell@yahoo.it
- Walter Purcaro (vuolter) vuolter@gmail.com
- himbrr himbrr@himbrr.ws
- sebnapi
- Paul Spooren (spoob) mail@aparcar.org
- Nitzo (GammaC0de) nitzo2001@yahoo.com
- Walter Purcaro (vuolter) vuolter@gmail.com
- Jonas Engelhardt (Jonn3y)
- Martin Hronek (Velociraptor85) hrspam@gmail.com
The list of developers who have kindly contributed to the pyLoad project is constantly updated. You can found it here: https://github.com/pyload/pyload/graphs/contributors.
There are so many users that helped in these last years, testing code, reporting issues, opening topics to share tips and advices or fixing troubles or just to discuss about the project...
The pyLoad team can be only forever thankful to all of you for your persistence!
This has kept the project alive until today and we hope it will continue in the time to come.
A special thanks to RaNaN, sebnapi and spoob who started this journey so long time ago!