Notes for development.
- visualization of the graph itself from the nodes and edges (no haplotypes)
- layout
- use tubemap as the layout engine
- nodes
- text for the sequence
- edges (curves)
- improved curve calculation
- layout
- visualization of haplotypes on the z-axis (paths)
- should be simple to do if we can visualize the graph
- controls
- better camera positioning
- move graph with left, right arrow keys (simulate window move)
- select haplotypes with up, down arrow keys
- interactivity
- navigation buttons for mobile
- display number of nodes, edges, paths, selected path
- hover node should show coverage (% of paths that walks over this node)
- demo graphs
- find/generate better graphs to display different SVs
- take screenshots for paper
- server (likely out of scope)
- hook into tube-maps server
- move window with arrow keys (actually dynamically download graph)
docker run -it --name pgv-vg \
-v "$(pwd)":/vg/pgv \ \
docker start pgv-vg -i
# Construct vg graph from a FASTA and VCF file (reference + variants).
vg construct -r z.fa -v z.vcf.gz >
# Get some basic stats on the graph.
vg stats -z z.xg
vg stats -N z.xg
# Index the graph.
vg index -x z.xg
# Construct a subgraph given a region.
vg chunk -x z.xg -g -c 20 -r 200 -T -b chunk -E regions.tsv >
# Index and generate a DOT and JSON file for the subgraph.
vg index -x z.chunk.xg
vg view -dnp z.chunk.xg | dot -Tsvg -o z.chunk.svg
vg view -j z.chunk.xg > z.chunk.json
vg chunk -x cactus.xg -c 20 -r 24:27 | vg view -j - | jq . > cactus_r24\:27_c20.json
# Build project
yarn core:build
yarn web:build
# Build image (with latest tag)
docker build -t pgv .
docker run -it --name pgv --rm -v "$(pwd)/examples":/pgv/ui/examples -p 8000:8000 pgv:latest
# Login first
docker login
# Tag image
docker image tag pgv
# Push to
docker image push
# Login first
docker login
# Create a builder instance
docker buildx create --use
# Build and push
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t wlgao/pgv --push .