MathML-core considers all elements and attributes of MathML-core (as listed in section 2.1 of MathML-core) as safe and not needing a sanitization except the following elements.
We recommend the Sanitzer API to sanitize MathML by keeping all elements and attributes except the follwing:
- any common attribute with HTML attributes for which need a sanitzation as done in HTML,
- the
elements which should, ideally, be kept or replaced by an emptymspace
element - the
elements which should, ideally, be replaced by anmrow
element with the same children, and - any
element whoseencoding
attribute is of a media-type that is is either absent or is not among the trusted types or if it contains anhref
attribute: the element should, then, be removed.
MathML-core considers the following elements and attributes of MathML-core as safe and not needing sanitization:
Safe "as-is" Elements of MathML-core:
math, merror, mfrac, mi, mmultiscripts, mn, mo, mover, mpadded, mprescripts, mroot, mrow, ms, mspace, msqrt, mstyle, msub, msubsup, msup, mtable, mtd, mtext, mtr, munder, munderover, semantics
Attributes of MathML-core:
dir, displaystyle, mathbackground, mathcolor, mathsize, scriptlevel, encoding, display, linethickness, intent and arg
; on mo
elements: form, fence, separator, lspace, rspace, stretchy, symmetric, maxsize, minsize, largeop, movablelimits
; on mpadded
elements: width, height, depth, lspace, voffset
, on mspace
elements: width, height, depth
, on munderover
elements accent
and accentunder
; on mtd
elements columnspan
and rowspan
Moreover, the following attributes have their syntax and semantics specified in the HTML specification. The sanitizer behaviour on these attributes should be as is done on HTML elements: on*, id, class, style, data-*, autofocus, nonce,tabindex
(for example any javascript should be removed).
The elements of MathML-core which need treatment by the sanitizers are the following. The proposed replacements are expressed in order of preference:
- the
elements which should, ideally, be kept or replaced by an emptymspace
element; if no other possibility exists, then remove it, - the
elements which should, ideally, be replaced by anmrow
element with the same children; if no other possibility exists, then remove it, and - any
element whoseencoding
attribute is of a media-type that is is either absent or is not among the trusted types or if it contains anhref
attribute: the element should, then, be removed.