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Henri edited this page Nov 16, 2018 · 5 revisions

What is DataPeps?

DataPeps is an End-to-End Encryption platform that allows you to protect sensitive data in your applications. It is simple, secure and versatile.


You don't need any cryptography knowledge to set up and implement DataPeps.

DataPeps provides all the necessary functionality to make sure your sensitive data is safe against potential security breaches.

We have made this possible by hiding all the complexity behind a compact and a thoroughly documented API and this ready-to-use SDK.

See for yourself. Our demo application Notes which was introduced at Devoxx 2018 showcases how to implement DataPeps in an existing application in less than one hour.


DataPeps uses the tools and techniques that are widely acclaimed by cryptographers and the Information Security community.

To prove reliability of DataPeps cryptographic protocols, we formally verify their security properties. Moreover, we realize that a poor implementation can nullify security of DataPeps.

Therefore, code quality is the priority of our team, and we apply various complex techniques to reduce the number of bugs and potential problems in the code to zero.


DataPeps has multiple SDKs available and the API service can run in cloud platforms or on-prem. Get or ask the SDK you need:

  • JavaScript/TypeScript SDK
  • C SDK with bindings to multiple other languages (C#, Python, etc.) (available on request)
  • Go SDK (available on request)