DID cheqd scheme is supported with the same functionality as the other DID schemes (see decentralized-identifiers.md for command-line interface or #decentralised-identifiers for REST API). Creating a did:cheqd
will also onboard with the Universal Registrar. The created DID can be checked at https://resolver.cheqd.net/1.0/identifiers/{your-did} or using the Universal Resolver.
requires keys of type Ed25519
. They can be either:
- imported into SSIKit - and further used when creating the did by specifying the
- or created with SSIKit
- standalone
- by default when running the did-create command
Detailed instructions on how to build and run the SSI-Kit's CLI.
E.g. create a did:cheqd
on testnet
and also create the key for it by default
ssikit did create -m cheqd -n testnet
ssikit did create -m cheqd --network testnet
Detailed instructions on how to build and run the SSI-Kit's REST API.
{% swagger method="post" path="/" baseUrl="https://core.ssikit.walt.id/v1/did/create" summary="Create a did:cheqd document on the test or main network" expanded="false" %} {% swagger-description %}
{% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="body" name="method" required="true" %} did schema (use cheqd) {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="body" name="network" %} mainnet or testnet {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="201: Created" description="" %}
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}