elasticsearch-engine is an ElasticSearch query engine framework encapsulated based on HighLevelRestClient. Supports ElasticSearch annotation-based structured query; Query based on sql statement; And integrate common ORM framework, provide Mapper interface based on ORM framework to automatically generate ElasticSearch Sql query statement, and execute ElasticSearch query;
You can implement ElasticSearch query by marking an annotation on the Mapper interface that needs to query ElasticSearch without additional code development; And you can dynamically switch the query between ElasticSearch and Mysql through the configuration center configuration, Implement ElasticSearch query downgrade.
Implement elasticsearch query based on annotations
Implement elasticsearch query based on sql statement
Automatically generate elasticsearch queries based on the mybatis mapper interface, and support database return table queries
Automatically generate elasticsearch query based on jpa repository interface, and support database return table query
Automatically generate elasticsearch query based on jooq dao implementation class, and support database return table query
- elasticsearch-engine-base provides basic functions such as annotation query, sql statement query, ORM query sql parsing, sql rewriting and so on
- elasticsearch-engine-mybatis implements sql interception, rewriting, and execution of elasticsearch queries based on mybatis interceptor
- elasticsearch-engine-jpa is based on aop, hibernate sql interceptor and re-jpa parameter binding module to realize sql interception, rewrite and execute elasticsearch query
- elasticsearch-engine-jooq is based on aop, jooq execution listener to implement sql interception, rewrite, and execute elasticsearch queries
For all complete examples, please refer to Example
- Add maven dependencies
- Define the query model
package com.elasticsearch.engine.demo.dto.query;
import com.elasticsearch.engine.base.mapping.annotation.*;
import com.elasticsearch.engine.base.mapping.model.extend.PageParam;
import com.elasticsearch.engine.base.mapping.model.extend.RangeParam;
import com.elasticsearch.engine.base.mapping.model.extend.SignParam;
import com.elasticsearch.engine.base.model.annotion.Base;
import com.elasticsearch.engine.base.model.annotion.EsQueryIndex;
import com.elasticsearch.engine.base.model.annotion.Ignore;
import com.elasticsearch.engine.base.model.emenu.EsConnector;
import lombok.Data;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.List;
* @author wanghuan
* @description: Basic test for parsing query annotations
* @mail 958721894@qq.com
* @date 2022-05-31 22:40
@EsQueryIndex(value = "person_es_index")
public class PersonBaseQuery {
private BigDecimal salary;
@Terms(value = @Base("item_no"))
private List<String> personNos;
private List<String> personNoList;
@Range(value = @Base(value = "status", connect = EsConnector.SHOULD), tag = Range.LE_GE)
private RangeParam rangeStatus;
private RangeParam createTime;
private String address;
private String personName;
private LocalDateTime createTimeEnd;
@From(value = @Base("create_time"))
private LocalDateTime createTimeStart;
private PageParam pageParam;
* Mark annotations do not parse the value, only parse the annotation value
* It is necessary to set the value value to be not empty, the query condition will take effect, but the set value will not be parsed, just mark whether to add the condition
* So value can be set arbitrarily, but note that string cannot be an empty string, and the array type cannot be null
* SignParam represents an unparsed parameter value type
* can also be represented using Sign.DEFAULT_STRING
private SignParam sortStatus;
@Aggs(value = @Base("status"), type = Aggs.COUNT_DESC)
private SignParam groupStatus;
* Indicates that a field is ignored, and the ignored field will not be parsed when querying whether the attribute value is empty or not
private String token;
- Declare the query interface
public interface PersonEsModelRepository extends BaseESRepository<PersonEsEntity, Long> {
* queryByMode
* @param param
* @return
List<PersonEsEntity> queryByMode(PersonBaseQuery param);
- Test example
public class EsEngineProxyModelQueryTest {
private PersonEsModelRepository personEsModelRepository;
* model query test
public void queryByModelTest() {
PersonBaseQuery person = new PersonBaseQuery();
person.setSalary(new BigDecimal("67700"));
List<PersonEsEntity> res = personEsModelRepository.queryByMode(person);
log.info("res:{}", JsonParser.asJson(res));
- Query effect
"from": 0,
"size": 100,
"timeout": "10s",
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
"wildcard": {
"address": {
"wildcard": "*Tianfu*"
"prefix": {
"personName": {
"value": "Zhang"
"term": {
"salary": {
"value": 67700
"range": {
"create_time": {
"from": "2021-08-23T21:17:23.385Z",
"to": "2022-06-19T21:17:23.385Z",
"include_lower": true,
"include_upper": true,
"time_zone": "+08:00",
"format": "8uuuu-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"
- Declare the query interface
@EsQueryIndex(value = "person_es_index")
public interface PersonEsParamRepository extends BaseESRepository<PersonEsEntity, Long> {
* List query
* @return
List<PersonEsEntity> queryList(@Terms List<String> personNoList);
- Test example
public class EsEngineProxyModelQueryTest {
private PersonEsParamRepository personEsParamRepository;
* List query test
public void queryListResponse() {
List<String> personNoList = Lists.newArrayList("US2022060100001", "US2022060100002");
List<PersonEsEntity> res = personEsParamRepository.queryList(personNoList);
log.info("res:{}", JsonParser.asJson(res));
- Query effect
"size": 1000,
"timeout": "10s",
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
"terms": {
"personNo": [
- Declare the query interface
public interface PersonEsSqlRepository extends BaseEsRepository<PersonEsEntity, Long> {
* Object parameter test
* @param person
* @return
@EsQuery("SELECT * FROM person_es_index WHERE status = #{person.status} AND sex = #{person.sex}")
List<PersonEntity> pageQuery(PersonEntity person);
- Test example
* Object parameter query test
public class EsEngineProxySqlQueryTest {
private PersonEsSqlRepository personEsSqlRepository;
public void testSqlPageQuery() {
PersonEntity person = new PersonEntity();
List<PersonEntity> results = personEsSqlRepository.pageQuery(person);
- Query effect
2022-06-21 15:46:24.781INFO 52845---[main]c.e.e.b.c.q.sql.EsSqlExecuteHandler:http://localhost:9200/_sql?format=json
2022-06-21 15:46:24.781INFO 52845---[main]c.e.e.b.c.q.sql.EsSqlExecuteHandler:{"query":"SELECT * FROM person_es_index WHERE status = 1 AND sex = 1"}
- Add maven dependencies
- Add the corresponding es query annotation to the mapper interface
public interface PersonMapper {
PersonEsEntity queryOne(@Param("personNo") String personNo, @Param("status") Integer status);
- Test example
public class EsEngineExtendMybatisQueryTest {
private PersonMapper personMapper;
* single query
public void testSqlOne() {
PersonEsEntity personEsEntity = personMapper.queryOne("US2022060100001", 1);
log.info("res:{}", JsonParser.asJson(personEsEntity));
- Query effect
- Query effect
2022-06-21 15:54:48.017 INFO 53454 --- [main] c.e.e.m.i.MybatisEsQueryInterceptor: raw sql: SELECT * FROM person WHERE person_no = ? AND status = ?
2022-06-21 15:54:48.075 INFO 53454 --- [main] c.e.e.m.i.MybatisEsQueryInterceptor : After rewriting sql: SELECT * FROM person_es_index WHERE personNo = ? AND status = ?
2022-06-21 15:54:48.076 INFO 53454 --- [main] c.e.e.m.i.MybatisEsQueryInterceptor : After replacing parameters sql: SELECT * FROM person_es_index WHERE personNo = 'US2022060100001' AND status = 1
2022-06-21 15:54:48.076 INFO 53454 --- [main] c.e.e.b.c.q.sql.EsSqlExecuteHandler: http://localhost:9200/_sql?format=json
2022-06-21 15:54:48.076 INFO 53454 --- [main] c.e.e.b.c.q.sql.EsSqlExecuteHandler : {"query":"SELECT * FROM person_es_index WHERE personNo = 'US2022060100001' AND status = 1"}
- Add maven dependencies
- Add the corresponding es query annotation to the repository interface
public interface PersonRepository extends JpaRepository<PersonEntity, Long> {
PersonEntity getByPersonNoAndStatus(String personNo, Integer status);
- Test example
public class EsEngineExtendJpaQueryTest {
private PersonRepository personRepository;
* single query
public void testSqlOne() {
PersonEntity personEntity = personRepository.getByPersonNoAndStatus("US2022060100001", 1);
log.info("res:{}", JsonParser.asJson(personEntity));
- Query effect
2022-06-21 16:00:20.962 INFO 53773 --- [main] c.e.e.b.c.parse.sql.EsSqlQueryHelper : raw sql: select personenti0_.id as id1_1_, personenti0_.address as address2_1_, personenti0_.company as company3_1_, personenti0_.create_time as create_t4_1_, personenti0_.create_user as create_u5_1_, personenti0_.person_name as person_n6_1_, personenti0_.person_no as person_n7_1_, personenti0_.phone as phone8_1_, personenti0_.salary as salary9_1_, personenti0_.sex as sex10_1_, personenti0_.status as status11_1_ from person personenti0_ where personenti0 person_no='US2022060100001' and personenti0_.status=1
2022-06-21 16:00:21.008 INFO 53773 --- [ main] c.e.e.b.c.parse.sql.EsSqlQueryHelper : After rewriting sql: SELECT id, address, company, createTime, createUser, personName, personNo, phone, salary, sex, status FROM person_es_index WHERE personNo = 'US2022060100001' AND status = 1
2022-06-21 16:00:21.009 INFO 53773 --- [ main] c.e.e.b.c.parse.sql.EsSqlQueryHelper : sql after replacing parameters: SELECT id, address, company, createTime, createUser, personName, personNo, phone, salary, sex , status FROM person_es_index WHERE personNo = 'US2022060100001' AND status = 1
2022-06-21 16:00:21.010 INFO 53773 --- [main] c.e.e.b.c.q.sql.EsSqlExecuteHandler : http://localhost:9200/_sql?format=json
2022-06-21 16:00:21.010 INFO 53773 --- [ main] c.e.e.b.c.q.sql.EsSqlExecuteHandler : {"query":"SELECT id, address, company, createTime, createUser, personName, personNo, phone, salary, sex, status FROM person_es_index WHERE personNo = 'US2022060100001' AND status = 1"}
- Add maven dependencies
- The dao implementation class adds the corresponding es query annotation
public class PersonJooqDaoImpl implements PersonJooqDao {
private DSLContext context;
private final Person PERSON = Tables.PERSON;
* @param personNo
* @param status
* @return
public PersonEntity getByPersonNoAndStatus(String personNo, Integer status) {
return context.selectFrom(PERSON).where(
- Test example
public class EsEngineExtendJooqQueryTest {
private PersonJooqDao personJooqDao;
* single query
public void testSqlOne() {
PersonEntity personEntity = personJooqDao.getByPersonNoAndStatus("US2022060100001", 4);
log.info("res:{}", JsonParser.asJson(personEntity));
- Query effect
2022-06-21 16:03:05.629 INFO 53945 --- [main] c.e.e.b.c.parse.sql.EsSqlQueryHelper: raw sql: select
from `user`.`person`
where (
`user`.`person`.`person_no` = 'US2022060100001'
and `user`.`person`.`status` = 4
2022-06-21 16:03:05.674 INFO 53945 --- [main] c.e.e.b.c.parse.sql.EsSqlQueryHelper : rewritten sql: SELECT `id`, `personNo`, `personName`, `phone`, `salary`, `company`, `status`, `sex`, `address`, `createTime`, `createUser` FROM person_es_index WHERE (`personNo` = 'US2022060100001' AND `status` = 4)
2022-06-21 16:03:05.675 INFO 53945 --- [main] c.e.e.b.c.parse.sql.EsSqlQueryHelper : After replacing parameters sql: SELECT id, personNo, personName, phone, salary, company, status, sex, address, createTime , createUser FROM person_es_index WHERE (personNo = 'US2022060100001' AND status = 4)
2022-06-21 16:03:05.676 INFO 53945 --- [main] c.e.e.b.c.q.sql.EsSqlExecuteHandler: http://localhost:9200/_sql?format=json
2022-06-21 16:03:05.676 INFO 53945 --- [ main] c.e.e.b.c.q.sql.EsSqlExecuteHandler : {"query":"SELECT id, personNo, personName, phone, salary, company, status, sex, address, createTime, createUser FROM person_es_index WHERE (personNo = 'US2022060100001' AND status = 4)"}
- Add the corresponding es query annotation to the mapper interface
public interface PersonMapper {
@MybatisEsQuery(backColumn = "id",backColumnType = Long.class)
List<PersonEsEntity> findBySex(@Param("sex") Integer sex);
- Test example
public class EsEngineExtendMybatisQueryTest {
private PersonMapper personMapper;
* Return form query test id
public void testSqlBackById() {
List<PersonEsEntity> results = personMapper.findBySex(1);
- Query effect
2022-06-22 00:46:23.302 INFO 7723 --- [main] c.e.e.m.i.MybatisEsQueryInterceptor: raw sql: SELECT * FROM person WHERE sex = ?
2022-06-22 00:46:23.347 INFO 7723 --- [main] c.e.e.m.i.MybatisEsQueryInterceptor : After rewriting sql: SELECT id FROM person_es_index WHERE sex = ?
2022-06-22 00:46:23.348 INFO 7723 --- [main] c.e.e.m.i.MybatisEsQueryInterceptor : After replacing parameters sql: SELECT id FROM person_es_index WHERE sex = 1
2022-06-22 00:46:23.349 INFO 7723 --- [main] c.e.e.b.c.q.sql.EsSqlExecuteHandler: http://localhost:9200/_sql?format=json
2022-06-22 00:46:23.349 INFO 7723 --- [main] c.e.e.b.c.q.sql.EsSqlExecuteHandler : {"query":"SELECT id FROM person_es_index WHERE sex = 1"}
2022-06-22 00:46:24.480 INFO 7723 --- [main] c.e.e.m.i.MybatisEsQueryInterceptor : return table sql : SELECT * FROM person WHERE sex = ? AND id IN (7, 13, 17, 6, 9, 14, 16 , 23, 24)
To be completed...
elasticsearch field naming supports camel case and underscore
elasticsearch version supports v6 and v7
The annotation query of this project refers to the open source project https://gitee.com/JohenTeng/elasticsearch-helper