- Extends compatibility to django-rest-framework v3.14.
- Fixes issue 377: content_object is missing in followup notification. View
has been updated to include content_object
in the context of templates it uses: email_followup_comment.txt
and email_followup_comment.html
- Update translation files to the latest strings found in templates. Next step is to include appropriate translations. See PR #379.
- Allows to customize the json object returned by the
template tag. Define the new setting COMMENTS_XTD_COMMENTBOX_CLASS
as the string path to the class that will return the JSON object. It defaults to the class django_comments_xtd.api.frontend.CommentBoxDriver
- Update version required for django-comments from 2.1 to 2.2.
- Adds compatibility with Django v4.
- Fixes issue-358: Missing closing tag in the dislike.html template.
- Fixes issue-333 produced when using django-comments-xtd with Django 3.2 with MySQL/MariaDB. The issue raises when calling 'update()' on queries with 'sorted_by', as it is the case of the default 'objects' manager of XtdComment.
- App translation to Simplified Chinesse thanks to @galeo.
- Fixes issue #334 related to defaults for DRF views. See the PR-338. Thanks to @PetrDlouhy.
- Improve command 'populate_xtdcomments' to output using the stdout attribute of the BaseCommand.
- Fixes issue-337. Provides updated pyproject.toml file that matches package version.
* Fixes issue in 'models.publish_or_unpublish_nested_comments', when calling the update method on an empty QuerySet. See [issue-318](https://github.com/danirus/django-comments-xtd/issues/318). Thanks to @abiatarfestus, @ironworld and @Khoding.
* Enhance the queryset in notify_comment_followers using distinct when possible. And fallback to the previous queryset when distinct is not supported, as is the case for sqlite. See [issue-326](https://github.com/danirus/django-comments-xtd/issues/326). Thanks to @enzedonline.
* Fixes issue with nested_count XtdComment's attribute being wrongly computed when comment threads are more than 2 level deep and have more than 1 thread. See [PR-312](https://github.com/danirus/django-comments-xtd/pull/312).
* Resolves limitation in API views. Avoid using explicit XtdComment model and rather use the `get_model` function to allow using customized comment models with API. See [PR-313](https://github.com/danirus/django-comments-xtd/pull/313). Thanks to @r4fek.
* Enhance comment form initialization, so that original fields are not override but rather only some of its attributes. See [PR-315](https://github.com/danirus/django-comments-xtd/pull/315). Thanks to @dest81.
* Fixes issue when the 'sent' view does not receive a 'c' query string parameter. See [PR-305](https://github.com/danirus/django-comments-xtd/pull/305). Thanks to @dest81.
* Drops support for Django 2.0 and 2.1.
* Requires django-contrib-comments >= 2.1, and djangorestframework >= 3.12.
* Fixes warning when generating the OpenAPI schema. Thanks to @ivanychev. Seee[PR-296](https://github.com/danirus/django-comments-xtd/pull/296).
* Fixes issue with `render_xtdcomment_tree` templatetag, thanks to @dest81. See [PR-295](https://github.com/danirus/django-comments-xtd/pull/295).
* Fixes issue #291, about the frontend plugin not being aware of the setting COMMENTS_XTD_DEFAULT_FOLLOWUP. It also fixes the content of the `login_url` props attribute. Its value is now the content of `settings.LOGIN_URL`.
* Fixes issue #284, about sending a comment twice by clicking the comment send button twice. It happened when not using the JavaScript plugin.
* Fixes issue #292 with the workflow upload-pypi.yml, that caused the package bundle to be built without JavaScript files.
* Adds Italian translation (thanks to @dlrsp-dev).
* Fixes issue #279, about a syntax mistake in the get_flags function, in the models.py module. Thanks to @manisar2.
* Fixes issue #271, about an issue with django-comments-xtd data migration 0008. The fix consists of making the migration non-effective. It also requires that the django project developer runs the management command `initialize_nested_count` manually, so that the field `nested_count` of `XtdComment` gets populated with the correct value. The command is idempotent. Thanks to @jxcl.
* Adds new setting COMMENTS_XTD_DEFAULT_FOLLOWUP, which is used to
initialize the follow-up form field. By default its value is False. Thanks to @drholera. Closes ticket #206.
* Fixes issue #274, about wrong validation of fields name and email in the
WriteCommentSerializer. Thanks to @dest81.
* Fixes issue #248, about the API returning comments' submit_date in UTC
when the setting USE_TZ is enabled and a different TIME_ZONE is given.
Thanks to @Loneattic.
* Fixes issue #250, which reports that using the web API to post a comment
with a reply_to field that would break the max_thread_level should not
produce an exception but rather a controlled response with an appropriate
HTTP code. Thanks to @impythonista.
* Fixes issue #255, about the web API not returning the comment ID when
creating a new comment. Thanks to @mhoonjeon.
* Fixes issue #256, about an issue in the JavaScript plugin that displays
the "reply" link even when the max_thread_level has been reached.
Thanks to @odescopi.
* Fixes issue #80, that requests to change the response when clicking
more than once on a comment confirmation link. Up until now clicking
more than once on a comment confirmation link produced a HTTP 404
response. Since version 2.8.1 the response is the same as for the first
click: the user is redirected to the comment's view in the page.
Thanks to @ppershing.
* Fixes issue #152, about loading the `staticfiles` templatetag instead of
`static`. Since Django v3.0 the staticfiles app requires using the
latter. Thanks to @JonLevy and @mennucc.
* Fixes issue #221, about the get_version function. Now it returns the full
version number <major>.<minor>.<patch>. Thanks to @mckinly.
* Fixes issue #229, about failing to process empty honeypot field when
posting comments using the REST API. Thanks to @TommasoAmici.
* Fixes issue #106, which is about computing the number of nested comments
for every comment at every level down the tree. The fix consists of
adding a new field called 'nested_count' to the XtdComment model. Its
value represents the number of threaded comments under itself. A new
management command, 'initialize_nested_count', can be used to update the
value of the field, the command is idempotent. Two new migrations have
been added: migration 0007 adds the new field, and migration 0008 calls
the 'initialize_nested_count' command to populate the nested_count new
field with correct values.
* Fixes issue #215 about running the tests with Django 3.1 and Python 3.8.
* Fixes issue #208, about the JavaScript plugin not displaying the like and
dislike buttons and the reply link when django-comments-xtd is setup to
allow posting comments only to registered users (who_can_post: "users").
* Fixes issue #212, about missing i18n JavaScript catalog files for Dutch,
German and Russian.
* Fixes issue #188, about loading a templatetags module not required for
the application.
* Fixes issue #196. When extending django-comments-xtd's comment model, the
receiver function that reviews whether nested comments have to be publish
or unpublish is not called.
* Enhancement, closing issue #155 (and #170), on how to post comments via
the web API. Up until version 2.6.2 posting comments required the fields
timestamp, security_hash and honeypot. As of 2.7.0 there is support to
allow Django REST Framework authentication classes: WriteCommentSerializer
send the signal should_request_be_authorize that enables posting comments.
Read the documentation about the web API.
* Enhancement, closing issue #175 on how to customize django-comments-xts
so that user images displayed in comments come from other sources. A new
setting COMMENTS_XTD_API_GET_USER_AVATAR has been added. The docs have
been extended with a page that explains the use case in depth.
* Fixes issue #171, on wrong permission used to decide whether a user is a
moderator. The right permission is django_comments.can_moderate.
(thanks to Ashwani Gupta, @ashwani99).
* Fixes issue #136 on missing <link> element in the templates/base.html
file distributed with the tutorial.tar.gz bundle.
* Adds Dutch translation (thanks to Jean-Paul Ladage, @jladage).
* Adds Russian translation (thanks to Михаил Рыбкин, @MikerStudio).
* Fixesissue #140, which adds the capacity to allow only registered users
to post comments.
* Fixesissue #149, on wrong SQL boolean literal value used when running
special command populate_xtdcomments to load Postgres database with
* Fixesissue #154, on using string formatting compatible with Python
versions prior to 3.6.
* Fixesissue #156, on wrong props name "poll_interval". JavaScript plugin
expects uses "polling_interval" while the api/frontend.py module referred
to itas "poll_interval". (thanks to @ashwani99).
* Fixesissue #159, about using the same id for all the checkboxes in the
comment list. When ticking one checkbox in a nested form the checkbox of
the main form was ticked. Now each checkbox has a different id, suffixed
with the content of the `reply_to` field.
* Fixes issue #150, about wrong protocol in the URL when fetching avatar
images from gravatar.
* Fixes issue #145, on inadequate number of SQL queries used by API
entry point "comments-xtd-api-list", available in the URL
The issue also happened when rendering the comments using tags
get_xtdcomment_tree and render_xtdcomment_tree. It has been fixed
in both cases too.
* Updates the JSON schema of the output retrieved by the API entry
point "comments-xtd-api-list". Thus the version number change.
The flags attribute of each retrieved is now a list of flags instead
of a summary for each the flags: "I like it", "I dislike it",
"suggest removal".
* Fixes issue #138, on unpublishing a single comment with public nested
comments. The fix consists of a new pre_save receiver that will
either publish or unpublish nested comments when a comment changes
its is_public attribute. (thanks to @hematinik).
* Fixes issue #144 regarding the size of the JavaScript bundle. The
new JavaScript plugin does not include React and ReactDOM. The two
libraries have to be loaded with an external script.
* Update the dependencies of the JavaScript plugin.
* Fixes issue on the ContentType that happens when sending post
request with empty data. (PR: #137) (thanks to @dvorberg).
* Adds German translations, (thanks to @dvorberg).
* Adds Django 3.0 compatibility thanks to Sergey Ivanychev (@ivanychev).
* Adds Norwegian translations thanks to Yngve Høiseth (@yhoiseth).
* Allow changing the "d" parameter when requesting a gravatar,
thanks to @pylixm (PR: 100).
* Avoid requiring the SITE_ID, thanks to @gassan (PR: 125).
New minor release thanks to Mandeep Gill with the following changes:
* Adds support for non-int based object_pk, for instead when using UUIDs or
HashIds as the primary key on a model (closes #112).
* Refactors the commentbox props generation into a separate function so can
be used from the webapi for use with rest_framework/API-only backends that
don't make use of server-side templates.
* Adds a pyproject.yaml for use with `poetry` (https://poetry.eustace.io)
and new pip environments (PEP 518).
* Fixes issue #116.
* Updates package.json JavaScript dependencies:
* babel-cli from 6.24.1 to 6.26.0.
* jquery from 3.2.1 to 3.3.1.
* Upgrades Twitter-Bootstrap from v3 to v4.
* Fixes issue with tutorial fixtures (bug #114).
* Upgrade all JavaScript dependencies. Check packages.json for details.
The major changes are:
* ReactJS updates from 15.5 to 16.5.
* Babel updates from 6 to 7.
* Webpack from 2.4.1 to 4.21.0.
* Bootstrap from 3.3.7 to 4.1.3.
* Updates webpack.config.js.
* Demo sites and tutorial have been adapted to Twitter Bootstrap v4.
* Fixes issues #94, #108, #111.
* Resolves deprecation warnings and adopt recommendations in unit tests.
* Fixes demo sites so that they work with Django 1.11, Django 2.0 and
Django 2.1.
* Adds support for Django 2.1.
* Drops support for Django < 1.11 as it depends on django-contrib-comments
which dropped support too.
* Fixes issue 104 (on lack of Django 2.1 support).
* Fixes issues #76, #86 and #87.
* Request user name and/or email address in case the user is logged
in but the user's email attribute is empty and/or the user's
get_full_name() method returns an empty string.
* Adds Django 2.0 compatibility.
* Fixes issues #81 and #83.
* Replaces the use of django.test.client by RequestFactory in unittests.
* Fix issue 77. Template filter xtd_comment_gravatar_url must not
hard-code http schema in URL (reported by @pamost).
* App translation to Finnish, thanks to Tero Tikkanen (@terotic).
* Adds missing migration for a field's label (issue 71).
* Makes the form label for field 'name' translatable (issue 73).
* Code fixes to enable proper support for the Django Sites Framework.
* Code fixes for the `comp` demo site.
* Makes demo site dates in initial data files timezone aware.
* Improves documentation on setting up demo sites.
* Style changes in CSS wells.
* Surpass version number to fix problem with package upload in PyPI.
* No changes applied to this version.
* Use `django.core.signing` with temporary comment passed in URL
* Fix mistakes in documentation.
* App translation to French thanks to Brice Gelineau.
* Fixed MANIFEST.in file, so that files with translations are
* Javascript plugin (based on ReactJS).
* Web API to:
* Create a comment for a given content type and object ID.
* List comments for a given content type and object ID.
* Send feedback flags (like/dislike) on comments.
* Send report flag (removal suggestion) for a comment.
* Template filter `has_permission` applicable to a user object and
accepting a string specifying the `app_label.permission` being
checked. It returns `True` if the user has the given permission,
otherwise returns False.
* Setting `COMMENTS_XTD_API_USER_REPR` defines a lambda function to
return the user string representation used by the web API in response
* Setting `COMMENTS_XTD_APP_MODEL_PERMISSIONS` to explicitly define what
commenting features are enabled on per app.model basis.
* Templates `comments/delete.html` and `comments/deleted.html` matching
django-comments-xtd default twitter-bootstrap styling.
* Dependencies on Python packages: djangorestframework.
* Supports i18n for English and Spanish.
* All settings namespaced inside the COMMENTS_XTD setting.
* Management command to migrate comments from django-contrib-comments to
* Enable removal link in `django_comments_xtd/comment_tree.html` when the
user has the permission `django_comments.can_moderate`.
* Changed, when the user logged has `django_comments.can_moderate` permission,
template `django_comments_xtd/comment_tree.html` will show the number of
removal suggestions a comment has received.
* Changed, when a comment is marked as removed by a moderator
(using django-comments' `comments-delete` url) every nested comment below
the one removed is unpublished (`is_public` attribute is turned to
* Changed view helper functions, `perform_like` and `perform_dislike` now
returns a boolean indicating whether a flag was created. If `True` the flag
has been created. If `False` the flag has been deleted. These two functions
behave as toggle functions.
* Changed templates `comments/preview.html`, `comments/flag.html` and
* Removed dependency on django-markup.
* Removed template filter `render_markup_comment`.
* Removed setting `MARKUP_FALLBACK_FILTER`.