Files and Directories Operations on local disks.
Show content of a file
cat <file>
less <file>
view <file>
Show mime type / file type
file <file>
Create a file
touch <file>
Create a directory
mkdir <directory>
Create the full directory path
mkdir -p .../<directory>/<directory>/...
Copy a file
cp <source> <destination>
Copy recursive
cp -r <source> <destination>
Copy and keep permissions, timestamps (archive)
cp -a <source> <destinations>
Move a file / directory
mv <source> <destination>
Remove a file
rm <file>
Remove forcefully recursive
rm -rf <path>
Change owner/group of a file/directory
chown <user>:<group> <path>
Change owner/group recursively
chown -R <owner>:<group> <path>
Change mode/permissions of a file/directory
chmod <SUGO> <path>
# Numeric Modes:
# S = Special
# U = User
# G = Group
# O = Others
# Examples:
# 0400 = read for user only
# 0600 = read+write for user only
# 0700 = read+write+exec user only
# 0644 = user can read+write, everybody can read only
Finding a file or directory with a name
find . -iname "*<pattern>*"
Create a symlink
ln -s <source> <link>