As you may be aware, we are using Ansible for some of our work. Ansible Galaxy is the default library to publish Ansible roles, collections, plugins and modules. There are options to host the galaxy software on your own or provide GitHub repositories only - both seems very unconvenient for users. So, we decided to use the default Ansible Galaxy.
- default library
- no login needed (aside GitHub)
- simple to use
- is maintained by the Ansible community
The below list provides some useful links and documentation for Ansible Galaxy.
- supports collections and roles
- ranking and scoring for content
- uploads automatically or manually
- markdown parser for from a repository
- tags, search and links from Ansible meta files
- versioning from GitHub Tags or release versions
The general usage of Ansible Galaxy is splitted into users, that download and use content and developers that publish content.
Using content from Ansible Galaxy is done with the ansible-galaxy
You can install a role
$ ansible-galaxy role install NAMESPACE.ROLENAME
- NAMESPACE.ROLENAME (4.7.0) was installed successfully
or a collection
$ ansible-galaxy collection install NAMESPACE.COLLECTION
NAMESPACE.COLLECTION:1.0.0 was installed successfully
You can learn more about the general usage of Ansible Galaxy in the official documentation (cli) or in this blog article.
Each developer of an Ansible repository should provide detailed guides for users.
Publishing new content on Ansible Galaxy is pretty straught forward, too. There is lots of documentation for role and collection development available.
You will find detailed development guides in the repository, where the role, plugin or collection is located.