Tetragon: Awareness and Observability
Create Managed Grafana and managed Prometheus and link it to your AKS Cluster
Assign Grafana managed identity Monitoring Reader
on Sub level
Enable ContainerLogV2 & monitoring of kube-system namespace on your AKS cluster = kubectl apply -f ../src/container-azm-ms-agentconfig.yaml
Enable scraping of Tetragon metrics via Prometheus config = kubectl apply -f ../src/ama-metrics-prometheus-config.yaml
Verify that the Tetragon target is up = kubectl port-forward pods/ama-metrics-5bb5b47b97-vtw2p 9090
& http://localhost:9090/targets
| where PodNamespace == "kube-system"
| where PodName startswith "tetragon"
| where ContainerName startswith "export-stdout"
| where LogMessage has "process_exec"
| evaluate bag_unpack (LogMessage)
| evaluate bag_unpack (process_exec)
| evaluate bag_unpack (process)
| evaluate bag_unpack (pod)
| project TimeGenerated, name, namespace, arguments, binary
| where PodNamespace == "kube-system"
| where PodName startswith "tetragon"
| where ContainerName startswith "export-stdout"
| where LogMessage has "process_exec"
| evaluate bag_unpack (LogMessage)
| evaluate bag_unpack (process_exec)
| evaluate bag_unpack (process)
| evaluate bag_unpack (pod)
| where binary == '/bin/sh' or binary == '/bin/bash'
| project TimeGenerated, name, namespace, binary
View Syscalls from Tracing policies
| where PodNamespace == "kube-system"
| where PodName startswith "tetragon"
| where ContainerName startswith "export-stdout"
| where LogMessage has "process_kprobe"
| evaluate bag_unpack (LogMessage)
| evaluate bag_unpack (process_kprobe)
| evaluate bag_unpack (process)
| evaluate bag_unpack (pod)
| project TimeGenerated, name, namespace, action, function_name, arguments, binary
| where PodNamespace == "kube-system"
| where PodName startswith "tetragon"
| where ContainerName startswith "export-stdout"
| project TimeGenerated, PodName, LogMessage
| where LogMessage has "process_kprobe"
| evaluate bag_unpack (LogMessage)
| evaluate bag_unpack (process_kprobe)
| evaluate bag_unpack (process)
| evaluate bag_unpack (pod)
| where action == "KPROBE_ACTION_SIGKILL"
| where namespace == "log4shell"
| summarize count () by binary, TimeGenerated
| project TimeGenerated, Count=count_