v1.10.23 (22/06/2020)
- changed leanGallery css from cssModule to global static.
v1.10.22 (14/06/2020)
- fixed slideshow info structure (with/out customSlideshowInfoRenderer)
v1.10.21 (08/06/2020)
- dummy commit
v1.10.20 (08/06/2020)
- fixed item-wrapper div container styles.
v1.10.19 (03/06/2020)
v1.10.18 (03/06/2020)
- Fix: fix support for min / max cubeType
v1.10.17 (28/05/2020)
- Improve (cubeType): add min/max cubeTypes to limit images height
- fix (imageItem.js): added data-hook for img tags
- improve (playground): add meta tags
v1.10.16 (25/05/2020)
- fix: hover padding in slider.
- improve: use native lazyLoad when supported
- improve (package.json): release exact dependencies version
v1.10.14 (18/05/2020)
- improve: add a repository field in package.json
v1.10.13 (18/05/2020)
- Revert bad commit: improve (calcVisibilities): remove deprecated calcVisibilities
v1.10.12 (14/05/2020)
- Fix (rtl): explicitly set ltr direction when not rtl
- Fix (social): stoppropagation off text download keypress not to trigger item navigation
- Improve (itemView): render Hover element only when needed
- Fix (social): stoppropagation off text download clicks not to trigger item navigation
- Fix (galleryContainerNew): Scrollbase use in getMoreItems
- Improve (itemView): render Hover element only when needed
- Fix (itemView): fix unrendered hover when hoveringBehaviour is not APPEARS
- Fix (itemView): fix unrendered hover when hoveringBehaviour is not APPEARS
- Improve (itemView): render Hover element only when needed
- Improve (leanGallery): use customInfoRenderer
- fix (calcVisibilities): remove test
- fix (useExistingLayout): fix stripIdx initial number (used for random seed of group type)
- improve (calcVisibilities): remove deprecated calcVisibilities
- removed unused var
- This reverts commit 23d01b48d8da98745418d4044f0992b85e9b16f3.
- This reverts commit 0fa7be33c870cbd7d66c9d5a0c1046fb81dfd28f.
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:wix/pro-gallery
- fix (travis): publish when branch name is tagged
v1.10.11 (11/05/2020)
- Small fix for square items (isVertical)
- Hover css prep for info-elements -> if an element inside the external info will have 'info-member' className, hover effects will affect it as well.
v1.10.10 (07/05/2020)
- Fix (leanGallery): use props eventsListener
- Improve (index): export leanGallery and isEligible
- Feat (videoItem): loaded videos will no longer have a poster background. background was visible when video AR was different from the item's
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:wix/pro-gallery
v1.10.9 (03/05/2020)
- Fixed: protect conversion to GalleryItems in cases there is no last group
v1.10.8 (03/05/2020)
- Refactor: onItemClick not sends the event in the eventsListener
- Refactor: small refactor to customRenderers + providing isMobile to customRenderers.
v1.10.7 (30/04/2020)
- Feature: NEED_MORE_ITEMS padding only after initial scroll
- Feature: added support of customSlideshowInfoRenderer if provided, passing itemContainer to custom renderers
- Fix: fixed gallery-item-hover-inner height (css)
- Fix: fixed slideshow slide counter counted over the total with loop
- Fix: Lean Gallery: fix broken inner style function + minor fixes
v1.10.6 (23/04/2020)
- fix (scrollHelper):scroll after reaplying snap - safari
v1.10.5 (22/04/2020)
- Fix - Revmoved scroll-snap for the scroll animation duration. (chrome 81 changes to scroll-snap)
v1.10.4 (21/04/2020)
- Added addLayoutStyles to pro-gallery exports.
- GALLERY_CONSTS: placements helper functions will be exported as well in GALLERY_CONSTS
v1.10.3 (19/04/2020)מ
- Remove console log
v1.10.2 (19/04/2020)
- Fix: use custom posters in videoPlaceholders
v1.10.1 (19/04/2020)
- Fix: package.json: updated published files.
v1.10.0 (19/04/2020)
- Refactor: changed pro-gallery exports.
v1.9.4 (16/04/2020)
- Fix: add protection for hls in iOS
v1.9.3 (13/04/2020)
- New feature - items have changed if one of the item types have changed
v1.9.2 (13/04/2020)
- Added video placeholder item option - metaData.isVideoPlaceholder
v1.9.1 (13/04/2020)
- Fix: missing rotatingCropRatios isRelevant
v1.9.0 (07/04/2020)
- Feature: enable multiple title placements
v1.8.13 (06/04/2020)
- Fix: missing items in horizontal layouts (Grid and Masonry)
v1.8.12 (06/04/2020)
- Allow all videos to have _placeholder and register in the video list.
v1.8.11 (05/04/2020)
- Add support for HLS redirect url (or plain .m3u8) videoUrl for video items
v1.8.10 (29/03/2020)
- Feat: add data-cancel-link on fake navigation expand mode share links
v1.8.9 (25/03/2020)
- Fix: fix pro-gallery-margin-container width to accomodate for imageMargin
v1.8.8 (24/03/2020)
- Fix: use galleryWidth in video visibility calc
v1.8.7 (24/03/2020)
- Fix: no arrows in horizontal Magic layout
v1.8.6 (24/03/2020)
- Feat: remove legacy js visible prop(layouts groups) from item rendering logic
v1.8.5 (23/03/2020)
- Improve: use single source videoPlaceholder.
v1.8.4 (22/03/2020)
- update changelog.md
- Gallery region label can now be passed via 'proGalleryRegionLabel' prop to PG.
- Feat: domId is now the only Id (no galleryId no galleryDomId)
- itemView: pass additional prop to ItemHover
- itemView: removed unused functions: openItemShopInFullScreen, toggleFullscreenIfNeeded -> Social is not using 'openItemShopInFullScreen' action.
- itemView: pass additional prop to ItemHover
- Fix: fix for gridFit and rtl
- social: 'text-external-item' will be set also for titlePlacement===SHOW_ON_THE_RIGHT or titlePlacement===SHOW_ON_THE_LEFT
- improve (sidebar): add localhost links
- fix (layouter): fix left for sidebyside layouts
v1.8.3 (15/03/2020)
- SEO url -> we will replace webp with the original file type and not with jpg.
- fix: fix issue with broken gallerySize
v1.8.2 (09/03/2020)
- Fixed creation of customEvent for IE.
v1.8.1 (09/03/2020)
- Removed 'on_mouse_over' customEvent as not in use. Fixed 'current_hover_change' customEvent to be created with new customEvent logic.
v1.8.0 (08/03/2020)
- feature: add support for textBoxWidthPercent: calculateTextBoxWidthMode SP: PERCENT / MANUAL textBoxWidth SP: when MANUAL textBoxWidthPercent SP: when PERCENT
- fixed columns width calculation (when columns don’t devide equally)
- fix groups left calc for dynamic columns
v1.7.25 (04/03/2020)
- Add clickTarget to EVENTS.ITEM_CLICKED eventData (options: 'item-media', 'item-info', 'item-container')
v1.7.24 (03/03/2020)
- Fixed classNames in horizontal galleries.
- Changed console.warn to console.log when local
v1.7.23 (25/02/2020)
- Fixed hoveringBehaviour logic
- Let videos with no link lay on click when the gallery is a link opens
v1.7.22 (25/02/2020)
- Fixed support of no media url when titlePlacement === 'SHOW_ON_HOVER'
- Items with link wont play videos on click
v1.7.21 (23/02/2020)
- Fixed lineHeightFixer for title placement SHOW_ON_THE_RIGHT and SHOW_ON_THE_LEFT
- Feat: allow deepLinks on items for expand mode
v1.7.20 (21/02/2020)
- If there is no media url the infoElement (ifExists, not on hover) will grow to the whole item size.
v1.7.19 (20/02/2020)
- Implemented titlePlacement SHOW_ON_THE_RIGHT, SHOW_ON_THE_LEFT
- Improve: settings for titlePlacement and textBoxHeight
- improve: addPresetStyles to all styles
- fix: remove wix-incubator references
v1.7.18 (18/02/2020)
- Deeplinks removed from items.
v1.7.17 (18/02/2020)
- Deeplinks on items - only in SEO
v1.7.16 (16/02/2020)
- Add sharing links on items
- Removed iOS download block
- Improve: add option for native image lazy load
v1.7.15 (13/02/2020)
- Added dumpCache for utils when view mode or formFactor is set.
- Fixed loadMoreAmount condition.
- improve (codePanel): add css to generated code
- removed isLocal from isDev. allow local testing with no dev log.
v1.7.14 (04/02/2020)
- Fix: fix mixup between columns and fullsize presets
v1.7.13 (03/02/2020)
- Fix: fixed wrong gallerySize in masonry layout
v1.7.12 (03/02/2020)
- do not use dom height when avoidSelfMeasure
v1.7.11 (03/02/2020)
- improve (presets): create exported addPresetStyles method
v1.7.10 (02/02/2020)
- Fix: use inherit instead of visible (allows setting visibility from parent)
- Fix: use constant default domId to prevent change between renders (might effect on several galleries in the same page)
- Improve: make domId required in propTypes
- Force scroll direction on all solid direction layouts
v1.7.9 (30/01/2020)
- fix masonry to always vertical scrollDirection
v1.7.8 (29/01/2020)
- Fix (dimensionHelper): set scrollBase to container in calcScrollBase
- Change height calc for titles in SSR
v1.7.7 (28/01/2020)
- Fixed images alignment bug in grid layout.
- Fix (leanGallery): fix liveHeightFixer in leanGallery
- Improve (leanGallery): fix isEligible for no title and no description
v1.7.6 (27/01/2020)
- In slideshow, only the itemInner will be wrapped with , and not the whole item-container.
- Group navigation for collage horizontal and improvements to arrows.
v1.7.5 (27/01/2020)
- change download elements to div
v1.7.4 (26/01/2020)
- Fixes totitlePlacement/hoveringBehaviour.
v1.7.3 (22/01/2020)
- Accessibility fix loveButton label, role, and checked/unchecked
- Added formFactor prop ("mobile"/"desktop"/"tablet"). Will be used as one of the ways to know if the gallery is displayed on mobile.
- fix (deployToSurge): fix version specifc deploy
v1.7.2 (22/01/2020)
- fix padding issue: fixed padding bottom in texts when not needed (thumbnails, slider and slideshow layouts)
- fix Accessibility issue for vertical galleries: keyboard arrows navigation: if load more button is on, cannot navigate to items that are hidden below it
v1.7.1 (21/01/2020)
- improve (leanGallery): expand leanGallery coverage
v1.7.0 (21/01/2020)
- titlePlacement/hoveringBehaviour options: separated info/hover behaviours:
- titlePlacement no longer supports 'SHOW_NOT_ON_HOVER': use option - hoveringBehaviour = 'DISAPPEAR'
- titlePlacement no longer supports 'SHOW_ALWAYS': use option - hoveringBehaviour = 'NO_CHANGE'
- titlePlacement no longer supports 'DONT_SHOW': use option - hoveringBehaviour = 'NEVER_SHOW'
v1.6.12 (19/01/2020)
- remove arrows from first and last items
v1.6.11 (19/01/2020)
- fix: items will be clickable when itemClick is link and there is a dynamic link on those items.
v1.6.10 (16/01/2020)
- fixed EVENTS.NEED_MORE_ITEMS not beeing dispatched for some galleries.
v1.6.9 (14/01/2020)
- fixed mix/alternate layouts mixup
- a click on a video item will be processed only if itemClick === 'nothing'.
v1.6.8 (12/01/2020)
- send scroll events only on relevant scroll
v1.6.7 (12/01/2020)
- fixed an issue where alternate and mix presets mixed up and alternated
v1.6.6 (08/01/2020)
- improve: moved layoutHelper.js layout styles to presets
- fix (itemView): clearTimeout on unmount to prevent state update
- fix (videoScrollHelper): protect access to item.metaData.videoUrl
- improve (cssScroll): use react dangerouslySetHTML for styles
- improve (isEligible): allow undefined values in leanGallery params
v1.6.5 (30/12/2019)
- slideshowView className will always contain 'pro-gallery-parent-container' and more if needed
- remove unnecessary import
v1.6.4 (25/12/2019)
- fix (defaultStyles): add one place for default styles and pass it to the gallery
- fix (slideshowView): remove event listeners on unmount
v1.6.3 (24/12/2019)
- New merged settings endpoint with the old settings
- Use different componenets for different presets
- Added leanGallery for eligable galleries
- AutoSlideshow always play in preview mode, never in editor mode
- Do not create Hover element unless needed
v1.6.2 (19/12/2019)
- fix (leanGallery): fix isEligible and responsive
v1.6.1 (18/12/2019)
- added showVideoPlayButton styleParam
v1.6.0 (17/12/2019)
- improve (hidePlay): fetch hidePlay prop from styleParams
- feature (leanGallery): render a css grid lean gallery when possible
v1.5.50 (17/12/2019)
- fix (tests): use image compare with larger threshold
v1.5.49 (17/12/2019)
Added MAIN_COLOR to imageLoading options (SP imageLoadingMode and imageLoaindWithColorMode)
v1.5.48 (05/12/2019)
- fix (galleryContainer): always emit events
v1.5.47 (04/12/2019)
- dummy commit.
v1.5.46 (04/12/2019)
- fixed clicking on item behaviour when itemClick is LINK.
v1.5.44 (03/12/2019)
- added try-catch with console.error to scrollToItem.
- fixed gallery-items keyboard navigation when onItemClick===link, fixed enter press on gallery-item with direct link.
- fix groupView for dummyItems
v1.5.43 (01/12/2019)
- improve: add customLoadMoreRenderer
v1.5.42 (28/11/2019)
- improve: remove comments from events constants
- fix (videos): allow for autoplay in mobile
v1.5.41 (26/11/2019)
- fixed animations when itemBorderRadius is not 0: itemBorderRadius will be passed to item component (image/video/text) and to hover component
- fixed gallery consts export
- remove 'current_hover_change' eventListener on unmount.
- manually play videos when needed (required for safari)
v1.5.40 (24/11/2019)
- fixed overlay animations on hover (issue when border-radius is not 0px)
v1.5.39 (24/11/2019)
- fix (withFullscreen): fix imports paths
- improve: export ExpandableProGallery from index
- improve: move settings to gallery/src
- improve: allow openning fullscreen with currentIdx
- use real thumbnailSize for thumbnails
- enable collage horizontal navigation - fix for last version regression
v1.5.38 (17/11/2019)
no changes.
v1.5.37 (17/11/2019)
- improve (dimensions->scrollBase): pro-gallery will self calculate scrollBase if was not provided from a wrapper and NOT 'avoidGallerySelfMeasure'. 'externalScrollBase' can be provided to pro-gallery.
v1.5.36 (17/11/2019)
- fix: error messages on scripts
v1.5.33 (15/11/2019)
- improve (tests): reorganize tests folders
- improve: scroll to currentIdx on gallery load if defined
- fix: add polyfill for Object.values
- improve: add ExpandableProGallery component
- fix (slideshowView): add restriction to nextItem > 0
- fix (slideshowView): fix cluncky navigation and RTL scrollToItem
v1.5.32 (13/11/2019)
- improve: remove all animations from items
v1.5.31 (13/11/2019)
- fix: add Object.entries polyfill
- fix (scrollCss): use domId for the general class
v1.5.30 (11/11/2019)
- improve (scrollCss): seperate scrollCss into style tags
v1.5.29 (11/11/2019)
- improve: add a version debug log script
- improve (dimensions->height): pro-gallery will self calculate height if was not provided from a wrapper.
- fix: remove annoying console.warn
v1.5.28 (07/11/2019)
- improve (dimensions->width): pro-gallery will self calculate width if was not provided from a wrapper.
- improve (utils): playground is always verbose
- fix (galleryContainer): warn about new state only if verbose
- improve (readme): add readme to gallery package
v1.5.27 (05/11/2019)
- fix (share.js): Fixed share icons mismatch (Pinteres<->Twitter).
v1.5.26 (03/11/2019)
- fixed mobile hover bug for galleries under the view.
v1.5.25 (03/11/2019)
- fix: removed calls to fixViewport and to getViewportScaleRatio as it's always 1.
v1.5.24 (30/10/2019)
- fix hover share icons after svg changes
- improve: add text items
v1.5.23 (28/10/2019)
- Reverted v1.5.21 and v1.5.22
- fix: fixed a bug when hover effects all galleries
v1.5.22 (27/10/2019)
- fix: recalc gallery width until it is > 0
v1.5.21 (27/10/2019)
- fix: fixed a bug when hover effects all galleries
- fix: fix galleryWidth calculation
- improve: measure galleryDimensions and scrollBase if not supplied
v1.5.20 (24/10/2019)
- fix: fixed a bug when hover did not disappear on mouse out
- improve: remove position animations from items
v1.5.18 (23/10/2019)
- fix: remove dynamic loading of ViewComponent (SSR did not render)
v1.5.18 (23/10/2019)
- fix: do not render without a loaded viewComponent
v1.5.17 (23/10/2019)
- fix: trigger dynamic imports on SSR
v1.5.16 (23/10/2019)
- fix (dimensionHelper): fix isFullWidth condition
v1.5.15 (22/10/2019)
- fix (dimensionsHelper): improve fullWidth check
v1.5.14 (22/10/2019)
- improve (dimensionsHelper): calc scrollBase if needed
v1.5.13 (18/10/2019)
- fix: fine tune infiniteScroll one horizontal layout
v1.5.12 (17/10/2019)
- fix: set the strip width when adding new items
v1.5.11 (17/10/2019)
- fix: reset layoutHeight when adding new items
v1.5.10 (17/10/2019)
- fix (slideshowLoop): place dummy items for duplicated items
v1.5.9 (17/10/2019)
- fix (layouter): fix horizontal infiniteScroll reset
v1.5.8 (17/10/2019)
- improve (animations): add blur and main color animations
- fix (layouter): fix infiniteScroll for horizontal grid galleries
v1.5.7 (17/10/2019)
- disable slideshowLoop for vertical layouts
v1.5.6 (17/10/2019)
- fix className of videoItemPlaceholder
- fix images loop for very few items
- add fade loading transition
v1.5.5 (15/10/2019)
- use real styles and items as event data
v1.5.4 (15/10/2019)
- re-add css from main index.js
v1.5.3 (15/10/2019)
- remove unsed dependencies
v1.5.2 (15/10/2019)
- remove css from main index.js
v1.5.1(https://pro-gallery-1-5-1.surge.sh) (15/10/2019)
- remove sideEffects from package.json (caused css to disappear)
- set default view component is null function
- dynamic load of ViewComponent
- set default scrollBase to 0
- fix: remove react context
- fix: do not cache isFullWidth
- add video preview image to css scroll (like regular images)
- better handling of unknown width in SSR width can be either empty string or a number - the gallery will not measure itself
- fix minor position diff in share icon
- remove leftovers font icons
- fix broken slideshowLoop
- remove svg-font-icons and add native SVG support
- better handling of arrows and horizontal swipe navigation
- handle rage clicks on gallery arrows
- fix videos in Safari
- fix arrows position in RTL galleries
- fix (react-svg): save svgs to components
- improve (package.json): create a module instead of bundle
- fix - change metaData on items when it changes
- remove unnecessary dependencies
- fix (lineHeightFixer): fixed customButton display css attribute when textPlacement is above or below.
- fix first-tap on mobile.
- move Videos dynamic loading to componentDidMount
- fix slideshow arrows appearance in rtl
- refactor: moved constants, utils, window to 'common' folder. Added utils functions and constants for pro-fullscreen-renderer usage.
- removed local love logic.
- fix grid fit with ssr
- decrease debounce time when measuring items
- improve: use debounce instead of throttle after image measurement
- fix: do not set imageDimensions on SSR
- fix: remove implicit usage of filename
- fix: remove double # from id
- fix ssr layout css
- fix arrow navigation in RTL mode
- do not populate title with filename
- fix css layouts for multiple galleries
- add rtl class to gallery scss
- add support for RTL galleries
- return empty string functions as links for text items
- add total width to scheme
- some more A11y fixes
- set maximum logging depth (for verbose logging)
- seoLink to return a string and not a function
- fixed A11y issue and auto slideshow play button and counter.
- remove comments from svg-fonts scss file (created errors in css dist file)
- rename play svg
- bind setCurrentItemByScroll to this
- use window outerWidth/Height for scroll calcs
- lineHeightFixer - use default values when css is not found
- fixed dynamic imports influence on the component (state vise).
- init playing video setState only after compDidMount
- add idx to domId
- always create new cssLayouts
- fix video props in hydrate
- add another reCreateGallery after mount
- add cssLayouts to hydrate phase
- add externalInfoSize to css
- do not recreate cssLayouts if not needed
- remove inline position styles - use only css
- create item url for art store
- upgrade file-loader to v4
- re-add recreate gallery timer
- dynamic import of video modules
- do not render poisition styles in SSR
- move gallery creation to constructor
- Add windowWrapper to support SSR