Table of Contents
- Quickstart
- Day to day
- Working with OAuth
- Frontend - Working with CSS and JS
- Localization and Internationalization
- Job Queues
- Linting
- Testing
- Staging
- Troubleshooting
- Chore: Updating dependencies
- See also
Clone the repository
git clone cd wikidata-mismatch-finder
Install dependencies with composer (requires composer 2+)
composer install
OR use docker to install dependencies
docker run --rm \ -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \ -v $(pwd):/opt \ -w /opt \ laravelsail/php80-composer:latest \ composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
Copy default environment variables
cp .env.example .env
Start the application server with Laravel sail
./vendor/bin/sail up
HOT TIP! Add the following alias to your
for easier command executionalias sail='bash vendor/bin/sail'
Generate a unique app key with artisan
sail artisan key:generate
Run database migrations to create initial tables
sail artisan migrate
dependenciessail npm install
Build the frontend code so you can see the javascript content of the app.
sail npm run dev
For more advanced frontend topics, see Frontend - Working with CSS and JS
sail up
OR if you don't want to see live logging, start it in detached mode
sail up -d
sail down
DANGER! Not only does this remove all downloaded images - which will result in some setup time when running sail up
again, this will also delete all the data volumes for your application, removing all data from the database.
sail down --rmi all -v
In production, this application relies on's OAuth capabilities in order to authorize and identify users. Since it is not ideal to test in the production environment, we recommend creating your own personal OAuth consumer credentials for testing purposes, in order to develop locally.
Register your local testing app against wikidata in the following link:
Fill in the following fields in the form as follows (see screenshot for example):
- Application name: Make sure to include test in the name of the application, so that it is apparent for reviewers in the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) that your consumer is meant for testing purposes.
- OAuth protocol version: Leave this field as is. This application uses OAuth1.0a.
- Application description: Fill in a description for your application, to make review easier.
- OAuth "callback" URL: Make sure to fill this in with a localhost address, with the port you would be running this application on (if not using the default port). This should be identical to the
in your.env
file. Please also make sure you tick the checkbox next to "Allow consumer to specify a callback in requests and use "callback" URL above as required prefix." - Applicable project: This field should be set to
. - Types of grants being requested: Make sure to check the first radio button - "User identity verification only, no ability to read pages or act on a user's behalf". This will speed up the review process.
The rest of the fields can stay on their default values. Don't forget to check the disclaimer before submitting the form.
Once the form is submitted, make sure to write down your consumer key and consumer secret in a safe place and fill in the details in your local
As soon as you receive the email from the WMF team that your consumer is approved, you may start testing your application by logging in through your local instance's home page.
Add the JS and CSS code in the resources/js
and resources/css
folder respectively.
Laravel mix (and webpack in the background) is responsible for compiling all of the frontend assets placed in these resources subfolders.
Before you begin working with frontend assets, please make sure to install npm
sail npm install
Important! Please only run npm install
using sail, or make sure that your local node.js version is the similar to sail: 16 or above.
To watch for changes in your frontend files, simply run:
sail npm run watch
To manually compile assets for your local dev environment run:
sail npm run dev
The Mismatch Finder application employs two separate localization systems: one for the server-side Laravel app, and another for the vue based client-side application.
To switch to any other language than English, set the uselang
parameter in the URL. For example, to set the language to German:
On the server side, we fully employ the default Laravel localization system and syntax, and messages in the server side should be added as or to php files in the resources/lang/en
The client side localization system utilizes the banana-i18n library and format. Messages for the client side application are kept in the public/i18n/
directory, and are served in order to be consumed by the vue client. Each message that is added to the en.json
file, should be documented in the qqq.json
file as well, to provide more context for translators.
To ensure that your client side localization files are valid, run:
sail npm run i18n:validate
As the Mismatch Finder includes jobs to validate and import mismatch CSV files, it is possible to also configure the job queue runner to run locally.
By Default, the jobs will run synchronously to the requests that dispatch them. However, in order to queue and run jobs from the database, simple follow these two steps:
In your local
file, change the value ofQUEUE_CONNECTION
(it should be set tosync
by default). -
Start the job queue runner by typing in the following command:
sail artisan queue:listen --timeout=1200
flag in the command above increases the job timeout to 20 minutes thus ensuring that the queue worker doesn't abort jobs that take longer than a minute.
The application uses phpcs
to detect code format violations.
To run phpcs: sail composer run lint
To fix style errors automatically run: sail composer run fix
Note: Laravel uses the PSR2 Standard which expects camel caps method names. So you might get the error: Method name my_method() is not in camel caps
if you scaffold your application. The recommendation there is to change the method names to camel case.
The application uses ESLint to detect code format violations in the frontend's *.js
and *.vue
To run eslint: sail npm run lint
To fix style errors automatically run: sail npm run lint:fix
The Laravel framework supports two types of testing: unit and feature tests. In contrast to unit tests, feature tests will boot your Laravel application and therefore are able to access your application's database and other framework services.
Mismatch finder uses an in-memory SQLite database for testing, so that the feature tests will leave your mariadb instance untouched. You can find the config settings for sqlite in phpunit.xml
<server name="DB_CONNECTION" value="sqlite"/>
<server name="DB_DATABASE" value=":memory:"/>
Simply run # sail artisan test
to start both unit and integration tests:
$ sail artisan test
PASS Tests\Unit\ExampleTest
✓ example
PASS Tests\Feature\ExampleTest
✓ example
Tests: 2 passed
Time: 0.16s
To test our Javascript code in general, and any vue components or pages we create in particular, this repository utilizes the jest test runner. In order to run JS tests, use the following command:
sail npm test
The app uses Laravel Dusk as the Browser testing framework. Dusk uses a ChromeDriver installation, since we are using Laravel Sail, a standalone chrome installation is included in the docker setup.
To create an enviroment variables file for local browser tests, make a copy of the .env.dusk.example
file named .env.dusk.local
and fill in the APP_KEY with your unique app key. Your APP KEY should be the one created when setting up the project in the quickstart guide. You can find it in your .env
A one time setup is required before running the browser tests. This will create the tables needed for dusk:
$ docker container ls # note down the id of the mysql container
$ docker exec -it <mysql container id> mysql -ppassword
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE dusk character set UTF8mb4 collate utf8mb4_bin;
To run all the browser tests:
sail dusk
When there are changes that need to be tested before being deployed to production, like an UX decision or testing a new feature, the Mismatch Finder staging server can be used.
To deploy to this server, push your commits to a branch starting with the name staging/
For example staging/my_branch_name
. The changes in the branch will be deployed to the server after all the checks have passed.
Problem: Sail refuses to start with the following error.
ERROR: for wikidata-mismatch-finder_mariadb_1
Cannot start service mariadb: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint
wikidata-mismatch-finder_mariadb_1 (dbd1f278da0a5edb416b7875f224b83d1f2c08feac6e9a31d01d28567b83b4c7):
Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use
Possible Explanation: This error most probably occurs when you already have a local system-wide instance of MySQL or MariaDB running on the default port 3306
Solution: Set the port to something other than 3306
environment variable.
While running the app:
FORWARD_DB_PORT=3308 sail up
OR In your .env
(You don’t need to adjust the DB_PORT
in .env.dusk.local
after this –
that variable needs to match the .env
, which you haven’t changed, not the FORWARD_DB_PORT
Problem: Sail refuses to start with the following error.
ERROR: for wikidata-mismatch-finder_laravel.test_1
Cannot start service laravel.test: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint
wikidata-mismatch-finder_laravel.test_1 (0fa137072f412614077154ca7927cbb0ca2f3df5474879bb5e8e33f15a1683e3):
Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use
Possible Explanation: This error most probably occurs when you already have a local web server running on the default port 80
Solution: Set the port to something other than 80
using the APP_PORT
environment variable.
While running the app:
APP_PORT=1337 sail up
OR In your .env
Problem: The local server returns this error on clicking the log in link.
Error in retrieving temporary credentials.
Possible Explanation:
If, after following the steps in the Working with OAuth section, you are getting this error - this can be due to either misconfigured consumer keys, a wrong app url, or simply an attempt to authorize a consumer that is still pending WMF review.
- Make sure your
are correctly set to your consumer key and secret in your local.env
file. - Make sure that your
is set correctly to your localhost address and the port your application is running on (if running on a non default port). - Double check to see that the WMF has emailed to approve your localhost OAuth consumer, if they have not responded yet, please wait patiently, as the review process might take a few hours.
You can see which dependencies have new releases by first making sure your local dependencies are up-to-date by executing npm ci
and then running npm outdated
Dependencies should generally be updated to the latest version. If you discover that a dependency should not be updated for some reason, please change this section of the documentation to reflect that (even if it's temporary). If a dependency can only be updated with substantial manual work, you can create a new task for it and skip it in the context of the current chore.
The recommended way to update dependencies is to collect related dependency updates into grouped commits; this keeps the number of commits to review manageable (compared to having one commit for every update), while keeping the scope of each commit limited and increasing reviewability and debuggability (compared to combining all updates in a single commit). For example, this can be one commit for each of:
- all ESLint-related dependency updates
- all Jest-related dependency updates
- all Vue-related dependency updates
- all PostCSS/Stylelint-related dependency updates
npm update
for all other dependency updates
Make sure the app is running: sail up -d
Then make sure that all unit tests still pass and building still works for every local commit using:
sail npm run test
for unit tests.sail dusk
for browser tests.
Since Mismatch Finder is using Laravel, we need to make sure that we update backend dependencies as well. To do this, run sail composer outdated
Run sail composer update
to install the new packages. Then make sure that all unit tests still pass and building still works for every local commit using sail artisan test
Don't update to any major version of Laravel since that would require a migration and would be out of the scope of a chore.