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Do Not Use This

If what you want to do is simply deploy a Jupyter setup under Kubernetes you're much better off using Zero to JupyterHub, which is an excellent general tutorial for setting up JupyterHub in a Kubernetes environment.

This cluster is much more specifically tailored to the needs of LSST. If you want an example of how to set up persistent storage for your users, how to ship logs to a remote ELK stack, a worked example of how to subclass a spawner, or how to use an image-spawner options menu, you may find it useful.


The Jupyter Lab Demo is an environment that runs in a Kubernetes cluster. It provides GitHub OAuth2 authentication, authorization via GitHub organization membership, a JupyterHub portal, and spawned-on-demand JupyterLab containers. It can also, optionally, include a filebeat configuration to log to a remote ELK stack, an image prepuller to speed startup even in an environment with heavy Lab image churn, and an IPAC Firefly server.


  • Log in with GitHub OAuth2. You must be a member of one of the organizations listed in the GitHub Organization Whitelist, and your membership in that organization must be public rather than private.

Using the LSST Stack


  • Choose LSST_Stack as your Python kernel. Then you can import lsst and the stack and all its pre-reqs are available in the environment.


  • Start by running . /opt/lsst/software/stack/loadLSST.bash. Then setup lsst_distrib and then you're in a stack shell environment.

Deploying a Kubernetes Cluster


  • Begin by cloning this repository: git clone You will be working with the kubernetes deployment files inside it, so it will probably be convenient to cd inside it.

  • You need to start with a cluster to which you have administrative access. This is created out-of-band at this point, using whatever tools your Kubernetes administrative interface gives you. Use kubectl config use-context <context-name> to set the default context.

  • We recommend creating a non-default namespace for the cluster and using that, with kubectl create namespace <namespace> followed by kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace <namespace>. This step is optional.

  • You will need to expose your Jupyter Lab instance to the public internet, and GitHub's egress IPs must be able to reach it. This is necessary for the GitHub OAuth2 callback to work.

  • You will need a public DNS record, accessible from wherever you are going to allow users to connect. It must point to the IP address that will be the endpoint of the Jupyter Lab Demo. This too is necessary for OAuth to work. Create it with a short TTL and a bogus address (I recommend; you will update the address once the exposed IP endpoint of the Jupyter cluster is known.

  • You will additionally need SSL certificates that correspond to that DNS record; I have been using a wildcard record, but I am also very fond of If you go with then you will need to determine a way to answer the Let's Encrypt challenge, which is beyond the scope of this document. GitHub will require that your certificate be signed by a CA it trusts, so you cannot use a self-signed certificate.

  • You will need to create a GitHub application, either on your personal account or in an organization you administer. Given that you're installing a cluster that uses GitHub organization membership to determine authentication decisions, you probably want to create the application within the primary organization you want to grant access to. The homepage URL is simply the HTTPS endpoint of the DNS record, and the callback URL appends /hub/oauth_callback to that.

  • The jupyterhub/sample_configs directory also contains a configuration to use with the NCSA identity provider. It can serve as a template for using a different identity provider.

  • These instructions and templates generally assume Google Container Engine. If you are using a different Kubernetes provider, you will need to adjust your processes to fit in some cases; for instance, auto-provisioning a PersistentVolume when presented with an unsatisfied PersistentVolumeClaim is a Google feature.

Component Structure

  • Each Jupyter Lab Demo component has a kubernetes directory (except for JupyterLab, which is spawned on demand). The files in this directory are used to create the needed pods for the corresponding services.

  • The next sections provide an ordered list of services to deploy in the cluster.

  • Anywhere there is a template file (denoted with .template.yml as the end of the filename), it should have the template variables (usually denoted with FIXME) substituted with a value before use.

Creating secrets

  • In general, secrets are stored as base64-encoded strings within <component>-secrets.yml files. The incantation to create a secret is echo -n <secret> | base64 -i -. The -n is necessary to prevent a newline from being encoded at the end.

Logging [optional]

  • The logging components are located in the logstashrmq and filebeat directories within the repository.

  • The logging architecture is as follows: filebeat runs as a daemonset (that is, exactly one container per node), and scrapes the docker logs from the host filesystem mounted into the container. It sends those to a logstash container in the same cluster, which transmits the logs via RabbitMQ to a remote ELK stack.

  • Start with logstashrmq. Copy the logstashrmq-secrets.template.yml file, and paste the base64 encoding of your rabbitmq password in place of FIXME, then kubectl create -f logstashrmq-secrets.yml (assuming that's what you named your secrets file). This is going to be a frequently-repeated pattern for updating secrets (and occasionally other deployment files) from templates.

  • Create the service next with kubectl create -f logstashrmq-service.yml. Kubernetes services simply provide fixed (within the cluster) virtual IP/port combinations that abstract away from the particular deployment pod, so you can replace the implementation without your other components having to care.

  • Copy the logstashrmq-deployment.template.yml file, replace the FIXME fields with your RabbitMQ target host and Vhost (top-level exchange), and create the service with kubectl -f logstashrmq-deployment.yml.

  • Next go to filebeat. Add the base64-encodings of your three TLS files (the CA, the certificate, and the key) to a copy of filebeat-secrets.template.yml. Create those secrets. Copy the deployment template, replace the placeholder (SHIPPER_NAME is an arbitrary string so that you can find these logs on your collecting system; usually the cluster name is a good choice), and create the DaemonSet from your template-substituted file.

  • At this point every container in your cluster will be logging to your remote ELK stack.


  • The fileserver is located in the fileserver directory.

  • This creates an auto-provisioned PersistentVolume by creating a PersistentVolumeClaim for the physical storage; then it stacks an NFS server atop that, adds a service for the NFS server, and then creates a (not namespaced) PersistentVolume representing the NFS export. Then there is a (namespaced) PersistentVolumeClaim for the NFS export that the Lab pods will use.

  • There is also a keepalive pod that just writes to the exported volume periodically. Without it the NFS server will time out from inactivity eventually.

  • The fileserver component is by far the most complicated to set up correctly, although the jupyterhub component has more settings to configure.

  • Currently we're using NFS. At some point we probably want to use Ceph instead, or, even better, consume an externally-provided storage system rather than having to provision it ourselves.

Order of Operations

This is anything but obvious. I have done it working from the steps at with some minor modifications.


Create the StorageClass resource first, which will give you access to SSD volumes:

kubectl create -f jld-fileserver-storageclass.yml

(the pd-ssd type parameter is what does that for you; this may be Google Container Engine-specific)

Physical Storage PersistentVolumeClaim

Next, create a PersistentVolumeClaim (not a PersistentVolume!) for the underlying storage:

kubectl create -f jld-fileserver-physpvc.yml

On Google Container Engine, this will automagically create a PersistentVolume to back it. I, at least, found this very surprising.

If you are not running under GKE you will probably need to create a PersistentVolume for the PersistentVolumeClaim to bind.

NFS Service

Create a service to expose the NFS server (only inside the cluster) with the following:

kubectl create -f jld-fileserver-service.yml

You will need the IP address of the service for a subsequent step. kubectl describe service jld-fileserver and note the IP address. Alternatively, kubectl describe service jld-fileserver | grep ^IP: | awk '{print $2}' to get just the IP address.

NFS Server

The next step is to create an NFS Server that serves up the actual disk.

kubectl create -f jld-fileserver-deployment.yml

I created my own NFS Server image, basing it on the stuff found inside the "volume-nfs" server. You could probably just use Google's image and it'd be fine.

If you are already in an environment where there is an available NFS server, then you can omit actually providing your own NFS implementation in this step and the next and simply point to the external NFS service.

NFS Persistent Volume

This one is where it all goes pear-shaped.

Here comes the first really maddening thing: PersistentVolumes are not namespaced.

And here's the second one: the NFS server defined here has to be an IP address, not a name.

And here's the third one: you need to specify local locking in the PV options or else the notebook will simply get stuck in disk wait when it runs. This does mean that you really shouldn't run two pods as the same user at the same time, certainly not pointing to the same notebook.

The first two things combine to make it tough to do a truly automated deployment of a new Jupyterlab Demo instance, because you have to create the service, then pull the IP address off it and use that in the PV definition.

Copy the template (jld-fileserver-pv.template.yml) to a working file, replace the name field with something making it unique (such as the cluster-plus-namespace), and replace the server field with the IP address of the NFS service. Then just create the resource with kubectl create -f.

If your Kubernetes provider also provides an NFS server, you can skip the creation of the server and just point to the external service's IP address here.

NFS Mount PersistentVolumeClaim

From here on it's smooth sailing. Create a PersistentVolumeClaim referring to the PersistentVolume just created:

kubectl create -f jld-fileserver-pvc.yml

And now there is a multiple-read-and-write NFS mount for your JupyterLab containers to use.

NFS Keepalive Service

  • This service lives in fs-keepalive.

  • All it does is periodically write a record to the NFS-mounted filesystem, which insures that it doesn't get descheduled when idle.

  • Create it with kubectl create -f jld-keepalive-deployment.yml

Firefly [optional]

  • The Firefly server is a multi-user server developed by IPAC at Caltech. This component, located in firefly, provides a multi-user server within the Kubernetes cluster.

  • Create secrets from the template by copying firefly-secrets.template.yml to a working file, and then base64-encode and adding an admin password in place of FIXME.

  • Create the service and then the deployment with kubectl create -f against the appropriate YAML files.. Firefly will automatically be available at /firefly with the included nginx configuration.

Prepuller [optional]

  • Prepuller is very much geared to the LSST Science Platform use case. It is only needed because our containers are on the order of 8GB each; thus the first user of any particular build on a given node would have to wait 10 to 15 minutes if we were not prepulling. Even if you want an image prepuller, you will probably want to create your own version of that finds the containers you want to use. Replacing imagepurger would be wise as well, assuming you do not have near-infinite storage on each node.

  • prepuller is the location of this component.

  • The prepuller-daemonset.yml file can be used as an input to kubectl create -f without modifications, if you're using this image.


This is the most complex piece, and is the one that requires the most customization on your part.

  • This is located in jupyterhub.

  • Start by creating the jld-hub-service component.

  • Next, create the Persistent Volume Claim: kubectl create -f jld-hub-physpvc.yml. The Hub needs some persistent storage so its knowledge of user sessions survives a container restart.

  • Create a file from the secrets template. Populate this secrets file with the following (base64-encoded):

    1. The Client ID, Client Secret, and Callback URL from the OAuth2 Application you registered with GitHub at the beginning.
    2. github_organization_whitelist is a comma-separated list of the names of the GitHub organizations whose members will be allowed to log in. Currently, membership in the organization must be public rather than private if the whitelist is to work.
    3. session_db_url. If you don't know this or are happy with the stock sqlite3 implementation, use the URL sqlite:////home/jupyter/jupyterhub.sqlite; any RDBMS supported by SQLAlchemy can be used.
    4. jupyterhub_crypto_key; I use openssl rand -hex 32 to get 16 random bytes. I use two of these separated by a semicolon as the secret, and the reason for that is that I can simply implement key rotation by, every month or so, dropping the first key, moving the second key to the first position, and generating a new key for the second position.

    Then create the secrets from that file: kubectl create -f <filename>.

  • Set up your deployment environment.

    1. Set the environment variable K8S_CONTEXT to the context in which your deployment is running (kubectl config current-context will give you that information).

    2. If you changed the namespace, put the current namespace in the environment variable K8S_NAMESPACE.

    3. If you have a repository containing a container image with multiple tags you wish to present as container options, you should set LAB_SELECTOR_TITLE to the title of the spawner options form, LAB_REPO_HOST to the hostname of the Docker container repository, LAB_OWNER to the name of the repository owner, and LAB_REPO_NAME to the name of the image. The container name will then be LAB_REPO_HOST/LAB_OWNER/LAB_REPO_NAME. If you only have a single image, set LAB_IMAGE to that container name. It will default to lsstsqre/jld-lab:latest (with as the implied repository host).

  • Edit the configuration in jupyterhub_config/jupyterhub_config.d if you want to.

    • In the default configuration, the GitHub authenticator (from sample_configs) is used.
    • The files in the configuration directory are sourced in lexical sort order; typically they are named with a two-digit priority as a prefix. Lower numbers are loaded first.
    • The preamble and spawner are common across CILogon and GitHub, but the authenticator and environment differ.
    • In the GitHub authenticator, we subclass GitHubLoginHandler to request additional scope on the token received from GitHub. public_repo allows read and write access to the user's public repository. read:org allows enumeration of the user's organizations, both public and private. user:email allows enumeration of the user's email addresses (and identification of the primary email). We use these for user provisioning in the Lab container.
    • In the GitHub authenticator, we subclass GitHubOAuthenticator to set container properties from our environment and, crucially, from additional properties (GitHub organization membership and email address) we can access from the token-with-additional-scope.
    • In the common spawner class, we subclass KubeSpawner to build a dynamic list of kernels (current as of user login time) and then do additional launch-time setup, largely around changing the pod name to incorporate the username.
  • Deploy the file using the redeploy script, which will create the ConfigMap resource from the JupyterHub configuration, and then deploy the Hub into the specified context and namespace.


Nginx terminates TLS and uses the Hub Service (and Firefly if you installed it) as its backend target(s).

  • Create secrets from the secrets template. The three standard TLS files should be the CA certificate, the key, and the server certificate, all base64-encoded and put into the file. dhparam.pem can be created with openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 2048, and then base64-encoded and inserted into the secrets YAML file. That command may take some time to run.

  • Create the service: kubectl create -f nginx-service.yml.

  • Create a deployment configuration from the template. HOSTNAME must be set to the DNS entry you created at the beginning of the installation. Create the deployment.

  • Retrieve the externally-visible IP address from the service. kubectl describe service jld-nginx | grep ^LoadBalancer | awk '{print $3}' will work. You may need to wait a little while before it shows up.

  • If you already have an ingress controller you can just use the nginx-ingress.yml ingress definition; if you do this you will need to modify the JupyterHub configuration (set c.JupyterHub.base_url).


JupyterLab is launched from the Hub.

  • Each user gets a new pod, with a home directory on shared storage.

  • With GitHub as the authentication source, the username is the GitHub user name, the UID is the GitHub ID number, and the groups are created with GIDs from the GitHub organizations the user is a member of, and their IDs.

  • Git will be preconfigured with a token that allows authenticated HTTPS pushes, and with the user's name and primary email.

  • The CILogon authenticator will eventually have similar features, but those have not yet been fully developed.

Enable DNS

  • Update the DNS record you created to point at the externally-visible IP address you just determined.

Using the Service

  • Using a web browser, go to the DNS name you registered. You should be prompted to authenticate with GitHub, to choose an image from the menu (if that's how you set up your JupyterHub config), and then you should be redirected to your lab pod.


  • Each component that is unique to the demo has a Dockerfile. ./bld in its directory will build the container. Unless you're in the lsstsqre Docker organization, you're going to need to change the container name label.

  • The bld script requires that the description, name, and version labels be on separate lines. The poor thing's not very bright.

  • You probably don't need to rebuild anything. If you do, it's because I have not made something sufficiently configurable, so I'd appreciate hearing about it.