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cool greg edited this page Jul 20, 2014 · 12 revisions


This Wiki catalogues our experience working from Thursday, 7/17/2014 to Monday, 7/21/2014, on the gravitation force application. In an attempt to simulate software engineering best practices, we completed stand-ups and retros every several hours, which are in part recorded below.

**Thursday, 7/17/2014 **

  • Met as a group and discussed project expectations and responsibilities
  • Drew created a new Rails project with the necessary gems and configuration settings
  • Drew completed schema and added to repo
  • Katie and Drew worked on user attributes implementation and testing
  • Ben and Greg worked on user log in and log out implementation and testing

**Friday, 7/18/2014 **

  • Drew resolved issues with the test environment
  • Katie completed a wireframe for the project
  • Katie completed the style guide and base CSS stylesheet for the project
  • Drew and Ben added the coverage folder to .gitignore - this folder included a number of auto-generated files that annoyingly showed up in the red/green GitHub summary of commits
  • Ben and Greg added several new methods to the User model and the relevant tests to the spec
  • Another group within DBC reviewed our code base and made several helpful refactors, including renaming the Attribute model to Trait (ActiveRecord raised issues with the naming convention)

**Saturday, 7/19/2014 **

  • Drew made several refactors to the User model, which Ben implemented
  • Drew and Katie wrote tests and implemented functionality for user trait setting
  • Katie worked on cleaning up several different views
  • Drew worked on resolving issues with the Ratings controller and the nesting of the traits routes within users
  • Ben did some clean up documentation (Wiki and Readme)
  • Ben and Drew worked on ratings controller (tests and implementation)
  • Ben and Greg worked on JavaScript implementation of D3 library and encountered issues separating out .js files
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