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cool greg edited this page Jul 20, 2014 · 12 revisions


This Wiki catalogues our experience working from Thursday, 7/17/2014 to Monday, 7/21/2014, on the gravitation force application. In an attempt to simulate software engineering best practices, we completed stand-ups and retros every several hours, which are in part recorded below.

**Thursday, 7/17/2014 **

  • Met as a group and discussed project expectations and responsibilities
  • Drew created a new Rails project with the necessary gems and configuration settings
  • Drew completed schema and added to repo
  • Katie and Drew worked on user attributes implementation and testing
  • Ben and Greg worked on user log in and log out implementation and testing

**Friday, 7/18/2014 **

  • Drew resolved issues with the test environment
  • Katie completed a wireframe for the project
  • Katie completed the style guide and base CSS stylesheet for the project
  • Drew and Ben added the coverage folder to .gitignore - this folder included a number of auto-generated files that annoyingly showed up in the red/green GitHub summary of commits
  • Ben and Greg added several new methods to the User model and the relevant tests to the spec
  • Another group within DBC reviewed our code base and made several helpful refactors, including renaming the Attribute model to Trait (ActiveRecord raised issues with the naming convention)

**Saturday, 7/19/2014 **

  • Drew made several refactors to the User model, which Ben implemented
  • Drew and Katie wrote tests and implemented functionality for user trait setting
  • Katie worked on cleaning up several different views
  • Drew worked on resolving issues with the Ratings controller and the nesting of the traits routes within users
  • Ben did some clean up documentation (Wiki and Readme)
  • Ben and Drew worked on ratings controller (tests and implementation)
  • Ben and Greg worked on JavaScript implementation of D3 library
  • Ben and Greg wrote various filter functions to improve user data discovery
  • Ben and Greg worked in event bubbling in AJAX requests for button filters
  • We enter Sunday with two main to-dos: (i) Connecting gravitate-based code (data visualization) and trait-based code (users' ability to rather other users on traits) (ii) Front-end / styling work

Data visualization and most up to date d3 code is on Ben's fork, data_visualization branch

CSS and most up to date front end is on Master repo, styleguide branch

Form and rating routes from Saturday are on Drew's repo, attribute branch

We did not merge any of these as all are incomplete. All these branches need to be fleshed out and merged tomorrow into what is hopefully the mvp.

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