The format of this document is inspired by Keep a Changelog and the project follows Semantic Versioning.
- Added SPM support [#1379, #1406].
- Improve Mark formatting. [#1352]
- Fixed crash when attempting to render Gutenberg comment. [#1383]
- Fixed crash when underlining text with special glyphs. [#1384]
- Worked around a crash that could occur when calling String.paragraphRange(for:) on iOS 17. [#1373]
- Add this changelog file. [#1365]
Versions below this precede the Keep a Changelog-inspired formatting.
- Fix Li tag when switching the list style.
- Retain Heading attribute when headings are autocorrected.
- Add variable to control whether typing attributes should be recalculated when deleting backward.
- Allow using the default font for the PreFormatter/HeaderFormatter.
- Add support for Mark inline formatting.
- Add support for the Mark HTML tag.
- Fix Carthage build for Xcode 12
- Replace gridicons with SFSymbols on the Example app
- Expose UIColor hexString helpers to be used by subclasses of Aztec components.
- Fix drawing of underlines when they include newlines.
- Fix a bug where collapse of whitespaces was happening for empty HTML nodes.
- Add support for the sup and sub HTML tags.
- Fix invokation of the delegate method
when pasting new content.
- Added an option to not colapse whitespaces when saving the HTML.
- Fix drawing of underlines when they include the last character of content.
- Fix drawing of underlines when they have a nbsp and span to the end of a line
- Improve display of ordered lists with large bullet numbers
- Fix bug where links with text that had a mix of Latin and non-Latin characters were getting split.
- Allow to use headers fonts without bold effect applied
- Support for multilevel blockquotes
- Fix presentation of placeholder images in dark mode.
- Fix bug that didn't set default text color when changing text color
- Support for xcode 10.
- Support standard HTML colors by name.
- Add support for reverse and start attributes for ordered lists.
- Fix a bug when copying and pasting from other apps when running dark mode.
- Improve list indentation for markers.