A modern JavaScript port of MIDI.js.
Forked from SuneBear/midi.js, which modernized the original library mudcube/midi.js in 2016. Thanks to the original contributors of both repos, especially mudcube!
This is an opinionated, modern port of midi.js that intends to:
- Modernize with tools from babel's preset-env, webpack, and more
- Use prettier and eslint, following a revised version of Airbnb's JS style guide and their eslint config
- Add controller change playback support (e.g. sustain) and some other quality of life changes
MIDI.Player.addListener(function (data) => {})
now supports listening to MIDI controller events (e.g. sustain)MIDI.Player.addListener
now supports adding multiple listeners and removing a specific listener (instead of just replacing the same one). Types are below:
type MIDIEvent = {|
channel: ?number,
note: ?number,
now: number,
end: number,
message: number,
velocity: ?number,
type Player = {
// Now returns the listener you provided and will not replace the existing listener
addListener: (
(midiEvent: MIDIEvent) => void
) => (midiEvent: MIDIEvent) => void,
// Now removes the listener you specify instead of removing the (only) existing listener
// If no listener is provided, removes all listeners.
// Returns whether or not a listener was removed
removeListener: (listener: ?(midiEvent: MIDIEvent) => void) => boolean,
npm install https://github.com/wustep/midi.js
yarn add https://github.com/wustep/midi.js
import MIDI from 'midi.js';
loader.js - Decides which framework is best to use
// interface to download soundfont, then execute callback
// simple example to get started
instrument: 'acoustic_grand_piano', // or the instrument code 1 (aka the default)
instruments: ['acoustic_grand_piano', 'acoustic_guitar_nylon'], // or multiple instruments
onsuccess: function () {},
plugins/webaudio.js - Controls MIDI output
MIDI.noteOn(channel, note, velocity, delay);
MIDI.noteOff(channel, note, delay);
MIDI.chordOn(channel, [note, note, note], velocity, delay);
MIDI.chordOff(channel, [note, note, note], delay);
MIDI.keyToNote = object; // A0 => 21
MIDI.noteToKey = object; // 21 => A0
player.js - Plays MIDI stream
MIDI.Player.currentTime = integer; // time we are at now within the song.
MIDI.Player.endTime = integer; // time when song ends.
MIDI.Player.playing = boolean; // are we playing? yes or no.
MIDI.Player.loadFile(file, onsuccess); // load .MIDI from base64 or binary XML request.
MIDI.Player.start(); // start the MIDI track (you can put this in the loadFile callback)
MIDI.Player.resume(); // resume the MIDI track from pause.
MIDI.Player.pause(); // pause the MIDI track.
MIDI.Player.stop(); // stops all audio being played, and resets currentTime to 0.
const listener = MIDI.Player.addListener(function (data) {
// set it to your own function!
const now = data.now; // where we are now
const end = data.end; // time when song ends
const channel = data.channel; // channel note is playing on
const message = data.message; // 128 is noteOff, 144 is noteOn
const note = data.note; // the note
const velocity = data.velocity; // the velocity of the note
// then do whatever you want with the information!
MIDI.Player.clearAnimation(); // clears current animation.
MIDI.Player.setAnimation(function (data) {
const now = data.now; // where we are now
const end = data.end; // time when song ends
const events = data.events; // all the notes currently being processed
// then do what you want with the information!
Refer to https://github.com/mudcube/MIDI.js#api for more details.