All ptp messages are counted and the number can be reported through IPC. ‘GPTPIPC_CMD_REQ_STAT_INFO’ requests the data. ‘GPTPIPC_CMD_REQ_STAT_INFO_RESET’ requests resetting the data. if domainNumber==-1, it shows the information about all domains. if portIndex==0, it shows the information about all ports.
T 0,1 (request the information about Domain=0,Port=1) GPTPD_STATSD --- portIndex=1 pdelay_req_send=112 pdelay_resp_rec=111 pdelay_resp_rec_valid=111 pdelay_resp_fup_rec=111 pdelay_resp_fup_rec_valid=111 pdelay_req_rec=112 pdelay_req_rec_valid=112 pdelay_resp_send=112 pdelay_resp_fup_send=112 GPTPD_STATTD --- domainNumber=0 portIndex=1 sync_send=913 sync_fup_send=913 sync_rec=32 sync_rec_valid=0 sync_fup_rec=32 sync_fup_rec_valid=0 signal_msg_interval_send=0 signal_gptp_capable_send=15 signal_rec=15 signal_msg_interval_rec=0 signal_gptp_capable_rec=15 T 1,1 (request the information about Domain=1,Port=1) GPTPD_STATTD --- domainNumber=1 portIndex=1 sync_send=6 sync_fup_send=6 sync_rec=974 sync_rec_valid=942 sync_fup_rec=974 sync_fup_rec_valid=942 signal_msg_interval_send=0 signal_gptp_capable_send=16 signal_rec=15 signal_msg_interval_rec=0 signal_gptp_capable_rec=15
‘GPTPIPC_CMD_REG_ABNORMAL_EVENT’ domainNumber and portIndex are used to identify the domain and the port.
the fields in ‘gptpipc_client_req_abnormal_t’ defines an error event to register/deregister. check ‘gptpipc.h’ for the detail.
use ‘A’ command to register, and ‘a’ command to deregister. ‘A domain,port,msgtype,eventtype,eventrate,repeat,interval,eventpara’ msgtype=’none|sync|fup|pdreq|pdres|pdrfup|ann|sign’ sync:SYNC, fup:FollowUp, pdreq:PDelayReq, pdres:PDelayResponse, pdrfup:PDelayResponseFollowUp, ann:Announce, sign:Signaling eventtype=’none|skip|dup|badsqn|nots|sender’ skip: skip sending, dup: duplicate sending, badsqn: screw up sequenceID, nots: miss timestamp data, sender: make send error eventrate=’0.0 to 1.0’ with this rate, the abnormal event is injected. repeating events are always with ‘1.0’ repeat: repeat times, 0 is infinite times interval: interval when repeat > 1 eventpara: parameter for the event
.E.G ‘A 0,1,sync,skip,1.0,0,0,0’: skip sending out ‘SYNC’ every time on domian=0,port=1 ‘a 0,1,sync,skip,1.0,0,0,0’: deregister the above event (‘a’: deregister all events, can be used for convenience)
‘A 0,1,pdres,badsqn,1.0,10,1,2’: repeate 10 times with interval=1(every other timing) to add 2 on sequenceID of PDelayReq message ‘eventpara’ is used as the number to add on sequenceID
this python script runs 2 ‘gptp2d’ in the test mode, and run a menu to register some ready made abnormal events.
There is no Pass/Fail indication in the result of this test script. The console output should be checked for that.
To change the ‘ready made abnormal events’, edit ‘class MenuItems’ in ‘’. It should be easy.