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Is a Dart library for post-quantum encryption, providing a Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) based on the Kyber algorithm. Kyber is a post-quantum cryptographic scheme selected by NIST for standardization, designed to be secure against attacks from quantum computers.


  • Generation of public and private key pairs using the Kyber KEM.
  • Encapsulation of a shared secret using a public key.
  • Decapsulation of the shared secret using a private key.
  • The shared secret can then be used with a symmetric cipher (e.g., AES-GCM) to encrypt or decrypt arbitrary messages.
  • Uses SHAKE128 and fully follows the official Kyber specifications.


Before using this library, ensure you have the following:

  • Dart SDK: version 2.12.0 or higher.
  • Flutter (optional, if using this library in a Flutter project).
  • An editor such as Visual Studio Code or IntelliJ to facilitate development.


To install this library, add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:


Update your dependencies with:

dart pub get

Usage Example

Here’s a basic example of how to use this library:

// /example/main.dart == example file
// ignore_for_file: avoid_print, always_specify_types

import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';

import 'package:cryptography/cryptography.dart';
import 'package:xkyber_crypto/kem.dart';
import 'package:xkyber_crypto/kyber_keypair.dart';

/// Dada la clave compartida ss (32 bytes) obtenida de Kyber, la usamos como SecretKey para AES-GCM.
Future<SecretKey> secretKeyFromSS(Uint8List ss) async {
  return SecretKey(ss);

/// Cifra data con AES-GCM usando secretKey
Future<String> encryptData(String data, SecretKey secretKey) async {
  final algorithm = AesGcm.with256bits();
  final nonce = algorithm.newNonce();
  final secretBox = await algorithm.encrypt(
    secretKey: secretKey,
    nonce: nonce,
  final combined = Uint8List.fromList([...nonce, ...secretBox.cipherText, ...secretBox.mac.bytes]);
  return base64Encode(combined);

/// Descifra data con AES-GCM usando secretKey
Future<String> decryptData(String encryptedData, SecretKey secretKey) async {
  final algorithm = AesGcm.with256bits();
  final decoded = base64Decode(encryptedData);

  final nonce = decoded.sublist(0, algorithm.nonceLength);
  final cipherText = decoded.sublist(algorithm.nonceLength, decoded.length - 16);
  final macBytes = decoded.sublist(decoded.length - 16);
  final mac = Mac(macBytes);

  final secretBox = SecretBox(cipherText, nonce: nonce, mac: mac);
  final decrypted = await algorithm.decrypt(secretBox, secretKey: secretKey);
  return utf8.decode(decrypted);

void main() async {
  // 1. Generate Kyber key pair
  KyberKeyPair keyPair = KyberKeyPair.generate();
  Uint8List pk = keyPair.publicKey;
  Uint8List sk = keyPair.secretKey;

  // Message
  String originalMessage = "Hello, this is a secret message";

  // 2. Encapsulate to get ss and c
  Uint8List c = Uint8List(768); // ciphertext size for Kyber512
  Uint8List ssSender = Uint8List(32);
  cryptokemenc(c, ssSender, pk);

  final secretKeySender = await secretKeyFromSS(ssSender);

  // 3. Encrypt the message with AES-GCM using ssSender
  String encryptedData = await encryptData(originalMessage, secretKeySender);

  // The sender sends (c, encryptedData) to the receiver

  // 4. The receiver decapsulates to get ssReceiver
  Uint8List ssReceiver = Uint8List(32);
  cryptokemdec(ssReceiver, c, sk);

  final secretKeyReceiver = await secretKeyFromSS(ssReceiver);

  // 5. Decrypt the encryptedData with ssReceiver
  String decryptedMessage = await decryptData(encryptedData, secretKeyReceiver);

  // 6. Verify
  assert(decryptedMessage == originalMessage);

  print("Original message: $originalMessage");
  print("Decrypted message: $decryptedMessage");
  print("The encryption/decryption process works correctly!");

This example demonstrates:

  • Generating a Kyber key pair.
  • Encapsulating a shared secret with cryptoKemEnc and pk.
  • Decapsulating the shared secret with cryptoKemDec and sk.
  • Using the shared secret (ss) for symmetric encryption.


Main Functions

  • cryptoKemKeypair(Uint8List pk, Uint8List sk): Generates a Kyber key pair.
  • cryptoKemEnc(Uint8List c, Uint8List ss, Uint8List pk): Encapsulates a shared secret ss using pk and produces ciphertext c.
  • cryptoKemDec(Uint8List ss, Uint8List c, Uint8List sk): Decapsulates c using sk to recover ss.


  • KyberKeyPair:
  • generate(): Produces a Kyber key pair (publicKey, privateKey).
  • publicKey, privateKey: Byte arrays representing the keys.

Project Structure

  • lib/: Contains the main implementation of the library.

  • kem.dart: Core Kyber KEM functions (cryptoKemEnc, cryptoKemDec, cryptoKemKeypair).

  • kyber_keypair.dart: Handles key generation and utilities.

  • poly.dart, polyvec.dart, ntt.dart, params.dart, etc.: Core Kyber implementation (NTT, polynomial operations, parameter definitions).

  • shake.dart: SHAKE128 implementation.

  • reduce.dart, fq.dart: Modular arithmetic and field operations.

  • example/: Example code for understanding the library usage.

  • test/: Automated tests to verify library functionality.


The library uses the following dependencies:

  • crypto: ^3.0.6: Provides common cryptographic functions.
  • pointycastle: ^3.9.1: Advanced library for cryptography in Dart.
  • lints: ^5.0.0: Establishes style rules and best practices for Dart code.

Ensure you have the latest versions to guarantee compatibility and performance.

Testing and Quality

Automated Tests

The library includes tests to verify:

  • Key Generation and Shared Secret: Ensures correctness of generated keys and shared secrets.
  • Encapsulation/Decapsulation: Validates that cryptoKemEnc and cryptoKemDec produce matching shared secrets.
  • Math Operations: Checks NTT, modular arithmetic, and noise distribution.

Run with:

dart test

Warnings and Limitations

  • The library is intended for research, testing, and educational use. For production environments, a thorough security audit is recommended.
  • Performance may vary depending on device capabilities.


Contributions are welcome. To contribute:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/new-functionality).
  3. Make your changes and commit them (git commit -m 'Add new functionality').
  4. Push your branch (git push origin feature/new-functionality).
  5. Open a Pull Request in this repository.

Acknowledgments and References

This project is inspired by the Kyber algorithm, selected by NIST as part of its post-quantum cryptography standards. More information about Kyber is available here.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.