diff --git a/app/views/hq/dashboard/tables.html.haml b/app/views/hq/dashboard/tables.html.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15b8716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/hq/dashboard/tables.html.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+- page 'Tables', 'tables'
+ .panel-heading
+ %i.icon-table.icon-large
+ Default Table
+ .panel-tools
+ .btn-group
+ %a.btn{href: '#'}
+ %i.icon-wrench
+ Settings
+ %a.btn{href: '#'}
+ %i.icon-filter
+ Filters
+ %a.btn{href: '#', data: {toggle: 'toolbar-tooltip'}, title: 'Reload'}
+ %i.icon-refresh
+ .badge 3 record
+ .panel-body.no-padding
+ .table-header.row
+ .col-lg-9
+ TODO: Add filters here
+ .col-lg-3
+ .input-group
+ %input.form-control{placeholder: 'Quick search...', type: 'text'}/
+ %span.input-group-btn
+ %button.btn{type: 'button'}
+ %i.icon-search
+ %table.table
+ %thead
+ %tr
+ %th #
+ %th First Name
+ %th Last Name
+ %th Username
+ %th.actions
+ Actions
+ %tbody
+ %tr.success
+ %td 1
+ %td Mark
+ %td Otto
+ %td @mdo
+ %td.action
+ %a.btn.btn-success{href: '#', data: {toggle: 'tooltip'}, title: 'Zoom'}
+ %i.icon-zoom-in
+ %a.btn.btn-info{href: '#'}
+ %i.icon-edit
+ %a.btn.btn-danger{href: '#'}
+ %i.icon-trash
+ %tr.danger
+ %td 2
+ %td Jacob
+ %td Thornton
+ %td @fat
+ %td.action
+ %a.btn.btn-success{href: '#', data: {toggle: 'tooltip'}, title: 'Zoom'}
+ %i.icon-zoom-in
+ %a.btn.btn-info{href: '#'}
+ %i.icon-edit
+ %a.btn.btn-danger{href: '#'}
+ %i.icon-trash
+ %tr.warning
+ %td 3
+ %td Larry
+ %td the Bird
+ %td @twitter
+ %td.action
+ %a.btn.btn-success{href: '#', data: {toggle: 'tooltip'}, title: 'Zoom'}
+ %i.icon-zoom-in
+ %a.btn.btn-info{href: '#'}
+ %i.icon-edit
+ %a.btn.btn-danger{href: '#'}
+ %i.icon-trash
+ %tr.active
+ %td 4
+ %td Mark
+ %td Otto
+ %td @mdo
+ %td.action
+ %a.btn.btn-success{href: '#', data: {toggle: 'tooltip'}, title: 'Zoom'}
+ %i.icon-zoom-in
+ %a.btn.btn-info{href: '#'}
+ %i.icon-edit
+ %a.btn.btn-danger{href: '#'}
+ %i.icon-trash
+ %tr.disabled
+ %td 5
+ %td Jacob
+ %td Thornton
+ %td @fat
+ %td.action
+ %a.btn.btn-success{href: '#', data: {toggle: 'tooltip'}, title: 'Zoom'}
+ %i.icon-zoom-in
+ %a.btn.btn-info{href: '#'}
+ %i.icon-edit
+ %a.btn.btn-danger{href: '#'}
+ %i.icon-trash
+ %tr
+ %td 6
+ %td Larry
+ %td the Bird
+ %td @twitter
+ %td.action
+ %a.btn.btn-success{href: '#', data: {toggle: 'tooltip'}, title: 'Zoom'}
+ %i.icon-zoom-in
+ %a.btn.btn-info{href: '#'}
+ %i.icon-edit
+ %a.btn.btn-danger{href: '#'}
+ %i.icon-trash
+ %tr
+ %td 7
+ %td Jacob
+ %td Thornton
+ %td @fat
+ %td.action
+ %a.btn.btn-success{href: '#', data: {toggle: 'tooltip'}, title: 'Zoom'}
+ %i.icon-zoom-in
+ %a.btn.btn-info{href: '#'}
+ %i.icon-edit
+ %a.btn.btn-danger{href: '#'}
+ %i.icon-trash
+ %tr
+ %td 8
+ %td Larry
+ %td the Bird
+ %td @twitter
+ %td.action
+ %a.btn.btn-success{href: '#', data: {toggle: 'tooltip'}, title: 'Zoom'}
+ %i.icon-zoom-in
+ %a.btn.btn-info{href: '#'}
+ %i.icon-edit
+ %a.btn.btn-danger{href: '#'}
+ %i.icon-trash
+ %tr
+ %td 9
+ %td Mark
+ %td Otto
+ %td @mdo
+ %td.action
+ %a.btn.btn-success{href: '#', data: {toggle: 'tooltip'}, title: 'Zoom'}
+ %i.icon-zoom-in
+ %a.btn.btn-info{href: '#'}
+ %i.icon-edit
+ %a.btn.btn-danger{href: '#'}
+ %i.icon-trash
+ %tr
+ %td 10
+ %td Jacob
+ %td Thornton
+ %td @fat
+ %td.action
+ %a.btn.btn-success{href: '#', data: {toggle: 'tooltip'}, title: 'Zoom'}
+ %i.icon-zoom-in
+ %a.btn.btn-info{href: '#'}
+ %i.icon-edit
+ %a.btn.btn-danger{href: '#'}
+ %i.icon-trash
+ .table-footer
+ %ul.pagination
+ %li
+ %a{:href => '#'} «
+ %li.active
+ %a{:href => '#'} 1
+ %li
+ %a{:href => '#'} 2
+ %li
+ %a{:href => '#'} 3
+ %li
+ %a{:href => '#'} 4
+ %li
+ %a{:href => '#'} 5
+ %li
+ %a{:href => '#'} 6
+ %li
+ %a{:href => '#'} 7
+ %li
+ %a{:href => '#'} 8
+ %li
+ %a{:href => '#'} »
+ .pull-right
+ Showing 1 to 10 of 32 entries
+ .col-lg-6
+ .panel.tables
+ .panel-heading
+ %i.icon-table.icon-large
+ Padding Table
+ .panel-body
+ %table.table
+ %thead
+ %tr
+ %th #
+ %th First Name
+ %th Last Name
+ %th Username
+ %tbody
+ %tr
+ %td 1
+ %td Mark
+ %td Otto
+ %td @mdo
+ %tr
+ %td 2
+ %td Jacob
+ %td Thornton
+ %td @fat
+ %tr
+ %td 3
+ %td Larry
+ %td the Bird
+ %td @twitter
+ .col-lg-6
+ .panel.tables
+ .panel-heading
+ %i.icon-table.icon-large
+ Bordered Table
+ .panel-body
+ %table.table.table-bordered
+ %thead
+ %tr
+ %th #
+ %th First Name
+ %th Last Name
+ %th Username
+ %tbody
+ %tr
+ %td 1
+ %td Mark
+ %td Otto
+ %td @mdo
+ %tr
+ %td 2
+ %td Jacob
+ %td Thornton
+ %td @fat
+ %tr
+ %td 3
+ %td Larry
+ %td the Bird
+ %td @twitter
+ .panel-heading
+ %i.icon-table.icon-large
+ Condensed Table
+ .panel-body.no-padding
+ %table.table.table-condensed
+ %thead
+ %tr
+ %th #
+ %th First Name
+ %th Last Name
+ %th Username
+ %tbody
+ %tr
+ %td 1
+ %td Mark
+ %td Otto
+ %td @mdo
+ %tr
+ %td 2
+ %td Jacob
+ %td Thornton
+ %td @fat
+ %tr
+ %td 3
+ %td Larry
+ %td the Bird
+ %td @twitter
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/routes.rb b/config/routes.rb
index f44b3ac..d7c1008 100644
--- a/config/routes.rb
+++ b/config/routes.rb
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
devise_for :users
root to: 'welcome#index'
namespace :hq do
- resources :dashboard, only: [:index]
+ resources :dashboard do
+ get :tables, on: :collection
+ end
# The priority is based upon order of creation: first created -> highest priority.