YunoHost depends exclusively on the participation of people like you.
Spread the word
Talk about software freedom, [self-hosting](/selfhosting) and YunoHost to your relatives and at your work. We rely on Datalove evangelists like you <3
We need people able to test YunoHost deeply. If you find a bug, try to identify it, and report it on our bug tracker.
Helping users
Our support relies on contributors like you. Just come to [the support chatroom](/help) and help new users getting started, or pick a question on the Forum.
You can involve in the YunoHost's development regardless of your skill.
Sysadmins, web developers, designers and pythonists are welcome!
Learn [how to contribute](/dev), and join us on the [development chat room](
Learn [how to contribute](/dev), and join us on the [development chat room](
Get involved by making YunoHost interfaces available in your language.
Get started!
Improve this documentation by [writing new pages](/write_documentation) or translating existing ones to your language.
Extend YunoHost capabilities by [packaging new services and web applications](/packaging_apps).
Have a look of [what has been done yet](/apps)!
In any case, please come chat with us on [the dev chatroom](/chat_rooms) :-)