Users are human being who have access to applications and other services on your server. The administrator can add and manage users through the web administration (in the User category) or through the command line (see yunohost user --help
). After that, users obtain a personal email address (chosen by the admin), an XMPP account, and can log in the user portal to access applications they have permissions over and configure other parameters.
The first user created also automatically gets email aliases root@main.domain.tld
and admin@main.domain.tld
, such that mail sent to these adresses will end up in the first user's mailbox.
The user portal, also called the SSO for 'Single Sign On' allows user to browse easily between the different apps they have access to. In particular, the term 'Single Sign On' comes from the fact that user only need to log in the portal to automatically be logged to all apps that require authentication (or at least those who are integrated with the SSO/LDAP, since this is sometimes technically complicated or not possible at all).
In the portal, users can also click on the avatar in the top-left to configure some other settings such as their identify, mail aliases, automatic mail forwards, or change their password.
See this dedicated page.
Users can also be allowed to connect through SSH, and SSH keys can be added for this purpose. So far, this can only be configured via the command line. See yunohost user ssh --help
for specific commands.