MintPy-tutorials contains the documentations for the MintPy repo, mainly in Jupyter Notebook.
Contents (nbviewer)
This notebook walks through the various processing steps of InSAR time series analysis using MintPy.
- ISCE/topsStack + MintPy (Sentinel-1 on Fernandina, Galápagos): nbviewer
- ARIA + MintPy (Sentinel-1 on San Francisco Bay): nbviewer
- UNAVCO short course recordings on YouTube: 2019, 2020, 2021
- Interactive time-series with tsview
- Interactive coherence matrix with plot_coherence_matrix
- Interactive transection with plot_transection
- Google Earth doc
- Read HDF5 file in Matlab or Python.
- Save HDF5 file into text file: nbviewer
- Read / plot displacement time-series of one pixel: nbviewer
- Read GMT *.grd file: nbviewer
List of examples of how to build customized application using mintpy modules or to build processing recipe using mintpy scripts.
- Create water mask in radar coordinates: nbviewer
- Prepare UAVSAR geometry files with multi-segments for MintPy processing: nbviewer
- Calculate multilook number for InSAR processing with ISCE: nbviewer
- Post-processing of single interferogram after ISCE/stripmapApp: nbviewer
- Geo / radar coordinates conversion: nbviewer
- Plot GPS as quiver on top of InSAR data: nbviewer
- Average velocity estimation demonstration: nbviewer
- Coherence Change Detection: nbviewer
- Mask / estimate / correct phase non-closure related bias: nbviewer
1. Single interferogram processing with ISCE2
- Sentinel-1 TOPS mode SAR data with topsApp [video]
- StripMap mode SAR data with stripmapApp [video]
2. Stack of interferograms processing with ISCE2 stack processors [video]
- Sentinel-1 TOPS mode SAR data with topsStack
- StripMap mode SAR data with stripmapStack
- ALOS-2 ScanSAR and StripMap mode data with alosStack
3. Manipulate ARIA standard InSAR products with ARIA-tools [video]
- Downloading GUNW products using ariaDownload
- Preparing GUNW products for time series analysis using ariaTSsetup