You can try it at https://ieeemdb.netlify.app/

First of all you need to have installed ASP.NET Core Core, node.js and VSCode
- Clone git repository
git clone https://github.com/yoBoyio/IMDb-clone.git
- Run backend server:
$ cd Back\moviesProject\moviesProject>
$ dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
$ dotnet run
- Run react server:
$ cd frontend
$ npm install
$ npm start
If there are any issues, you may need to upgrade your node version.
- Visit
in your browser.
Stores the data to mysql of every registered User.
Field |
Description |
userId |
Unique ID for every player |
userEmail |
User's email |
userName |
Username |
isAdmin |
If user is admin (true/false) |
Stores the data to mysql of each watchlist insertion.
Field |
Description |
WatchlistId |
Unique ID for every Watchlist's insertion id |
userEmail |
Email of the user |
movieId |
Movies Id |
Stores the data to mysql of every Movie rating.
Field |
Description |
ratingId |
Unique ID for every rating |
userEmail |
User's email |
movieId |
Movies Id |
commentContent |
User's comment |
like |
User's like (true/false) |
Stores the data to mysql of every Movie.
Field |
Description |
id |
Movie id |
title |
Movie's title |
poster_path |
Path of the movie poster |
overview |
Movies's overview |
popularity |
Popularity of the movie |
release_date |
Release_date of the movie |
vote_average |
Vote average of the movie |
vote_count |
vote counts of the movie |
original_language |
Original language of the movie |
Method |
request type |
parameters |
Description |
api/users/info |
Get |
body: Email,Password |
Gets info of the user |
api/users/signup |
Post |
body: Email,Password,Name |
Registers a user |
api/users/login |
Get |
body: Email,Password |
Gets a token and info of the user |
api/users/info |
Get |
body: Email,Password |
Gets info of the user |
api/users/changepass |
Post |
body: Email,Password,newPassword. Headers: Authentication |
Gets info of the user |
Method |
request type |
parameters |
Description |
api/users/watchlist/get |
Get |
Headers: Authentication |
Gets user watchlist |
api/users/watchlist/insert |
Get |
Body:MovieId. Headers: Authentication |
Inserts to user Watchlist |
api/users/watchlist/remove |
Delete |
Body:MovieId. Headers: Authentication |
Removes Watchlist insertion |
Method |
request type |
parameters |
Description |
api/rating/get |
Get |
Params: movieId,page. Headers: Authentication |
Gets ratings of a movie |
api/rating/get/userRating |
Get |
Params: movieId. Headers: Authentication |
Gets users rating of a movie |
api/rating/get/stats |
Get |
Params: movieId |
Gets movies likes,dislikes and liked percentage |
api/rating/get/insert |
Post |
Body: MovieId,commentContent,like. Headers: Authentication |
Inserts a rating to a movie |
api/rating/get/delete |
Delete |
Body: MovieId. Headers: Authentication |
Removes users rating of a movie |
Method |
request type |
parameters |
Description |
api/movieShowcase/Latest |
Get |
Body: page |
Gets Latest movies |
api/movieShowcase/Upcoming |
Get |
Params: page |
Gets Upcoming movies |
api/movieShowcase/TopRated |
Get |
Params: page |
Gets Top rated movies |
api/movieShowcase/Search |
Get |
Params: query |
Full text search for movie titles |
api/movieShowcase/movie |
Get |
Params: id |
Gets movie's info |
api/movieShowcase/Search/lang |
Get |
Params: page,lang |
Gets movies based on language |
api/movieShowcase/Search/genre |
Get |
Params: page,genre |
Gets movies based on genres |