[2021-10-21 Thu]
2. Unhandled clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException Error compiling src/test_notes/core.clj at (6:1) #:clojure.error{:phase :compile-syntax-check, :line 6, :column 1, :source "/Users/yosevu/projects/personal/test-notes/src/test_notes/core.clj"} 1. Caused by java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to resolve symbol: parse in this context
Adding org-parser as a dependency to a Clojure project.
Update to latest version of org-parser.
Prior assumption: I am using the correct version.
If something doesn’t exist, follow this checklist:
- Syntax error adding the dependency
- Syntax error requiring the dependency
- Dependency API mismatch
- Using the wrong function
- Using the wrong version
Module Errors Syntax Language