This RFC introduces a mechanism for datatype generic programming (see motivation for a definition) that is easier to maintain than ppx macros but still powerful enough for innumerable use cases in our codebase (graphql, bridges between languages, random oracle inputs, etc.). This document additionally decribes its specific application to Snapp parties transactions. While this RFC will describe all ways this approach simplifies our Snapp parties implementation, the scope of work on this project will leave some derivers for future work.
Datatype generic programming sometimes referred to as reflection refers to a form of abstraction for creating reusable logic that acts on a wide variety of datatypes. Typically this is used to fold and unfold over data structures to "automatically" implement toJson, toString, hash, equals, etc.
Specifically with respect to Snapps transactions: We have complex nested structures to define the new parties transaction and at the moment, we redeclare JSON, GraphQL, JS/OCaml bridges, specifications, and TypeScript definitions in SnarkyJS completely separately. This is error-prone, hard to maintain, and has already introduced bugs in our Snapps implementation even before we've shipped v1. Using datatype generic programming, we can define all of these only once, atomically on each primitive of the datatype, never forget to update when definitions change (the compiler will yell at us), and rely on the datatype generic machinery to perform the structural fold and unfold for us.
In OCaml, we'd look for some form of datatype generic programming that allows us to fold and unfold over algebraic datatypes and records. Typically, in Mina's codebase we have used ppx deriving macros. [@@deriving yojson]
derives a JSON serializer and deserializer and [@@deriving sexp]
derives an S-expression parser and printer.
While PPX macros are very powerful, writing custom PPX macros is extremely difficult in OCaml, unfortunately, and very hard to maintain.
Luckily, folks at Jane Street have implemented a mechanism to mechanically, generically, define folds/unfolds on arbitrary data types in OCaml using the [@@deriving fields]
macros that is written with "common OCaml" and anyone familiary with Jane Street libraries in OCaml, ie. most contributors to the Mina OCaml core, can maintain.
(* to_string from the ppx_fields_conv docs *)
type t = {
dir : [ `Buy | `Sell ];
quantity : int;
price : float;
mutable cancelled : bool;
symbol : string;
} [@@deriving fields]
let to_string t =
let conv to_s = fun acc f ->
(sprintf "%s: %s" ( f) (to_s (Field.get f t))) :: acc
let fs =
Fields.fold ~init:[]
~dir:(conv (function `Buy -> "Buy" | `Sell -> "Sell"))
~quantity:(conv Int.to_string)
~price:(conv Float.to_string)
~cancelled:(conv Bool.to_string)
String.concat fs ~sep:", "
This is a step in the right direction but we can make this more succinct with terser combinators -- (note we use Fields.make_creator
so we can compose decoders with encoders)
type t = {
dir : [ `Buy | `Sell ];
quantity : int;
price : float;
mutable cancelled : bool;
symbol : string;
} [@@deriving fields]
let to_string t =
let open To_string.Prim in
String.concat ~sep:", " @@
(Fields.make_creator ~init:(To_string.init ())
~cancelled:bool |> To_string.finish ())
Further we can build combinators for horizontally composing derivers such that:
(* pseudocode *)
type t = {
dir : [ `Buy | `Sell ];
quantity : int;
price : float;
mutable cancelled : bool;
symbol : string;
} [@@deriving fields]
let to_string, equal =
let module D = Derive.Make2(To_string)(To_equal) in
let open D.Prim in
let dir = both Dir.to_string Dir.to_yojson in
~init:(D.init ()) ~dir ~quantity:int ~price:float ~cancelled:bool
|> D.finish
Coupled with combinators these custom folds are almost powerful enough.
However, sometimes we need to add metadata to our data types in order to faithfully implement some fold. For example, we may want to provide a custom field name in a JSON serializer or documentation for a GraphQL schema.
Rather than pollute our data types we can settle for one extra relatively simple companion macro that I propose we call [@@deriving ann]
we can pull out all the custom annotations on the datatype and finally have enough machinery for us to cleanly implement JSON, GraphQL, specifications, random oracle inputs, typescript definitions, and more.
See #10132 for a proposed imlementation of the machinery in the fields_deriver
We need to implement a [@@deriving ann]
macro that takes a structure that looks something like:
type t =
{ foo : int (** foo must be greater than zero *)
; reserved : string [@key "_reserved"]
[@@deriving ann]
and produces something like (sketch):
let t_ann : Ann.t Field.Map.t
where there is helper code:
(* helper util code that we only need once *)
module Ann = struct
type t =
{ ocaml_doc : string
; key : string
(* any other annotations we want to capture *)
module Field = struct
module T = struct
type 'a t = | E : ('a, 'b) Field.t -> 'a t
(* ... with a sort function based on the Field name *)
module Map = Core_kernel.Map.Make(T)
(* wraps your field in the existential wrapper for you and then does a map
lookup *)
val get : ('a, 'b) Field.t -> Ann.t Field.Map.t -> Ann.t option
Now we can build combinators on our field folds/unfolds
The combinators look something like this:
val int_
val string_
val bool_
val list_
module Prim = struct
val int
val string
val bool
val list
The derivers in Prim
are intended to be used directly by the make_creator
fold/unfold. Example:
let open Prim in
Fields.make_creator (init ()) ~foo:int ~bar:string |> finish
The underscore-suffixed versions of the derivers are used whenenever types need to be composed -- for example, when using list
let open Prim in
Fields.make_creator (init ()) ~foo:int ~bar:(list D.string_) |> finish
More examples are present in the first PR #10132. Suggestions on naming scheme for these is appreciated, either here or on that PR.
A minimal application of this mechanism applied to snapps transactions would be to apply these derivers to all the types involved in the Snapps parties transactions.
The derivers we need at a minimum are:
, Of_json
, Graphql_fields
, Graphql_args
With these four derivers we can decode and encode JSON and send and receive JSON in GraphQL requests.
When we bridge the to_json
over to SnarkyJS we can generate a Snapp transaction and we'll know that it will be accepted by the GraphQL server generated via the Graphql_fields/args
Create derivers for TypeScript .d.ts
parties interface types and the OCaml/JavaScript bridge for these data types.
Other applications to explore are specification deriving using ocaml doccomments on data structures and random oracle input to_input
derivation rather than relying on HLists.
To fully adopt this vision, we'll need to rewrite a lot of different pieces within Mina. Luckily, this can be done piecemeal and whenever we decide to allocate effort toward individual sections.
We could stick with PPX macros but they are too hard to write. Other sorts of code genreators don't fit into our workfflow.
We could also not take any sort of datatype generic approach of dealing with this issue and instead write the same thing manually or stick with what we've done so far -- however, as mentioned above we are already running into bugs and are concerned about maintainability of the current implementation.
In an effort to avoid digging ourselves further in a tech debt hole, this RFC proposes we adopt this generic programming approach immediately.
In Haskell, generic programming
In Swift, generic programming
Discuss prior art, both the good and the bad, in relation to this proposal.
To resolve during implementation:
- To what extent do we re-write the datastructures in the bridge using this mechanism vs keep it scoped to GraphQL for now?