diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/ref_status_typeahead.js b/app/assets/javascripts/ref_status_typeahead.js
index 8514b052e6..4b42f74880 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/ref_status_typeahead.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/ref_status_typeahead.js
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ function refStatusTypeahead(options){
function show_status_problems(status_list, isDanger) {
$ref_status_container.toggleClass('alert-danger', isDanger);
$ref_status_container.toggleClass('alert-warning', !isDanger);
@@ -63,24 +62,25 @@ console.log(isDanger);
url: $("#new_deploy").data("commit-status-url"),
data: { ref: ref },
success: function(response) {
- switch(response.status) {
+ switch(response.state) {
case "success":
case "pending":
+ case "missing":
- show_status_problems(response.status_list, false);
+ show_status_problems(response.statuses, false);
case "failure":
case "error":
- show_status_problems(response.status_list, false);
+ show_status_problems(response.statuses, false);
case "fatal":
$submit_button.prop("disabled", true);
- show_status_problems(response.status_list, true);
+ show_status_problems(response.statuses, true);
alert("Unexpected response: " + response.toString());
diff --git a/app/controllers/commit_statuses_controller.rb b/app/controllers/commit_statuses_controller.rb
index 1814b7aacd..3db2dea106 100644
--- a/app/controllers/commit_statuses_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/commit_statuses_controller.rb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ class CommitStatusesController < ApplicationController
def show
stage = current_project.stages.find_by_permalink!(params.require(:stage_id))
- commit_status = CommitStatus.new(stage, params.require(:ref))
- render json: {status: commit_status.status, status_list: commit_status.status_list}
+ commit_status = CommitStatus.new(stage.project, params.require(:ref), stage: stage)
+ render json: {state: commit_status.state, statuses: commit_status.statuses}
diff --git a/app/controllers/integrations/github_controller.rb b/app/controllers/integrations/github_controller.rb
index 7fb5ace261..d11479e861 100644
--- a/app/controllers/integrations/github_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/integrations/github_controller.rb
@@ -12,16 +12,15 @@ def self.secret_token
def create
- handle_commit_status_event if github_event_type == "status"
+ expire_commit_status if github_event_type == "status"
- def handle_commit_status_event
- # Touch all releases of the sha in the project.
- project.releases.where(commit: params[:sha].to_s).each(&:touch)
+ def expire_commit_status
+ commit = params[:sha].to_s
+ CommitStatus.new(project, commit).expire_cache(commit)
def payload
diff --git a/app/models/commit_status.rb b/app/models/commit_status.rb
index 6e411881fc..644374e326 100644
--- a/app/models/commit_status.rb
+++ b/app/models/commit_status.rb
@@ -2,24 +2,23 @@
# Used to display all warnings/failures before user actually deploys
class CommitStatus
# See ref_status_typeahead.js for how statuses are handled
- success: 0,
- pending: 1,
- failure: 2,
- error: 3,
- fatal: 4
- }.freeze
- def initialize(stage, reference)
- @stage = stage
+ # See https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/statuses for api details
+ # - fatal is our own state that blocks deploys
+ # - missing is our own state that means we could not determine the status
+ STATE_PRIORITY = [:success, :pending, :missing, :failure, :error, :fatal].freeze
+ UNDETERMINED = ["pending", "missing"].freeze
+ def initialize(project, reference, stage: nil)
+ @project = project
@reference = reference
+ @stage = stage
- def status
+ def state
- def status_list
+ def statuses
list = combined_status.fetch(:statuses).map(&:to_h)
if list.empty?
list << {
@@ -32,39 +31,71 @@ def status_list
+ def expire_cache(commit)
+ Rails.cache.delete(cache_key(commit))
+ end
def combined_status
@combined_status ||= begin
- statuses = [github_status, release_status, *ref_statuses]
- statuses.each_with_object({}) { |status, merged_statuses| merge(merged_statuses, status) }
+ statuses = [github_status]
+ statuses += [release_status, *ref_statuses].compact if @stage
+ statuses[1..-1].each_with_object(statuses[0]) { |status, merged| merge(merged, status) }
def merge(a, b)
- return a unless b
- a[:state] = pick_highest_state(a[:state], b.fetch(:state))
- (a[:statuses] ||= []).concat b.fetch(:statuses)
+ a[:state] = [a.fetch(:state), b.fetch(:state)].max_by { |state| STATE_PRIORITY.index(state.to_sym) }
+ a.fetch(:statuses).concat b.fetch(:statuses)
- # picks the state with the higher priority
- def pick_highest_state(a, b)
- return b if a.nil?
- STATUS_PRIORITY[a.to_sym] > STATUS_PRIORITY[b.to_sym] ? a : b
- end
- # need to do weird escape logic since other wise either 'foo/bar' or 'bar[].foo' do not work
+ # NOTE: reply is an api object that does not support .fetch
def github_status
- escaped_ref = @reference.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z\/\d_-]+/) { |v| CGI.escape(v) }
- GITHUB.combined_status(@stage.project.repository_path, escaped_ref).to_h
+ static = @reference.match?(Build::SHA1_REGEX) || @reference.match?(Release::VERSION_REGEX)
+ expires_in = ->(reply) { cache_duration(reply) }
+ cache_fetch_if static, cache_key(@reference), expires_in: expires_in do
+ GITHUB.combined_status(@project.repository_path, @reference).to_h
+ end
rescue Octokit::NotFound
- state: "failure",
- statuses: [{"state": "Reference", description: "'#{@reference}' does not exist"}]
+ state: "missing",
+ statuses: [{
+ context: "Reference", # for releases/show.html.erb
+ state: "missing",
+ description: "'#{@reference}' does not exist"
+ }]
+ def cache_duration(github_status)
+ statuses = github_status[:statuses]
+ if statuses.empty? # does not have any statuses, chances are commit is new
+ 5.minutes # NOTE: could fetch commit locally without pulling to check it's age
+ elsif (Time.now - statuses.map { |s| s[:updated_at] }.max) > 1.hour # no new updates expected
+ 1.day
+ elsif statuses.any? { |s| UNDETERMINED.include?(s[:state]) } # expecting update shortly
+ 1.minute
+ else # user might re-run test or success changes into failure when new status arrives
+ 10.minutes
+ end
+ end
+ def cache_key(commit)
+ ['commit-status', @project.id, commit]
+ end
+ def cache_fetch_if(condition, key, expires_in:)
+ return yield unless condition
+ old = Rails.cache.read(key)
+ return old if old
+ current = yield
+ Rails.cache.write(key, current, expires_in: expires_in.call(current))
+ current
+ end
# checks if other stages that deploy to the same hosts as this stage have deployed a newer release
# @return [nil, error-state]
def release_status
diff --git a/app/models/github_status.rb b/app/models/github_status.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ef93897c4..0000000000
--- a/app/models/github_status.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-class GithubStatus
- Status = Struct.new(:context, :latest_status) do
- def state
- latest_status.state
- end
- def description
- latest_status.description
- end
- def url
- latest_status.target_url
- end
- def success?
- state == "success"
- end
- def failure?
- state == "failure"
- end
- def pending?
- state == "pending"
- end
- end
- attr_reader :state, :statuses
- def initialize(state, statuses)
- @state = state
- @statuses = statuses
- end
- def self.fetch(release)
- repo = release.project.repository_path
- ref = release.commit
- # Base the cache key on the Release, so that an update to it effectively
- # clears the cache.
- cache_key = [name, release]
- response = Rails.cache.read(cache_key)
- # Fetch the data if the cache returned nil.
- response ||=
- begin
- GITHUB.combined_status(repo, ref)
- rescue Octokit::Error
- nil
- end
- # Fall back to a "missing" status.
- return new("missing", []) if response.nil?
- statuses = response.statuses.group_by(&:context).map do |context, statuses|
- Status.new(context, statuses.max_by { |status| status.created_at.to_i })
- end
- # Don't cache pending statuses, since we expect updates soon.
- unless statuses.any?(&:pending?)
- Rails.cache.write(cache_key, response, expires_in: 1.hour)
- end
- new(response.state, statuses)
- end
- def success?
- state == "success"
- end
- def failure?
- state == "failure"
- end
- def pending?
- state == "pending"
- end
- def missing?
- state == "missing"
- end
diff --git a/app/models/release.rb b/app/models/release.rb
index cfd025a460..3d1ad3b2c6 100644
--- a/app/models/release.rb
+++ b/app/models/release.rb
@@ -32,10 +32,6 @@ def to_param
- def github_status
- @github_status ||= GithubStatus.fetch(self)
- end
def self.find_by_param!(version)
if number = version[VERSION_REGEX, 1]
diff --git a/app/views/deploys/_buddy_check.html.erb b/app/views/deploys/_buddy_check.html.erb
index 465bc7addb..1877c53123 100644
--- a/app/views/deploys/_buddy_check.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/deploys/_buddy_check.html.erb
@@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
- <% if status = CommitStatus.new(@deploy.stage, @deploy.reference) rescue nil %>
- Commit status for <%= short_sha @deploy.reference %>: <%= status.status %>
- <% status.status_list.each do |info| %>
- <%= info.fetch(:state) %>: <%= info.fetch(:description) %>
- <% end %>
- <% else %>
Error fetching commit status.
- <% end %>
+ <% commit_status = CommitStatus.new(@deploy.stage.project, @deploy.reference, stage: @deploy.stage) %>
+ Commit status for <%= short_sha @deploy.reference %>: <%= commit_status.state %>
+ <% commit_status.statuses.each do |info| %>
+ <%= info.fetch(:state) %>: <%= info.fetch(:description) %>
+ <% end %>
<% if @deploy.started_by?(current_user) %>
diff --git a/app/views/releases/_release.html.erb b/app/views/releases/_release.html.erb
index fbb3869c17..d3780a53e5 100644
--- a/app/views/releases/_release.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/releases/_release.html.erb
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<% if github_ok? %>
- <%= github_commit_status_icon release.github_status.state %>
+ <%= github_commit_status_icon CommitStatus.new(release.project, release.commit).state %>
<% else %>
<%= github_commit_status_icon "missing" %>
<% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/releases/show.html.erb b/app/views/releases/show.html.erb
index dedfb181f6..a5663fc75d 100644
--- a/app/views/releases/show.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/releases/show.html.erb
@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@
- <% @release.github_status.statuses.each do |status| %>
- <%= github_commit_status_icon(status.state) %> <%= status.context %>: <%= link_to status.description, status.url %>
+ <% CommitStatus.new(@release.project, @release.commit).statuses.each do |status| %>
+ <%= github_commit_status_icon(status.fetch(:state)) %>
+ <%= status[:context] %>: <%= link_to status[:description], status[:url] %>
<% end %>
diff --git a/test/controllers/commit_statuses_controller_test.rb b/test/controllers/commit_statuses_controller_test.rb
index 93721dcb90..d19cd4adcb 100644
--- a/test/controllers/commit_statuses_controller_test.rb
+++ b/test/controllers/commit_statuses_controller_test.rb
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
describe 'valid' do
let(:commit_status_data) do
- status: 'pending',
- status_list: [{status: 'pending', description: 'the Travis build is still running'}]
+ state: 'pending',
+ statuses: [{status: 'pending', description: 'the Travis build is still running'}]
diff --git a/test/controllers/integrations/github_controller_test.rb b/test/controllers/integrations/github_controller_test.rb
index c9ffec77c9..07ffed6353 100644
--- a/test/controllers/integrations/github_controller_test.rb
+++ b/test/controllers/integrations/github_controller_test.rb
@@ -89,32 +89,12 @@
describe 'with a commit status event' do
- it 'updates all releases of that commit' do
- sha = "dc395381e650f3bac18457909880829fc20e34ba"
- release = project.releases.create!(
- commit: sha,
- author: users(:deployer)
- )
- # Fast forward the clock.
- later = 1.minute.from_now
- Time.stubs(:now).returns later
- payload = {
- token: project.token,
- sha: sha
- }
- request.headers['X-Github-Event'] = 'status'
- post :create, params: payload
+ before { request.headers['X-Github-Event'] = 'status' }
+ it 'expires github status' do
+ Rails.cache.expects(:delete).with(['commit-status', project.id, 'dc395381e650f3bac18457909880829fc20e34ba'])
+ post :create, params: {token: project.token, sha: "dc395381e650f3bac18457909880829fc20e34ba"}
assert_response :success
- # Time objects can't be reliably compared due to the use of floating
- # point numbers in their representation, so we convert to Integer before
- # comparing.
- release.reload.updated_at.to_i.must_equal later.to_i
diff --git a/test/controllers/releases_controller_test.rb b/test/controllers/releases_controller_test.rb
index ee05b15a7f..aaf796c8a0 100644
--- a/test/controllers/releases_controller_test.rb
+++ b/test/controllers/releases_controller_test.rb
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
context: "oompa/loompa",
target_url: "https://chocolate-factory.com/test/wonka",
description: "Ooompa Loompa!",
+ updated_at: Time.now.iso8601,
created_at: Time.now.iso8601
diff --git a/test/helpers/releases_helper_test.rb b/test/helpers/releases_helper_test.rb
index bb53963561..871ba1283d 100644
--- a/test/helpers/releases_helper_test.rb
+++ b/test/helpers/releases_helper_test.rb
@@ -45,6 +45,13 @@
html.must_include "text-primary"
html.must_include "Github status: pending"
+ it "renders an icon for pending status" do
+ html = github_commit_status_icon("pending")
+ html.must_include "glyphicon-hourglass"
+ html.must_include "text-primary"
+ html.must_include "Github status: pending"
+ end
describe "#link_to_deploy_stage" do
diff --git a/test/models/commit_status_test.rb b/test/models/commit_status_test.rb
index f75db57c6b..32d6787aa1 100644
--- a/test/models/commit_status_test.rb
+++ b/test/models/commit_status_test.rb
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ def self.deploying_a_previous_release
def success!
- stub_github_api(url, statuses: [{foo: "bar"}], state: "success")
+ stub_github_api(url, statuses: [{foo: "bar", updated_at: 1.day.ago}], state: "success")
def failure!
@@ -26,22 +26,55 @@ def failure!
def status(stage_param: stage, reference_param: reference)
- @status ||= CommitStatus.new(stage_param, reference_param)
+ CommitStatus.new(stage_param.project, reference_param, stage: stage_param)
let(:stage) { stages(:test_staging) }
let(:reference) { 'master' }
let(:url) { "repos/#{stage.project.repository_path}/commits/#{reference}/status" }
- describe "#status" do
+ describe "#state" do
it "returns state" do
- status.status.must_equal 'success'
+ status.state.must_equal 'success'
- it "is failure when not found" do
+ it "is missing when not found" do
- status.status.must_equal 'failure'
+ status.state.must_equal 'missing'
+ end
+ it "works without stage" do
+ success!
+ s = status
+ s.instance_variable_set(:@stage, nil)
+ s.state.must_equal "success"
+ end
+ it "does not cache changing references" do
+ request = success!
+ status.state.must_equal 'success'
+ status.state.must_equal 'success'
+ assert_requested request, times: 2
+ end
+ describe "caching static references" do
+ let(:reference) { 'v4.2' }
+ it "caches github state accross instances" do
+ request = success!
+ status.state.must_equal 'success'
+ status.state.must_equal 'success'
+ assert_requested request, times: 1
+ end
+ it "can expire cache" do
+ request = success!
+ status.state.must_equal 'success'
+ status.expire_cache reference
+ status.state.must_equal 'success'
+ assert_requested request, times: 2
+ end
describe "when deploying a previous release" do
@@ -50,7 +83,7 @@ def status(stage_param: stage, reference_param: reference)
it "warns" do
assert_sql_queries 10 do
- status.status.must_equal 'error'
+ status.state.must_equal 'error'
@@ -59,13 +92,13 @@ def status(stage_param: stage, reference_param: reference)
deploys(:succeeded_test).update_column(:reference, 'v4.1') # old is lower
deploy.update_column(:reference, 'v4.3') # new is higher
- status.status.must_equal 'error'
+ status.state.must_equal 'error'
it "ignores when previous deploy was the same or lower" do
deploy.update_column(:reference, reference)
- status.status.must_equal 'success'
+ status.state.must_equal 'success'
describe "when previous deploy was higher numerically" do
@@ -73,8 +106,9 @@ def status(stage_param: stage, reference_param: reference)
it "warns" do
- status.status.must_equal 'error'
- status.status_list[1][:description].must_equal(
+ status = status()
+ status.state.must_equal 'error'
+ status.statuses[1][:description].must_equal(
"v4.10 was deployed to deploy groups in this stage by Production"
@@ -84,8 +118,9 @@ def status(stage_param: stage, reference_param: reference)
other.update_column(:reference, 'v4.9')
- status.status.must_equal 'error'
- status.status_list[1][:description].must_equal(
+ status = status()
+ status.state.must_equal 'error'
+ status.statuses[1][:description].must_equal(
"v4.9, v4.10 was deployed to deploy groups in this stage by Staging, Production"
@@ -94,43 +129,33 @@ def status(stage_param: stage, reference_param: reference)
it "ignores when previous deploy was not a version" do
deploy.update_column(:reference, 'master')
- status.status.must_equal 'success'
+ status.state.must_equal 'success'
it "ignores when previous deploy was failed" do
deploy.job.update_column(:status, 'faild')
- status.status.must_equal 'success'
- end
- end
- describe "with bad ref" do
- let(:reference) { '[/r' }
- let(:url) { "repos/#{stage.project.repository_path}/commits/%255B/r/status" }
- it "escapes the url" do
- failure!
- status.status.must_equal 'failure'
+ status.state.must_equal 'success'
- describe "#status_list" do
+ describe "#statuses" do
it "returns list" do
- status.status_list.must_equal [{foo: "bar"}]
+ status.statuses.map { |s| s[:foo] }.must_equal ["bar"]
it "shows that github is waiting for statuses to come when non has arrived yet ... or none are set up" do
stub_github_api(url, statuses: [], state: "pending")
- list = status.status_list
+ list = status.statuses
list.map { |s| s[:state] }.must_equal ["pending"]
list.first[:description].must_include "No status was reported"
- it "returns failure on Reference when not found list for consistent status display" do
+ it "returns Reference context for release/show display" do
- status.status_list.map { |s| s[:state] }.must_equal ["Reference"]
+ status.statuses.map { |s| s[:context] }.must_equal ["Reference"]
describe "when deploying a previous release" do
@@ -138,7 +163,7 @@ def status(stage_param: stage, reference_param: reference)
it "merges" do
- status.status_list.must_equal [
+ status.statuses.each { |s| s.delete(:updated_at) }.must_equal [
{foo: "bar"},
{state: "Old Release", description: "v4.3 was deployed to deploy groups in this stage by Production"}
@@ -146,20 +171,6 @@ def status(stage_param: stage, reference_param: reference)
- describe "#resolve_states" do
- it 'picks the first state if it has higher priority' do
- status.send(:pick_highest_state, 'error', 'success').must_equal 'error'
- end
- it 'picks the second state if it has higher priority' do
- status.send(:pick_highest_state, 'success', 'error').must_equal 'error'
- end
- it 'returns second state if first state is nil' do
- status.send(:pick_highest_state, nil, 'pending').must_equal 'pending'
- end
- end
describe '#ref_statuses' do
let(:production_stage) { stages(:test_production) }
@@ -197,4 +208,39 @@ def status(stage_param: stage, reference_param: reference)
status.send(:ref_statuses).must_equal [{foo: :bar}]
+ describe "#cache_fetch_if" do
+ it "fetches old" do
+ Rails.cache.write('a', 1)
+ status.send(:cache_fetch_if, true, 'a', expires_in: :raise) { 2 }.must_equal 1
+ end
+ it "does not cache when not requested" do
+ Rails.cache.write('a', 1)
+ status.send(:cache_fetch_if, false, 'a', expires_in: :raise) { 2 }.must_equal 2
+ Rails.cache.read('a').must_equal 1
+ end
+ it "caches with expiration" do
+ status.send(:cache_fetch_if, true, 'a', expires_in: ->(_) { 1 }) { 2 }.must_equal 2
+ Rails.cache.read('a').must_equal 2
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#cache_duration" do
+ it "is short when we do not know if the commit is new or old" do
+ status.send(:cache_duration, statuses: []).must_equal 5.minutes
+ end
+ it "is long when we do not expect new updates" do
+ status.send(:cache_duration, statuses: [{updated_at: 1.day.ago}]).must_equal 1.day
+ end
+ it "is short when we expect updates shortly" do
+ status.send(:cache_duration, statuses: [{updated_at: 10.minutes.ago, state: "pending"}]).must_equal 1.minute
+ end
+ it "is medium when some status might still be changing or coming in late" do
+ status.send(:cache_duration, statuses: [{updated_at: 10.minutes.ago, state: "success"}]).must_equal 10.minutes
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/models/github_status_test.rb b/test/models/github_status_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 20d5d6ac51..0000000000
--- a/test/models/github_status_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require_relative '../test_helper'
-describe GithubStatus do
- let(:repo) { "oompa/loompa" }
- let(:ref) { "wonka" }
- let(:project) { stub("project", repository_path: repo) }
- let(:release) { stub("release", project: project, commit: ref) }
- describe "#state" do
- let(:status) { GithubStatus.fetch(release) }
- it "returns `missing` if there's no response from Github" do
- stub_api({}, 401)
- status.state.must_equal "missing"
- end
- it "returns the Github state from the response" do
- stub_api({state: "party", statuses: []}, 200)
- status.state.must_equal "party"
- end
- end
- describe "#statuses" do
- let(:status) { GithubStatus.fetch(release) }
- it "returns a single status per context" do
- # The most recent status is used.
- statuses = [
- {context: "A", created_at: 1, state: "pending"},
- {context: "B", created_at: 1, state: "success"},
- {context: "A", created_at: 2, state: "failure"},
- ]
- stub_api({state: "pending", statuses: statuses}, 200)
- status.statuses.count.must_equal 2
- status_a = status.statuses.first
- status_b = status.statuses.last
- assert status_a.failure?
- assert status_b.success?
- end
- it "includes the state of each status" do
- statuses = [
- {context: "A", created_at: 1, state: "pending"},
- ]
- stub_api({state: "pending", statuses: statuses}, 200)
- status.statuses.first.state.must_equal "pending"
- assert status.statuses.first.pending?
- assert !status.statuses.first.success?
- assert !status.statuses.first.failure?
- end
- it "includes the URL of each status" do
- statuses = [
- {context: "A", created_at: 1, state: "pending", target_url: "http://acme.com/123"},
- ]
- stub_api({state: "pending", statuses: statuses}, 200)
- status.statuses.first.url.must_equal "http://acme.com/123"
- end
- it "includes the description of each status" do
- statuses = [
- {context: "A", created_at: 1, state: "pending", description: "hello"},
- ]
- stub_api({state: "pending", statuses: statuses}, 200)
- status.statuses.first.description.must_equal "hello"
- end
- end
- it "has a query method for each state" do
- assert GithubStatus.new("success", []).success?
- assert GithubStatus.new("failure", []).failure?
- assert GithubStatus.new("pending", []).pending?
- assert GithubStatus.new("missing", []).missing?
- refute GithubStatus.new("wonka", []).success?
- refute GithubStatus.new("wonka", []).failure?
- refute GithubStatus.new("wonka", []).pending?
- refute GithubStatus.new("wonka", []).missing?
- end
- def stub_api(body, status = 200)
- stub_github_api "repos/#{repo}/commits/#{ref}/status", body, status
- end
diff --git a/test/models/release_test.rb b/test/models/release_test.rb
index d8fd2cf2d3..4d18d7a877 100644
--- a/test/models/release_test.rb
+++ b/test/models/release_test.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
require_relative '../test_helper'
-SingleCov.covered! uncovered: 3
+SingleCov.covered! uncovered: 2
describe Release do
let(:author) { users(:deployer) }