- a1501c9: update radix dependencies
- 669c43a: add popover component
- 279169d: add command component
- bad93d1: fix: wrap function with useCallback
- a6ba4d3: sidebar: start closing immediately when "close" button clicked, ignoring hover
- ccc043b: add radio group
- ec02574: add hover card component
- 09c4e2e: add scroll area component
- 66cfd52: add entrypoints for nextjs
- 4ce474a: add radial progress & progress bar
- 152984a: adjust export
- b081403: add alert dialog
- a047290: add switch component
- 2942753: add select component
- a7b81dc: add progressTick and progressOutstanding
- 77368cb: add dialog component
- b0eed25: add option to keep sidebar open
- 49804fb: add toast
- 63baf62: add checkbox component
- 847418f: export badge props
- 952c199: add tooltip
- f1b1d71: add sheet component
- e8808ae: add tabs
- d46d3d4: add spinner component
- 60de2b9: add collapsible component
- b568987: add badge component
- 48dc80c: add tag component
- dac3259: add table components
- caf5c23: add loading skeleton
- 656180c: add avatar component
- 29ade64: add dropdown component
- 291eb80: add box component
- 8608cf6: add input component
- 09d7d30: export buttonVariants
- 73566b7: add new colors
- d541014: remove dimenstions from SidebarHeader Icon
- d24b001: minor adjustments to tailwind config
- ab3189e: Initialize Sidebar Component
- 277a992: adjust font-sizes in button
- 6ad93d5: make tailwindcss a peer dependency
- e3013cf: add ref to button component
- 74cb493: fix for types generated by cva
- c4c2c29: add initial version of the button component to the library
- 0b23b5f: provide custom
- cb396ee: fix for release process
- 732033f: initial release of zenml tailwind plugin & preset