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End-to-end Computer Vision 🌄

This is a project that demonstrates an end-to-end computer vision pipeline using ZenML. The pipeline is designed to be modular and flexible, allowing for easy experimentation and extension.


The project showcases the full lifecycle of a computer vision project, from data collection and preprocessing to model training and evaluation. The pipeline also incorporates a human-in-the-loop (HITL) component, where human annotators can label images to improve the model's performance, as well as feedback using Voxel51's FiftyOne tool.

The project uses the Ship Detection dataset from DataDrivenScience on the Hugging Face Hub, which contains images of ships in satellite imagery. The goal is to train a model to detect ships in the images. Note that this isn't something that our YOLOv8 model is particularly good at out of the box, so it serves as a good example of how to build a pipeline that can be extended to other use cases.

This project needs some infrastructure and tool setup to work. Here is a list of things that you'll need to do.


We recommend using our ZenML Pro offering to get a deployed instance of ZenML:

Set up your environment

pip install uv
uv venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
uv pip install -r requirements.txt
zenml integration install pytorch gcp mlflow label_studio -y
pip uninstall wandb  # This comes in automatically

And to use the Albumentations and annotation plugins in the last step, you'll need to install them:

fiftyone plugins download
fiftyone plugins download --plugin-names @voxel51/annotation

You should also set up the following environment variables:


Connect to your deployed ZenML instance


Cloud Provider

We will use GCP in the commands listed below, but it will work for other cloud providers.

  1. Follow our guide to set up your credentials for GCP here
  2. Set up a bucket in GCP to persist your training data
  3. Set up a bucket to use as artifact store within ZenML Learn how to set up a GCP artifact store stack component within ZenML here
  4. Set up Vertex for pipeline orchestration Learn how to set up a Vertex orchestrator stack component within ZenML here
  5. For training on accelerators like GPUs/TPUs set up Vertex Learn how to set up a Vertex step operator stack component within ZenML here
  6. Set up a Container Registry in GCP. Learn how to set up a Google Cloud Container Registry component within ZenML here

Label Studio

  1. Start Label Studio locally For Label Studio we recommend using docker/docker-compose to deploy a local instance
    git clone
    cd label-studio
    docker-compose up -d # starts label studio at http://localhost:8080
  2. Follow these ZenML instructions to set up Label Studio as a stack component
  3. Create a project within Label Studio and name it ship_detection_gcp img.png
  4. Configure your project to use Object Detection with Bounding Boxes as Labeling Setup img.png In the following screen you now need to configure the labeling interface. This is where you define the different classes that you want to detect. In our case this should be a single ship class. img.png Additionally, you might want to allow users to zoom during labeling. This can be configured when you scroll down on this same screen.
  5. Set up Label Studio to use external storage Use the first bucket that you created for data persistence

Hugging Face

This specific project relies on a dataset loaded from Hugging Face. As such a free Hugging Face account is needed.

  1. Login in the CLI. Simply follow the instructions from this command.
huggingface-cli login

ZenML Stacks

Local Stack

The local stack should use the default orchestrator, a gcp remote artifact store that we'll call gcp_artifact_store here and a local label-studio annotator that we'll refer to as label_studio_local.

# Make sure to replace the names with the names that you choose for your setup
zenml stack register <local_stack> -o default -a <gcp_artifact_store> -an <label_studio_local>

Remote Stack

The remote stack should use the vertex_orchestrator , a gcp_artifact_store, a gcp_container_registry and a vertex_step_operator.

# Make sure to replace the names with the names that you choose for your setup
zenml stack register <gcp_stack> -o <vertex_orchestrator> -a <gcp_artifact_store> -c <gcp_container_registry> -s <vertex_step_operator>

The project consists of the following pipelines:


This pipeline downloads the Ship Detection dataset. This dataset contains some truly huge images with a few hundred million pixels. In order to make these usable, we break down all source images into manageable tiles with a maximum height/width of 1000 pixels. After this preprocessing is done, the images are uploaded into a cloud bucket and the ground truth annotations are uploaded to a local Label Studio instance.

Configure this pipeline

The configuration file for this pipeline lives at ./configs/ingest_data.yaml. Make sure in particular to change data_source to point at the GCP bucket which is dedicated to be the storage location for the data. Also make sure to adjust the ls_project_id to correspond to the id of your project within Label Studio.

Run this pipeline

Label Studio should be up and running for the whole duration of this pipeline run. Also in configs/ingest_data.yaml, make sure to change the dataset name to the name of the dataset in Label Studio. You'll also want to make sure the storage type is set to gcs if you are using GCP, and don't forget to set ls_storage_id and ls_project_id to the correct values.

zenml stack set <local_stack>
python --ingest


This pipeline exports the annotations from Label Studio and loads it into the ZenML artifact store to make them accessible to downstream pipelines.

Configure this pipeline

The configuration file for this pipeline lives at ./configs/data_export.yaml. Make sure in particular to change dataset_name to reflect the name of the dataset within Label Studio.

Run this pipeline

Label Studio should be up and running for the whole duration of this pipeline run.

zenml stack set <local_stack>
python --export


This pipeline trains a YOLOv8 object detection model.

Configure this pipeline

You can choose to run this pipeline locally or on the cloud. These two options use two different configuration files. For local training: ./configs/training_pipeline.yaml. For training on the cloud: ./configs/training_pipeline_remote_gpu.yaml. Make sure data_source points to your cloud storage bucket.

Run this pipeline

This pipeline requires the associated model (see the model section of the configuration yaml file) to have a version in the staging stage. In order to promote the model produced by the latest run of the data_export_pipeline, run the following code:

zenml model version update <MODEL_NAME> latest -s staging 

For local training run the following code:

zenml stack set <local_stack>
python --training --local

For remote training run the following code:

zenml stack set <remote_stack>
python --training


This pipeline performs inference on the object detection model.

Configure this pipeline

You can configure this pipeline at the following yaml file ./configs/inference_pipeline.yaml. Make sure data_source points to your cloud storage bucket that contains images that you want to perform batch inference on

Run this pipeline

This pipeline requires the associated model (see the model section of the configuration yaml file) to have a version in the production stage. In order to promote the model produced by the latest run of the training_pipeline, run the following code:

zenml model version update <MODEL_NAME> staging -s production 
zenml stack set <local_stack>
python --inference

Analyze and Curate your data through FiftyOne

Now to close the loop, we will import the predictions into FiftyOne. All you'll need to do is run:

python --fiftyone

Within FiftyOne, you can now analyze all the predictions and export them back to Label Studio for fine-tuned labeling and retraining.