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\def\empty{\mathcal E}
\def\N{\mathbb N}
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Spring 2015: Theory of Computation
- states with conditions and starting/accepting elements
- fixed object : not allowed to depend on input size
formal definition :
: finite set of states -
: alphabet (i.e. mostly) -
: transition function with and -
: starting state -
: accepting states (finite)
extended transition function :
with with , and -
with being a starting state and being a string
- non-determinism : can be at multiple state at the same time
- powerset :
formal definition :
: finite set of states -
: alphabet (i.e. mostly) -
: transition function with and -
: starting states (finite) -
: accepting states (finite)
extended transition function :
with and -
with and
accepting criteria :
with -
empty transition
: allow states flexibility -
NFA to DFA : if
is a NFA then there is a DFA such that - use transition function to generate all states unions
- lemma :
(by induction) -
: but keep only the ones that are accessible -
: all states containing NFA starting states -
: all states containing NFA accepting states
- one tape with a head pointing on the current state
- allow to make progress in both direction
formal definition :
: finite set of states -
: input alphabet with -
: tape alphabet with and -
: with the letter to be write and stands for left, right and wait -
: starting state -
: accepting state (finite) -
: rejecting state (finite)
- starting configuration :
with being the head -
running configuration (at any moment} :
where being last character read on the tape and with - progress :
halts on input
only - if
, accepts - if
, rejects
- if
- describe by tape pseudocode (with subroutines)
- set of all Turing machine : countable
- multi
tapes - can be reduce to a single tape by adjusting transistion function and concatenate tapes (using marker heads)
- Church thesis : no computer has more power than Turing machines
- $$ denotes the encoding of $B$ (could be a Turing machine or an automaton)
- can take the encoding of another Turing machine and run it on a specified input
- multiple branch at the same time
- formal definition : $M={Q,\Sigma,\Gamma,\delta,q_0,q_A,q_R}$
- $Q$ : finite set of states
- $\Sigma$ : input alphabet with $\sqcup\not\in\Sigma$
- $\Gamma$ : tape alphabet with $\sqcup\in\Gamma$ and $\Sigma\subseteq\Gamma$
- $\delta : Q\times\Gamma\to 2^{Q\times\Gamma'\times{L,R,W}}$ : with $\Gamma'$ the letter to be write and $L,R,W$ stands for left, right and wait
- $q_0\in Q$ : starting state
- $q_A\in Q$ : accepting state (finite)
- $q_R\in Q$ : rejecting state (finite)
- computation trees (deciders) : all possible combinations
- string : $\sigma\in\Sigma^*$
- empty string : $\empty$
- regular language : set of string accepted by $L(M)$
- irregular language : no $M$ such that $L(M)=A={0^n1^n:;n\ge 0}\subseteq\Sigma^*$
- complement : $\overline{L(M)}=\Sigma^*-L(M)$ by inverting accepting states (i.e. $F'=Q-F$)
- regularity for languages $A,A_1,A_2$ over
- union : $A_1\cup A_2={\sigma:;\sigma\in A_1\lor\sigma\in A_2}$
- $Q=Q_1\times Q_2$
- $q_0=(q_1,q_2)$
- $\delta((q_i,q_j), a)=(\delta(q_i,a),\ delta(q_j,a))$
- $F=(F_1\times Q_2)\cup(Q_1\times F_2)$
- intersection : $A_1\cap A_2={\sigma:;\sigma\in A_1\land\sigma\in A_2}$
- concatenation : $A_1\circ A_2={\sigma_1\sigma_2:;\sigma_1\in A_1,;\sigma_2\in A_2}$
- complement $\bar A={\sigma\in\Sigma^*:;\sigma\not\in A}$
- union : $A_1\cup A_2={\sigma:;\sigma\in A_1\lor\sigma\in A_2}$
- pumping lemma
- if $A$ is a regular language then $\exists p\ge 0$ (called the pumping length) such that if $\sigma\in A$ and $\length{\sigma}\ge p$ then $\sigma = xyz$
- $xy^iz\in A \forall i \ge 0$
- $\length{xy}\le p$
- $\length y \ge 1$
- if $A$ is a regular language then $\exists p\ge 0$ (called the pumping length) such that if $\sigma\in A$ and $\length{\sigma}\ge p$ then $\sigma = xyz$
- intersection $A=B\cap C$ : if $B$ is irregular and $C$ regular, then $A$ is irregular
- set of all language $\Sigma^*$ : uncountable
- Turing decidable language $A$ (recursive language) : if $\exists M$ (a Turing machine) such that
- $M(w)\downarrow$ : always halts
- $M(w)=yes\iff w\in A$ or $A=L(M)={\omega : M\accepts\omega}$
- undeciabability
- take $A_{TM}={<M,\omega> : M\accepts\omega}$
- assume $H(M)={<M,> : M\accepts\text{its encoding}}$ such that $H$ decide $A_{TM}$ (halts)
- construct a decider $D(M)$ : run $H(M)$ and if $H$ accepts, $D$ rejects or if $H$ rejects, $D$ accepts
- run $D(D)$
- $D$ accepts $$ only if $H$ rejects $<D, >$ but that only happen when $D$ rejects $$
- $D$ rejects $$ only if $H$ accepts $<D, >$ but that only happen when $D$ accepts $$
- Turing recognizable language $A$ (semi-recursivelanguage) : if $\exists M$ (a Turing machine) such that
- if $w\in A$, $M(w)=yes$
- if $w\not\in A$, either $M(w)\uparrow$ (loops) or $M(w)=no$
- $L$ and $\overline L$ recognizable $\iff$ $L$ dedicable
- let $M_1$ and $M_2$ recognize $L$ and its complements
- construct a machine $P$ that runs $M_1$ and $M_2$ in parallel
- if $M_1$ accepts, $P$ returns $yes$
- if $M_2$ accepts, $P$ returns $no$
- by definition $P$ decide $L$
- computable function : $f : \Sigma^*\to\Sigma^ *$ if there is a Turing machine which stops on input $w$ with $f(w)$ on its output tape
- Turing reductible $A\le_M B$: a language $A$ is Turing reductible to $B$ if there is a computable function such that $\forall w\in\Sigma^*$ we have $w\in A\iff f(w)\in B$
- worst case complexity : $t(n)$
- Big-O : $f(n)=O(g(n))\iff \exists c,n_0\text{ such that }\forall n\ge n_0; f(n)\le c g(n)$
- time complexity: let $t:\N\to\N$, for a Turing machine $M$ (that halts on all inputs) has worst-case time complexity $O(t(n))$ if $\forall w\in\Sigma^*$ we have $\length{w}=n$
- algorithms
- $A={0^n1^n : n\ge 1 }$
- check $0^*1^ *$, cross one $0$ and one $1$, check crosses : $O(n^2)$
- split 0s ans 1s : $O(n)$
- BFS/DFS : $t(n)=\length{m}\length{n}$
- is there a cycle such that all vertices are present at least once on the cycle
- Eulerian iff degrees of every V is even : $\in P$ (same as counting degree)
- $A={0^n1^n : n\ge 1 }$
- if $t(n)$ is the time for solving on $k$-tapes, single tape implementation is in $O(t(n)\log(t(n)))$
- time complexity $1$-tape : $TIME(t(n))={L : \exists \text{ TM }M\text{ such that }M\text{ decides }L\text{ in }O(t(n))\text{ time}}$
- non-deterministic time complexity : $NTIME(t(n))$ length of longest path of computation trees of NTM
- polynomial time verifier $V(w\in L, c=PATH)$ : can verify proposition or $L\in NP$ if there is a NTM which take $n^k$ time
- Polynomial : $P=\cup_{k\ge 0} TIME(n^k)$
- Non-deterministic Polynomial : $NP={\text{all languages for which there is a polytime verifer}}=\cup_{k\ge 0} NTIME(n^k)$
- NP-Completeness : a language is said to be NP-Complete if $L\in NP$ and $\forall A\in NP;A\le_p L$
- Exponential : $EXPTIME=\cup_{k\ge 0} TIME(2^{n^k})$
- $P\subseteq NP$ but is the inverse true ?
- Cook-Levin theorem : if $SAT\in P \Rightarrow P=NP$
- NP-hardness : if finding a solution for $L$ means $P=NP$
- polytime function : the mapping can be done in polynomial time
- polytime reduction $A\le_P B$ : a language $A$ is polytime reductible to $B$ if there is a computable and polytime function such that $\forall w\in\Sigma^*$ we have $w\in A\iff f(w)\in B$ (completeness & soundness)
- how much tape is used as a fonction of $n$ in the worst case
- space complexity : a language $L$ is accepted by a TM which uses $f(n)$ space on inputs of size $n$ is in $SPACE(f(n))$
- non-deterministic space complexity : a language $L$ is accepted by a NTM which uses $f(n)$ space on inputs of size $n$ is in $NSPACE(f(n))$
- $PSPACE=\cup_{k\ge 0} SPACE(n^k)$
- $NSPACE=\cup_{k\ge 0} NSPACE(n^k)$
- $NP\subseteq PSPACE \subseteq NSPACE$
- all configuration of a TM hold in less that $|\Sigma|^{n^2}\approx 2^{nk}$ : $PSPACE\subseteq EXPTIME$
- Savitch theorem : $PSPACE=NSPACE$ (NTM are powerless)
- relation between space and time complexity
- EULERIANPATH (undirected graph) : is there a cycle such that all vertices are present at least once on the cycle ? Eulerian iff the degrees of every vertex is even
- CLIQUE (undirected graph) : has a clique (complete subgraph) of size $k$
- **3SAT : is there an assignment that satifies $(x_1\vee \overline{x_2}\vee x_3)\wedge\cdots\wedge(x_4\vee x_2\vee \overline{x_3})$ where there is $n$ vars and $m$ clauses
- SAT : 3SAT but without 3-place clauses constrain
- VERTEXCOVER : has a vertex cover (i.e. all edges are reached) of size $k$
- HAMPATH (directed graph) : is there a hamiltonian path (i.e. visit each vertex only once) from $s$ to $t$
- $\overline{HAMPATH}$ : no polytime verfier
- $A={0^n1^n : n\ge 1 }$
- $B={\sigma : \text{# of 0s = # of 1s}}$ : contains $A$ under intersection
- $A={<D, w> : \if D\accepts w}$
- $B={ : L(D)\not=\emptyset}$
- $EQ={<D_1,D_2> : D_1,D_2\text{ are DFAs }\wedge L(D_1)=L(D_2)}$ : check for empty symmetric difference
- $A_{TM}={<M,\omega> : M\accepts\omega}$
- $HALT={<M,w> : M(w)\downarrow }$
- $REG={ : L(M)\text{ is regular}}$
- $\overline{A_{TM}}={<M,\omega> : M\text{ doesn't accept }\omega}\cup{\text{bad encodings}}$