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Fall 2013: Analysis I
- subsets
- sets operations
- vertical line test
- properties
- even(symetric y-axis)/odd(symetric origine)
- increasing/decreasing/monotone(in. or de.)
- even(symetric y-axis)/odd(symetric origine)
- important functions
- constant/linear
- polynomial
- power
- rational
- exponential/logarithm
- trigonometric : sin, cos, tan, csc, sec, cot
- constant/linear
- linear transformation of functions
- strech vertically :
- reflect about y-axis :
- shift vertically
- shrink horizontally
- reflect about x-axis
- shift horizontally
- reflect about y-axis :
- strech vertically :
- inverse function
- one-to-one : never takes twice the same value
- onto : every vale in the codomain is hit at least once
- bijective : both
- piecewise defined function
- composite function
- some identities
- convergence
- properties
- increasing/decreasing/monotone(in. or de.)
A limit exists iff both sided limits exist.
- limits rules
- squeeze theorem
- bounds
- sequence definition of limits <=> eplison-delta defintion
- infinite limits
- limits laws for functions
Continus if the limit exists at each point.
intermediate value theorem : suppose
continuous on and , let be a number between and , then there exist a such that . -
continuity of an inverse function
- removable discontinuities (one point displaced, sided limits equivalent)
- jump discontinuities (sided limits differ)
- infinite discontinuities (one sided limit does not exist)
- be careful of absolute value when simplification
- simplification does not change the discontinuities
- removable discontinuities (one point displaced, sided limits equivalent)
- vertical
- horizontal
h-asy at , v-asy at , x-intercept at - slope of the obl-asy
- vertical
tagent line
differentiable : differentiale except if there is a corner, a discontinuity or a vertical tangent.
rules of differentiation
- chain rule
derivative of inverse function :
ou . -
extreme value theorem : if
continuous on , then attains an absolute maximum and an absolute minimum on some number in that interval. -
Bolzano-Weierstress theorem : every bounded sequence has a convergent subsequence.
Fermat's theorem : if
has a local extremum at and exists, then . -
critical numbers/points : a critcal number of a function
is a number in the domain of such that either or does not exist. Can also be a vertical tangent but it has to be defined in the domain. -
local maximum/minimum near a point
absolute/global maximum/minimum
closed interval method : find the values of
at the critical numbers on and at the endpoints of the interval, then the largest is the maximum and vice versa. -
Rolle's theorem : if
continuous on and differentiable on and , then there is a number in such that . -
mean value theorem : if
continuous on and differentiable on , then there is a number in such that . -
function increasing/decreasing
1st derivative test :
- if
changes from postive to negative at , it is a local maximum - if
changes from negative to positive at , it is a local maximum - if
does not change sign at , nothing - if
and , then is the absolute maximum - if
and , then is the absolute minimum
- if
- if
function bendings (inflexion points)
concavity test :
- if
, the function is concave upward on I :) - if
, the function is concave downward on I :(
- if
- if
Cauchy's mean value theorem : let
,$g$ be continuous on and differentiable in , then . -
De l'Hospital's rule : suppose
and are differentiable and on an open interval that contains . If the limit and the limit go both to or as , then .
arithmetic series : converge to
geometric series : converge to
if -
Riemann series :
converges if -
laws of sequences
sequences and series : if the series
is convergent, then . -
find the terms :
where is the one before . -
convergences tests
- divergence test : if
does not exist or is not equal to , then the series is divergent. - limit test : (both positive) if
where is a finite number bigger than , then either both converge or diverge.
- limit test : (both positive) if
- comparison test
- alternating series test : if for all postive the next is smaller than the previous one and
, then the series converge.
- alternating series test : if for all postive the next is smaller than the previous one and
- ratio test :
gives less than , it is convergent, divergent if bigger than , else inconclusive. - root test :
, same conclusion as ratio test. - integral test : for continuous, positive, deacreasing function on
, the series is convergent iff is convergent.
- root test :
- divergence test : if
alternating series
absolute convergence (conditionnaly) : a series
is called absolutely convergent if converges, it is conditionnaly convergent. -
power series :
is called centered at . - radius of convergence : series could converge only when
, for all or for a positive number such that the series converges if . Apply ratio test to find it. - infinite many times differentiable
- derivative/integration
- radius of convergence : series could converge only when
Taylor series (called Mclaurin series if centered at
) : -
analyctic functions
- Riemann sum :
- rules of integration
- fundamental theorem of calculus :
is continuous on then the function is continuous, differentiable and definded by and . if in continous on , then .