A lidar configuration is stored in a directory named lidarconfig-name which lives in the same directory-level as lidartool and lidaradmin.
This directory lidarconfig-name contains the config subdirectory name, which stores several automatically generated files and additional files like the floor plan images used in the Web UI.
To create a new lidar configuration directory lidar/lidarconfig-myconf
with default files:
cd lidar/lidarconfig
./editConfig.sh create myconf
Change to the newly created configuration directory:
cd ../lidarconfig-myconf
To create a new lidar configuration directory lidar/lidarconfig-myconf
and initialize it with one of the samples use editConfig.sh
with option create path_to_sample/conf.
For example: to check out the OSC sample, type:
cd lidar/lidarconfig
./editConfig.sh create samples/osc
Change to the newly created configuration directory:
cd ../lidarconfig-osc
See samples/README for details.
./StartServer.sh +v
In a web browser, open page http://localhost:8080
./StartAdmin.sh +v
In a web browser, open page http://localhost:8000
The Lidar Admin Server can be manually stopped by:
The Lidar Server is usually started and stopped out of the web interface of the Lidar Admin Server. In case it has to be manually started (e.g. at boot time) or stopped, you can:
The file config.txt
contains several settings as variable definitions.
You can use a guided edit of the config.txt
file in your config directory:
See CONFIG for details.
This file is also copied to the client nodes, which use the server address for registering. You have to set the server
address on which the admin server runs before copying.
Put your observer definitions in a text file observer.txt
in the configuration directory. The script StartServer.sh
sources the files observer.txt
and conf/observer.txt
if they exist.
If you want to use a Floor Plan in the background of the Web UI, you need a pixel image of the floor plan as PNG image. A second floor plan image is used to simulate sensors during the planning phase.
See BLUEPRINTS for more information.
Client nodes virtualize physical sensors in order to place them in a larger space. The Lidar Admin communicates with these client nodes during setup. The nodes (virtual sensors) which the system should manage, are defined in the sensorDB.txt.
The file sensorDB.txt
interfaces between physical or simulated client nodes and their appearance in the lidar system. Client nodes are identified by their MAC address.
Each node is defined by a single text line in sensorDB.txt
. Node names are combinations of field values in the text line:
Group Name | Lidar Model | Nr in Group | Port Offset | enabled (+/-) | Mac Address |
intr | ld | 01 | 001 | + | b8:27:eb:55:df:59 |
A sensor entry could look like that:
intr ld 01 001 + b8:27:eb:55:df:59
The node name is constructed as $GroupName_$LidarModel$NrInGroup
. The entry above would result in the node name intr_ld01 and would use UDP port (40)001 (while 40 is defined as portBase in config.txt
If a client node with MAC address b8:27:eb:55:df:59 registers to Lidar Admin, the port number and lidar device type to use is returned.
Available Sensor Types (defined in modelMap.txt
Lidar Model | Device Type |
ld | ld06, ld19 |
st | st27 |
ms | ms200 |
tg | tg50, tg30, tg15 |
tm | tmini |
g4 | g4 |
a1 | a1m8 |
a3 | a3m1 |
Use +
or -
to enable or disable nodes, e.g. if their MAC addresses are not known yet or if they should not be used by the system.
Once you have changed the file sensorDB.txt
, you have to update the database.
When thesensorDB.txt
is modified, the button Apply Config in the LidarAdmin UI changes color to red. You can update all fies and restart the server by pressing this button.
In case you want to do it manually, the command manageSensors.sh
creates and updates all files related to the enabled nodes (groups.json, nikNames.json or nikNamesSimulationMode.json):
For updating Simulation Mode related files:
./manageSensors.sh +s update
For updating Physical Nodes related files:
./manageSensors.sh update
In order for lidarAdmin to manage the client nodes, it must have permissions to remote login via ssh.
You can either store the password of the remote clients in the config directory in the file sshPasswd.txt
or log into to the server and copy its ssh id with:
ssh-copy-id user@client.example.com
See lidarnode how to set up a client node.
The configuration directory contains application-specific files:
config.txt contains configuration parameter. See CONFIG for details. Please edit if needed.
StartServer.sh script for starting the Lidar Server. Please edit if needed.
LidarRunMode.txt contains the current run mode (simulation, setup, production). Modified by Lidar Admin. Do not edit.
nodeDB.txt contains information about physical nodes. Automatically generated. Do not edit.
modelMap.txt contains the mapping of Lidar Model shortcuts to device types. Please edit if needed.
The configuration subdirectory name contains application specific files:
blueprints.json references the floor plan image for simulation and production mode and an image with colored layers of the floor plan. See BLUEPRINTS for more information. Modified by editConfig.sh. Please edit if needed.
groups.json contains sensor grouping information. Automatically generated. Do not edit.
nikNames.json and nikNamesSimulationMode.json contain sensor name alias information. Automatically generated. Do not edit.
observer.txt contains observer definitions as bash commands, it is sourced on startup if it exists
observer.json contains observer definitions in json format, it is used on startup if it exists
error.log logs error messages
run.log logs starting/stopping of Lidar Server and starting/stopping of sensors
For each sensor the following files are created in the configuration subdirectory name:
LidarEnv_devicenikname.txt, the measured ambient physical environment. Automatically generated when saving an environment scan. Do not edit
LidarEnv_devicenikname_Simulation.txt, the ambient environment in simulation mode. Automatically generated when saving an environment scan in simulation mode. Do not edit
LidarMatrix_devicenikname.txt, translation and rotation of sensor in space. Automatically generated when saving the registration. Do not edit
The file nodeDB.txt
stores information of physical nodes. It is automatically managed by lidarAdmin
. Do not change it by hand.
When nodes register with MAC and IP addresses, they get their UDP port offset and lidar type as return values.
MAC | IP | Current Port Offset | Login User | Pi Model |
b8:27:eb:56:c5:f6 | | 013 | rock | RockPiS |