- If you find our work, TransInit, or the code useful, please cite it below.
@article{xu2020transinit, title={Refining Semantic Segmentation with Superpixel by Transparent Initialization and Sparse Encoder}, author={Zhiwei Xu, Thalaiyasingam Ajanthan, and Richard Hartley}, journal={arXiv:2010.04363}, year={2020} }
One should have at least 4 GPUs with each 11 GB (batch size is 16 for reproducing the baseline) for jointly fine-tuning both semanic segmentation (ReNet152 used in our work) and superpixel FCN. For validation, 1 GPU with 11 GB would be sufficient.
# For the main dependencies
conda create -n TransInit python=3.7.1
source activate TransInit
conda install pytorch=1.2.0 torchvision=0.4.0 cudatoolkit -c pytorch
# For other dependencies, one should install according to the virtual environment.
# We provide the versions used in ours.
# Alternative
bilateralfilter=0.1 (one needs to build this according to the guidance in RLoss for semantic segmentation with ResNet backbone)
The two core features of this work are transparant initialization for an identical mapping and sparse encoder for an index transition between superpixels and pixels.
The transparent initialization module is in "joint_learning/trans_init.py" with a simple demo in "unittest/test_trans_init.py" while the sparse encoder module applied to superpixel FCN network is distributed in "joint_learning/spnet.py".
For dataset, in this ablation study, we used PASCAL VOC combined with Berkeley benchmark for training and validation. Please download Berkeley benchmark and PASCAL VOC 2012 using the scripts from "./data/" and put the merged dataset in "./datasets/PASCAL". It should contain folders such as "ImageSets", "JPEGImages", "SegmentationClassAug", etc. Here, we provide the validation set list for convenience, see "datasets/PASCAL/val.txt".
For pretrained models, we provide the one for PASCAL VOC validation as a demo. One can refer to the usage of transparent initialization and sparse encoder modules in this demo for other tasks. Please download it to "pretrained" and set the corresponding path in "train.sh" and "evaluation.sh".
For training, run the following script, one will find a bash script in "checkpoints/scripts/pascal"
For validation, run the following script with a bash script in "checkpoints/scripts/pascal/eval"
In this repository, the main deep learning backbone for semantic segmentation is ResNet-serial on PASCAL VOC, as an ablation study in our work, see "third_party/rloss". One can find its original code from RLoss. If you use "third_party/rloss" in your work, please cite the paper.
For superpixel network, we used superpixel FCN. If you use "third_party/sp_fcn" in your work, please cite the paper.
If you have any questions, please contact zhiwei.xu@anu.edu.au.