Test Account
User Name: testuser1
Password: testpassword1
This project allows users to create and manage podcast shows and episodes. When a user creates a show, they are provided with a form that asks for all the necessary information to form a podcasts that will be considered valid for different podcast feeds. Users can upload image files for show and episode thumbnails and audio files to create new episodes. These files are stored in an AWS S3 bucket. Files are automatically deleted if a user decides to delete a show or change the thumbnail of a show or the audio of an episode.
The real benefit of this platform is the ability to dynamically generate an RSS feed for your show that can be added to podcast indexers and listening apps. The feed is generated in accordance to iTunes recommended standards and has a few other tags that other podcast indexers require.
Download through for the shows and visits through social media associated for the shows are routed through the backend, allowing for the collection of download metrics. Each user has a metrics dashboard where they can find statistics about download count, audience traffic, and peak download times.
I've also written many test cases for models and forms to catch issues early and implemented some basic security measures around user uploads.
- Refactor models to be 'fatter' and views to be 'thinner'
- Test cases for views and urls
- Stripe Integration
- Research best practices for security
- AWS policies
- Django security practices
- Heroku hosting security practices
- Clean up some inconsistent naming patterns
- Condense some of the apps? (does content and metrics_dashboard need to be separate?)
This app contains the logic around logging in, registering users, and automatically generating a profile model.
This app handles pulling the content from the aws
This app is where the logic and models for shows and episodes are kept.
This app displays the metrics for a user's shows and episodes.
This app displays the frontend for a particular show, including all the episodes and webplayer.
This is a placeholder for now. Users can use a side menu navigate a manual that will provide info about how to use the platform.
This is a placeholder for now. Users will be able to read articles about podcasting, including news and tips to grow their shows.
This is a placeholder for stripe integration so that we can monitize this platform.