Udemy fullstack React developer course main project. An E-commerce app with Redux, Hooks, GraphQL, ContextAPI, Stripe and Firebase.
- React Basics
- React Router
- Redux
- Redux Saga
- Asynchronous Redux
- React Hooks
- Context API
- React Suspense + React Lazy
- Firebase
- Stripe API
- Styled-Components
- GraphQL
- Apollo
- PWAs
- React Performance
- React Design Patterns
- Testing with Jest, Enzyme and Snapshot testing
- React Best Practices
- Persistence + Session Storage
- State Normalization
- Frontend development with React
- Navigation between pages with react-router
- Authentication with email and google account with firebase
- State management with Redux
- Session storage + persistence
- Advanced state management
- Advanced routing
- State normalization
- Stripe payments
- Deploying to production
- Styled components
- Advanced redux + firebase
- HOC patterns
- Async Redux
- Container pattern
- Redux saga
- React Hooks
- Strip payments (backend)
- context API
- GraphQL + Apollo
- Mobile support
- React performance
- Firebase security
- Testing
- Webpack + Babel
- Build a GatsbyJS blog