The simplest no bs way to create a merkle-tree based airdrop. This starter kit comes up with the following:
- Latest libs: Foundry, Solidity & OZ 5.0 support
- Upgradability
- Separation of Airdrop contract and Funds
- Not allowed users list
- Pausability
- Timestamp constrained claims
- CSV2Tree Generator and an example proof getter
Save your airdrop data in generator/data/values.csv
, the format can be found in generator/data/example.csv
Run the following command to generate the merkle tree:
cd generator
bun csv2tree.ts
This will export a merkle tree (export/tree.json
) and it's root (export/root.txt
) in the export/
Update the values of the following in the DeployAirdrop.s.sol script:
- Token
- Owner
- Funder
- MerkleRoot (can be found in
) - Start Time
- End Time
Once you have changed the placeholders, run the following command:
forge script script/DeployAirdrop.s.sol --broadcast --rpc-url $RPC_URL --private-key $PK --optimizer-runs 999
You should pass the RPC URL of the chain you want to deploy to and your private key as environment variables. Note: For production deployments ideally use a keystore instead of passing the private key directly.
You can use the getProof.ts
script in the generator
folder to get the merkle proof for a given address.
cd generator
bun getProof.ts # feel free to edit the file and change the address
forge test