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Zephyr scripts to index Soroswap.Finance AMM (Pairs, Factory, Router) Smart Contracts


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Zephyr Programs for Soroswap.Finance AMM and Soroswap Aggregator

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Setup Environment

0.- Get Your Mercury JWT Tokens. For this repo youll need 3 accounts and 6 tokens, as each account can manage only one program per network. So you will create 1 account for soroswap, 1 account for phoenix and 1 account for aqua. Then, in Dashboard click on "Get Access Token" to get yout JWT token. Make sure to change from Mainnet to Testnet (Menu in the left) in order to get your token for the correct network

1.- Clone this Repo git clone

cd zephyr-programs

2.- Fill with 4 Mercury JWT Tokens.

This is because we are going to use 2 enviroments (development and production) for 2 networks (testnet and mainnet) cp .env.example .env

3.- Build the Docker Image [NEED TO DO IT ONLY ONCE or every time you do changes in the Dockerfile] docker compose build

3.- Run the Docker Container Be sure to do this after setting your .env, if you do some changes into your .env, you`ll need to re do this again

docker compose up -d

4.- Enter to the Docker Terminal

bash scripts/

5.- Install node dependencies yarn install

Check that the contract addresses you want to index are correctly defined



Update the contract addresses

Contract addresses can be brought from different repos like

In order to update your local contract addresses file do

bash scripts/

Deploy & Catchup:

First we will show you a way to deploy and catchup zephyr programs one by one. If you want to do them all at once (caution, you might overwrite existing tables), jump to next section

1.- Deploy your Zephyr Program

We have prepared a bash that will compile the Zephyr Programs using the addresses defined in public/[NETWORK].contracts.json depending on the network and the protocol. You just need to do


Where PROTOCOL in {soroswap, phoenix, aqua}, NETWORK in {mainnet, testnet}, ENVIRONMENT in {dev, prod} and FORCE in {force, empty}

For example, for Soroswap.Finance on Mainnet and in Production youll do

bash scripts/ soroswap mainnet prod

This will deploy the Zephyr Tables.

If ENVIRONMENT=prod, tables will be written in public/mainnet.zephyr-tables.json public/testnet.zephyr-tables.json

If ENVIRONMENT=dev, tables will be written in .dev.tables/mainnet.zephyr-tables.json .dev.tables/testnet.zephyr-tables.json

Where .dev.tables is a git ignored folder used just for development and testing purposes.

Force Redeployment:

⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ If you want to force the redeployment of the program, maning to erase all the previous tables, you can do

bash scripts/ soroswap mainnet prod force

⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️

NOTE! This will overwrite any table you have with the same name in the same network and environment!

2.- Do Catchup of Factory/Routers Smart Contracts in order to get All Pairs

Currently this will work only for Soroswap First we need to be updated with all Pairs

In one tab run

bash scripts/ mainnet [ENVIROMNET]

In other tab run

bash scripts/ testnet [ENVIROMNET]

These scripts will start catchups and monitor their status. Also, they will populate /workspace/.mainnet.catchup_number and /workspace/.testnet.catchup_number files so you can also monitor their status with

bash scripts/ mainnet

In other tab run

bash scripts/ testnet

When catchups are ready, these scripts will output something like this:

Using testnet
Checking catchup status for catchup 22...
Catchup 22 is completed!

3.- Generate Catchup Scripts for every Pair Contract

Now that our SoroswapFactory has been catched up, our ssw_pairs table is up to date so we can get all pairs and generate a script to catch up all pairs contracts!

yarn pairs:catchups:generate mainnet
yarn pairs:catchups:generate testnet

If you wanna generate these catchupts for your local development tables in .dev.tables, do:

yarn pairs:catchups:generate:dev mainnet
yarn pairs:catchups:generate:dev testnet

This will generate the files /workspace/scripts/ and /workspace/scripts/

4.- Run those Catchup Scripts

Then you can finish with

bash scripts/
bash scripts/

This will generate a BUNCH of catchup orders that will be stored in /workspace/.testnet.catchups_numbers and /workspace/.mainnet.catchups_numbers. The script, after generating th catchup orders it will check if they are ready.

If you want to check if they are ready later you can do:

bash scripts/ testnet


bash scripts/ mainnet

Check that everything is working properly

You can run tests agains your local development deployed tables that are in .dev.tables or those deployed for production in public

For production tables in public run

yarn test

For local development tables in .dev.tables run

yarn test:dev

Fast Way

1.- Deploy ALL Zephyr Programs in both Mainnet and Testnet at once

bash scripts/

This will populate the public/mainnet.zephyr-tables.json and the public/testnet.zephyr-tables.json files


Slower way: Deploy Zephyr Programs one by one

Catch Ups

Some Zephyr Programs gets "invoked" for every specific event that is emitted on the contract, like with the new_pair event in the SoroswapFactory contract, an other Zephyr Programs will just need to get an specific Ledger Entry to get all the necesary information (for example, for Phoenix).

In the case of the "event" based Zephyr Programs, we will need to ask the ZephyrVM to do catch ups for past events. Learn more about this here, here and here

We need to do catch ups for:

  • SoroswapFactory Contract new_pair event
  • SoroswapPair Contract sync event
  • SoroswapRouter remove, add and swap events
  • Aqua Router deposit, swap, withdraw and add_pool events

Because we can only catch upts SoroswapPairs contract after knowing what pairs do we have we will do this in 2 steps:

1.- Catch ups SoroswapFactory, SoroswapRouter and AquaRouter

bash scripts/ <network>

This will

  • subscribe to the contracts
  • start catchup
  • write the catchup id into [network].catchup_number
  • wait until the catchup is ready.

2.- Catch up all the pairs Once the previous process is ready, now youll need to catchup all the events in every pair contract. Because we have already catched up all the new_pair events, our Pair Table will be up to date.

Deploy a Zephyr Program MANUAL/HARD WAY

1.- Enter to the program folder

cd phoenix

2.- Verify tests are running ok. Zephyr programs need that you define both the CONTRACT ADDRESS of the contract that you will be indexing and the network. The contract address you will be indexing is defined in the PHOENIX_FACTORY environmental variable.

Be aware that the required enviornmental variables and their names will depend on the protocol!!!!


3.- Deploy the zephyr program When deploying, besides defininf the PHOENIX_FACTORY env variable youll need to define the network with the the --mainnet flag. --mainnet true means Mainnet, and --mainnet false means testnet

For Mainnet youll do

PHOENIX_FACTORY=CB4SVAWJA6TSRNOJZ7W2AWFW46D5VR4ZMFZKDIKXEINZCZEGZCJZCKMI mercury-cli --jwt $JWT_phoenix_mainnet --local false --mainnet true deploy

For Testnet youll do

PHOENIX_FACTORY=CB4SVAWJA6TSRNOJZ7W2AWFW46D5VR4ZMFZKDIKXEINZCZEGZCJZCKMI mercury-cli --jwt $JWT_phoenix_testnet --local false --mainnet false deploy

This will build the program into ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/[YOUR_PROGRAM].wasm and it will deploy it into the Zephyr VM.

The outout will be something like this

Parsing project configuration ...
Building binary ...
Deploying tables ...
[+] Table "zephyr_af0e4a6a909cc9ea0185197f8cfefac3" created successfully
Registering indexes (if any) ...
Registering dashboard (if any) ...
Deploying wasm ...
Reading wasm ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/zephyr_phoenix.wasm
(Size of program is 318015)
[+] Deployed was successful!
Successfully deployed Zephyr program.

Where zephyr_af0e4a6a909cc9ea0185197f8cfefac3 is the address of your program.

4.- Check your program in In Dashboard > Manage Program Or Start Streaming the logs and check that the Program is INdexing the correct contract address be aware to use a different JWT token for every program TODO: Complete readme and enviroment to work with multiple zephyr programs, create a JWT for each program, automate scripts


To run the tests, you can do

  yarn test #yarn test:w if you want to watch the tests


Zephyr scripts to index Soroswap.Finance AMM (Pairs, Factory, Router) Smart Contracts







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  • TypeScript 54.0%
  • Rust 26.3%
  • Shell 19.3%
  • Other 0.4%