A list of information that we recommend all 10 Academy trainees to be familiar with, before starting intensive training.
- Data Structure (list, tuples, Dictionary etc)
- Function (User Define Functions, inbuilt functions etc)
- Strings (Manipulations, string methods etc)
- Program flow (control flow, if-else, while loop etc)
- SELECT statement
- LIMIT clause
- WHERE Clause
- Linear Algebra
- Differential Equation
- Calculus
- Probability
Note that you don't have to be a master at any of the listed pre-requisite, you just need a working idea and open mind to learn more and improve
- Understanding Software Development Process
- Key to Understanding Software Development
- indeed Definition of Software Development
- Don't know about Git and Github check this out
- Beginner's Guide to github from Freecode Camp
- Setting Up your Environment using any OS platform (windows, MAC, ubuntu etc) Click here to set up your Jupyter notebook
- Learn the nitty-gritty about Jupyter Notebooks here. Improve your understanding of the usage of Jupyter notebook using this article