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Category CRUD Rest Service

Tyler Jacobs edited this page Mar 10, 2017 · 7 revisions

#Category Rest Service

##Getting All Categories

endpoint: "category"
When used without any parameters and as a GET method, it returns all the Category objects from the database.

##Creating a New Category

endpoint: "category"
We can also send a single Category JSON object to the endpoint to create a new category. The fields are:
categoryId: Must be set null and will be filled by database using the sequence.
categoryName: The name of the new category.

Example: Inserting a new category "Python"
categoryId : null,
categoryName : "Python"

##Deleting a Category

endpoint: "category/{name}"

  • name is the exact name of the category you wish to delete from the database.
    The deleted category can no longer be used when creating assessments.

Example: Deleting the category "Python"


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